This has been bothering me more and more lately. Especially after last night...I hung out with my friend into the wee hours of the morning, and while I always knew she had a really interesting and exciting past with cool stories to tell, I had no idea about the extent of it. Some of the shit she's done and people she's hung out with (especially no her travels) makes me fucking jealous. When she tells me about her "wild years" (about 13 to 18-19, she's almost 22 and I'm almost 24), it makes my life seem so excruciatingly boring and uneventful. I used to sometimes wonder why she'd even want to hang around someone like me after she got to know me. Sometimes it almost hurts to think about how empty my past is, the kinds of experiences I could have had, and worst of all, that I have no stories to tell. I mean really...I don't have one interesting story from my life to tell, and I'm pretty much in my mid 20s and am at a point where I'm expected to resign myself to the 9-5 life.
Anyone else feel this way about their past, and feel like it's sometimes hard to feel good about themselves when hearing about someone else's interesting and exciting life? How do you cope with this? It really is a frustrating feeling.
Anyone else feel this way about their past, and feel like it's sometimes hard to feel good about themselves when hearing about someone else's interesting and exciting life? How do you cope with this? It really is a frustrating feeling.