So... it was ok.
I felt like I had seen it all before, which is odd as I don't watch many shows or movies of this type. But it felt like a standard asian death series or hunger games. Meet a bunch of people early on, and know that most of them aren't gonna make it to the end. Not a single death in the show surprised me.
I called the cop's brother and his eventual fate on I think episode 3? The best episodes were 1, 2, and 6. As much as I loved the marbles game, did it bother anyone else that there were no deaths in that episode that Were actually shocking? Had Ali made it out, I would have been surprised, had the thug died, I would have been surprised, or had the other girl died instead of best girl, I would have been surprised too. But it was all extremely basic as far as the plot was concerned.
It's even more of a shame too, because especially with how the show ended, you COULD have mixed things up in the middle and it wouldn't have made much of a difference. Even with all of that, I was pretty invested up till episode where the entire show just took a giant nosedive into inanity.
The VIPs were laughable, the dialog with them was worse than a Tommy Wiseau joint. The glass bridge was just a bad game in general. Up until then, there was a good chance that at least some people would survive each game to the end, if not a guarantee. But this one? 20 something steps at 50% death rate, and only 16 people? I doubt the VIPs wanted to miss the final game, and no one should have made it past the bridge. Which would be fine, if the idea was that no one can win, but every single year there has been a winner, so they expect one. Add the BS way they got the girl out of the picture, and the Chekov's gun of the explosives still hanging on the wall... and I was just not feeling it by the end. Then the final episode which was unbearably long, shows that Ga is just a piece of shit, and learned nothing. Hunt down the organization AFTER you make sure your daughter is set for life you trashfire.