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Anyone feel like their past is dull and uneventful, with no stories to tell, etc?

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I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
This has been bothering me more and more lately. Especially after last night...I hung out with my friend into the wee hours of the morning, and while I always knew she had a really interesting and exciting past with cool stories to tell, I had no idea about the extent of it. Some of the shit she's done and people she's hung out with (especially no her travels) makes me fucking jealous. When she tells me about her "wild years" (about 13 to 18-19, she's almost 22 and I'm almost 24), it makes my life seem so excruciatingly boring and uneventful. I used to sometimes wonder why she'd even want to hang around someone like me after she got to know me. Sometimes it almost hurts to think about how empty my past is, the kinds of experiences I could have had, and worst of all, that I have no stories to tell. I mean really...I don't have one interesting story from my life to tell, and I'm pretty much in my mid 20s and am at a point where I'm expected to resign myself to the 9-5 life.

Anyone else feel this way about their past, and feel like it's sometimes hard to feel good about themselves when hearing about someone else's interesting and exciting life? How do you cope with this? It really is a frustrating feeling.


To an extent, yes... I mean I stayed home playing videogames every weekend until I was like 19. The recent past has a ton of stories since I wanted to get out and experience shit.

Just do what I do, steal stories or make them up for your youth. I stole worldrunover's friend's 'pop-tart' story. :lol
Yeah, sometimes I feel like that. It doesn't really bother me though, I'm not out to impress people. Just live my life, one day at a time with the goal of making it better (as in, to fullfill me goals, that may or may not be exciting in the general sense). Just because I don't have stories like, "DUDE this one time I had an threesome with these two fine chicks" isn't going to make me feel any less happy.

Seriously, I can understand wanting to impress friends once in a while with some crazy story. But I know of people where their whole life revolves around impressing people. Getting into stupid situations for the sole reason of being able to tell an interesting story in the future. If that's what constitues being "interesting", I'll choose being a boring guy.
Yes, it's kind of depressing, at 16, that when someone asks you what you do for fun, you just respond "computer..."

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I don't actually. a lot of people embelish stories of their past as well. If you are worried about it, why don't you try doing something now, like move to another country, that's what I'm doing. There is your interesting story in 4 years time.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
are you actually bummed that you don't have any exciting storys to tell people, or that you have never done anything exciting? 1 can be remedied by becomming a liar, both can be fixed by putting yourself outside your comfort zone and doing something interesting. Vactations and Tours etc will pretty much give you some good stories. Go backpacking.


Banstick Emeritus
Catfish nailed it. Travel as much as you can - and that doesn't necessarily mean leaving the country. Even heading to local places that you normally wouldn't go can result in some interesting experiences. Get out of your comfort zone!

Alternatively, you could work in a psych ward for a few years and collect enough fucked-up stories to retire on. :)

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
My life has been so interesting that I could probably make a movie about it and have it become the highest grossing picture of all time. It's actually something that people have told me to do (or at least writing a book), and something I might consider in a few years depending on how thing play out.


Wellington said:
I stayed home playing videogames every weekend until I was like 19.

This was me from 12 until 16. Also add books to that. Then I decided to get drunk, high, hang out with friends, prank people, and do crazy shit that the former goody goody me would have never considered.

And even when I was a shut in, I still had good stories to tell. I bet you have quite a few interesting experiences that you don't consider good stories, Demon, yet actually are.
Not at all. I think about how I used to be and realize that past me would think present me is awesome. I'm well on track to being exactly what I wanted to be and doing exactly what I wanted to do. No regrets so far.


Ive had my fair share of messed up stuff happen, good and bad. And youd be surprised just how much a random person has been through. Alot of times the best stories go untold because they take so much out of the person telling them.
Eight words:

Spend one week in Singapore order a Soapy.

Instant non-dull life. Singapore is really inexpensive to have a good time.


acoustix said:
Alot of times the best stories go untold because they take so much out of the person telling them.

Very true. Most of my best stories will never be told because of that. But I, and the people who experienced them with me, know, and that's ok with me.

I'm almost the opposite of the thread starter. I've tried so many things I wouldn't know where to start. Doesn't mean the stories get told, or that there'd even be an interested audience for them, so don't do things to get stories to tell, do things to live.

P.S. I think I can guess the soapy, but do tell!


I've pretty much realised this in the past year or so through the people I've come know now, but still, I'll be turning 20 in June, which is still young enough to do something about it, so yeah, I'm making 20 "the year of change". To be fair, I was so shy and insecure when I was younger, I probably couldn't have done much anyway, I've lived more since I came to University than I ever did in my early teens.


Honorary Canadian.
i have the opposite. my life has been cool as shit until recently and now i'm boring.

and i'm only 21. rut-rohhh...
bishoptl said:
Get out of your comfort zone!
I'll second this suggestion. Do something that makes you a little uncomfortable. The most interesting stories are when things don't go as you had planned, and putting yourself in unfamiliar territory is the best way to invite the unexpected. For me, this was living abroad; being away from home forced me to do and try tons of things I never would have done otherwise. At the time, I hated most of the stuff my friends would drag me to do, but I just accepted that I would be unfomfortable and made the best of it. It was a great decision. Not only did I get some great stories out of it, but it helped round me out as a person as well.

Always be willing to try something new! And put yourself in situations where that will happen.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
maybe there's more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I'll post an example of what I mean about the comfort zone thing. I was single for about 6 months (and assumed for the rest of my life) and then I met this real hot german girl at a party, got drunk off my ass and talked her ear off, danced with her a lot, then everything went fuzzy and I think I may have got ditched.

The next day I really had her on the brain, and while I would normally just brag to my friends about that "hot girl I seemed to be doing okay with" then mark it down as another near miss, I went nuts for her number, took her out a couple of times, now shes my girl and I'm moving to Amsterdam with her, from NZ, which is about as far away as you can get from home before you start coming back.

The way I see it, it could either be a complete disaster where I have to work the red light district for some dinner or the best thing ever, either way it's going to be a good story to tell the GAF :lol
My life has been boring up until the last year. I posted my N64 experience in the thread about shitty N64 games. That was my life from 6th to beginning of 9th grade. Before that was going through advanced classes, being alienated because there were no other guys there. Now it would have kicked ass but when I was 10, you don't think about that shit.
A) I've got tons of interesting stories... if IRC logs, GAF happenings, and dreams count.

B) Writing things down helps a lot. Ask me to just remember an interesting happening from 2 years ago and I'd probably draw a big blank, but if I scrolled through my LJ I'm sure it would kick up something fun.

*looks back for fun story* OK, so they're still pretty lame. But if I ever meet a woman who's as entertained as I am about how Nintendo geeks were watching Lou Dobbs' Moneyline to catch a glimpse of Super Mario Sunshine, I'll have found a match.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
bishoptl said:
Get out of your comfort zone!
Yeah I know, this is what I need to do. Sometimes I feel like I just don't know how, though, and wouldn't know what to do. I just wish I had realized I need to do this (as well as tell my mom to fuck off and stop trying to ru(i)n my life) years ago. Then I wouldn't be in this predicament.

As for the traveling idea, that would probably be a really good idea, although for some reason I have this feeling that I wouldn't be able to make good use of it or something, like I'd be out of my element. I'd like to be able to ease myself out of my comfort zone a little more gradually than getting up and moving to Japan or whatever, but I feel like my youth is just slipping away. And I don't mean that "at least you're not middle-aged yet" youth; I mean the "still in school, pre-time to buckle down and work your ass off" youth, which I totally missed out on.

And no, it's not just the fact that I don't have stories to tell people that bothers me (although it does often make me feel like I have little to talk about with people). I just don't like the feeling that I haven't experienced anything in life (you have no idea) and that it shows when you're talking to me or really getting to know me. And it's like there are so many areas of my life I want to make up for and catch up on, but there's no way I have the time nor the means to now.

Jared Goodwin said:
This is caused by not having enough calcium in your diet.

I suggest drinking more milk.
Funnily enough, I cut milk entirely out of my diet around the time I decided to start changing my life and to pull myself out of the psychological rut I was in. In fact, I think I'll blame my problems on milk. Sue the dairy industry....that's what I'll do.

A) I've got tons of interesting stories... if IRC logs, GAF happenings, and dreams count.
Haha, shit...that's how I feel. :lol

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I'd like to be able to ease myself out of my comfort zone a little more gradually

This is not how getting out of your comfort zone works! "I'm a little uncomfortable, but still quite comfortable" All or nothing man, take a gamble! Either that or stay comfortable forever and watch the world fly by outside your window.

J2 Cool

Yeah, the worst sentence is "well, tell me about yourself". I got no cool stories I keep fresh in my mind to tell for entertainment. I have stories, and sometimes they're damn funny, but they're recent and pointless. Kinda like a Seinfeld episode and I only tell them when I am sparked to. Otherwise they sound ridiculous.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
catfish said:
This is not how getting out of your comfort zone works! "I'm a little uncomfortable, but still quite comfortable" All or nothing man, take a gamble! Either that or stay comfortable forever and watch the world fly by outside your window.
I'm not talking about shit like taking a year to getting used to saying hi to people and whatnot (not that I need to); I'm just saying there's a ton of lesser stuff than traveling the world that I haven't experienced. Shit, I've never even been to a house party or gotten physically intimate with a girl or been on a road trip or whatever. People travel to experience other cultures and meet people from other cultures, but I feel like I haven't even experienced this culture, and that if I were to immerse myself in one that I'm totally unfamiliar with I'd just be in over my head. But fuck, I dunno. (haha I said but fuck)
I'm not talking about shit like taking a year to getting used to saying hi to people and whatnot (not that I need to); I'm just saying there's a ton of lesser stuff than traveling the world that I haven't experienced. Shit, I've never even been to a house party or gotten physically intimate with a girl or been on a road trip or whatever. People travel to experience other cultures and meet people from other cultures, but I feel like I haven't even experienced this culture, and that if I were to immerse myself in one that I'm totally unfamiliar with I'd just be in over my head. But fuck, I dunno. (haha I said but fuck)
You have any batshit crazy friends who'd be up for a roadtrip? Seriously. Spend more time with the nuts you know. Let them become bad influences. Do stupid shit. Take up smoking. Get weed. Skinny dip. Get in some damn trouble.

Don't compromise your integrity, but expand this idea you have of yourself. It sounds like you don't know yourself too well because you've been afraid to find out. So, uh, fucking dig deep. Tear apart any previously held notion of what you're capable of. Blow up this tepid introvert and find out what's been hiding all these years...

Then you'll have fabulous stories to gab about with your new blonde fuck buddy and recently-aquired snowboarding friends. Then you can challenge them to a game of Halo and feel fucking amazing when you smoke their asses.

*Noel Coward Parody
But if I ever meet a woman who's as entertained as I am about how Nintendo geeks were watching Lou Dobbs' Moneyline to catch a glimpse of Super Mario Sunshine, I'll have found a match.

I was one of those geeks. The game sucks, wasn't worth the sleep deprivation to catch it.


I sort of feel the same as you, though certainly not to the same extent, demon. At least, I understand where you're coming from, but I am younger, and have made a few efforts to correct this attitude, with limited success.

That was part of the reason behind my trip to the Dominican Republic last year. But quite frankly, in some ways, I feel as if I didn't take full advantage of the trip. I didn't stop being my typical self just because I was in a different country. I mean, when I posted about the trip, the first thing everyone on here asks is did I hook up with anyone. And my answer was: It's me, of course I didn't.

And this year, I went out with my dorm-mates to nightclubs about 8 times or so. And I mostly hated it.

Parties? I never know about any parties.

I haven't really seen any upside in my few attempts at "getting outside my comfort zone" thus far.


fuckkk no... i CANT WAIT till my friends have some grown up children, cuz i got some stories to tell.. lmao

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Boogie said:
I haven't really seen any upside in my few attempts at "getting outside my comfort zone" thus far.

Wasn't that you in a ninja tournament or some shit? You must have an enourmous comfort zone.


demon said:

You know, you don't sound like that bad of a guy. There are two ways you can see your situation with you being unhappy with who you are. You can either change who you are, or you can change teh being unhappy. Rather than trying to be happy as someone else, why not try and be happy with who you are?


"There comes a time when you look into the mirror and realize that what you see is all that you will ever be. Then you accept it, or you kill yourself. Or you stop looking into mirrors"

Morbid Babylon 5 quote of the day.


Drunky McMurder
I feel much the same way often. I'm just never motivated to do anything. Plus, I can't stand the average college student, so I rarely make attempts to find the few I can enjoy time with.

The few friends I have are graduating next week, and because I'm an underacheiving asshole, I'm here for another year. Either I get off my ass and do something or I'm in for a more steep decline in the enjoyment I get out of life.

I know this much. I've either got to stop being such a stagnant bastard or stop reading your posts, because I really feel like I'm reading messages from myself three years into the future. If only I ever had any motivation to give a damn and do anything about it.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
mrkgoo said:
Rather than trying to be happy as someone else, why not try and be happy with who you are?
I'm not quite sure what you mean by that. Are you saying I should accept my current way of life and try to be happy with it? Because that is simply impossible, and it will never happen. If I had that mentality the past couple years, I wouldn't even have any friends now (let alone a really close friendship) and would probably be puttering around while living at my mom's house.
demon said:

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