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Anyone feel like their past is dull and uneventful, with no stories to tell, etc?

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demon said:
This has been bothering me more and more lately. Especially after last night...I hung out with my friend into the wee hours of the morning, and while I always knew she had a really interesting and exciting past with cool stories to tell, I had no idea about the extent of it. Some of the shit she's done and people she's hung out with (especially no her travels) makes me fucking jealous. When she tells me about her "wild years" (about 13 to 18-19, she's almost 22 and I'm almost 24), it makes my life seem so excruciatingly boring and uneventful. I used to sometimes wonder why she'd even want to hang around someone like me after she got to know me. Sometimes it almost hurts to think about how empty my past is, the kinds of experiences I could have had, and worst of all, that I have no stories to tell. I mean really...I don't have one interesting story from my life to tell, and I'm pretty much in my mid 20s and am at a point where I'm expected to resign myself to the 9-5 life.

Anyone else feel this way about their past, and feel like it's sometimes hard to feel good about themselves when hearing about someone else's interesting and exciting life? How do you cope with this? It really is a frustrating feeling.
Welcome to my life. You aren't the only one, but yeah, it sucks. I'm 21, if I don't get my shit together soon I'll be in the same boat as you. Either way, I really have no interesting stories to tell, either. I'm used to being alone, so I'm kind of getting to the point where I don't care anymore. But yeah, my teenage life was one big fucking blur of nothingness.


demon said:
I'm not quite sure what you mean by that. Are you saying I should accept my current way of life and try to be happy with it? Because that is simply impossible, and it will never happen. If I had that mentality the past couple years, I wouldn't even have any friends now (let alone a really close friendship) and would probably be puttering around while living at my mom's house.

No, I'm not talking about being satisfied or acceptance with the state of one's life, but being satisfied as a person. You don't need to have interesting stories to tell people to be interesting. That says more about your audience than yourself.

You have to strive to better your surroundings, and even yourself, but you have to be able to see what are actually faults, and what aren't. Too bad there is no better way to see other than hindsight and experience. But such is life.

Don't strive to have the same life as others, but do strive to what makes you happy. And if what others have is what makes you happy? Is that your REAL own opinon or the opinion of society around you? Not saying that friends aren't important, but being your own friend is also paramount.
I took the advice of people in this thread and went out of my comfort zone this weekend. I was drunk off my ass, and one of my friends (not really a close friend) got the crazy idea of going into the Bunk House for a little bit. I don't know if this is universal term for "gay bar" but it sure is gay in my town. I'm straight. I think I might be scarred for life. But I wasn't the one who had a gay guy run his hand through my hair...

I was definitely not in my comfort zone.
demon said:
As for the traveling idea, that would probably be a really good idea, although for some reason I have this feeling that I wouldn't be able to make good use of it or something, like I'd be out of my element.
Being out of your element is the idea. If you aren't going to go out and do it yourself, put yourself in situations where you're forced to be out of your element whether you like it or not.

demon said:
And no, it's not just the fact that I don't have stories to tell people that bothers me (although it does often make me feel like I have little to talk about with people). I just don't like the feeling that I haven't experienced anything in life (you have no idea) and that it shows when you're talking to me or really getting to know me. And it's like there are so many areas of my life I want to make up for and catch up on, but there's no way I have the time nor the means to now.
I think I have an idea. I can identify with your story; it wasn't until I left the country that I saw what I'd been missing in life, and it made me want to start experiencing it. For the past 4 years I've been doing everything I can to try and make up for a misspent youth, but if I hadn't lived abroad, I would have wasted these past 4 years as well.

demon said:
I'm not talking about shit like taking a year to getting used to saying hi to people and whatnot (not that I need to); I'm just saying there's a ton of lesser stuff than traveling the world that I haven't experienced. Shit, I've never even been to a house party or gotten physically intimate with a girl or been on a road trip or whatever. People travel to experience other cultures and meet people from other cultures, but I feel like I haven't even experienced this culture, and that if I were to immerse myself in one that I'm totally unfamiliar with I'd just be in over my head. But fuck, I dunno. (haha I said but fuck)
If you feel like you'd be in over your head, then it's perfect! Keep in mind that just because you're living in a foreign country doesn't mean all your experiences are foreign country experiences. When I first lived in Japan, the two friends I hung out with the most were a couple of British alcoholics. We went to all sorts of bars and clubs that I hated, but they taught me how to drink, how to relax, how to not be so afraid to try new things, pretty much by just forcing me. If I was living in America, I would never have ended up with friends like those, but as an exchange student you end up making friends with people from all walks of life. And none of it was about experiencing things and people from other cultures. You can get drunk and do stupid shit in any country, and it's still just getting drunk and doing stupid shit. The point is that I wouldn't have done it if I had stayed at home. You can do all the things you talked about in any country, too. There's no reason why you have to do it in your home country first.

Again, if you're worried that it's too big a change from what you're used to, that's a good sign that doing it will help you grow. While you probably won't enjoy it at the time, you'll be glad you did it later.


Hitokage said:
Dull and uneventful past?

No, but unfortunately much of it wouldn't fit in normal conversations. ;)
Didn't you live the Mormon life once? No one said you had to tell the truth. Just tell everyone you had many girlfriends (at the same time). :D


Strap on your hooker ...
Shoot yourself.

If you live, you have a good story.
If you don't, you don't have to worry about having good stories to tell anymore.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Shig said:
Shoot yourself.

If you live, you have a good story.
If you don't, you don't have to worry about having good stories to tell anymore.
Nothing's more embarassing than a story about failing on giving up on life.


Party Pooper
i have very few crazy stories to tell (the only big one was a long long night after a concert and ending up in the Bronx at 1am), but i dont consider those years of my life to be a waste.

however, it's always interesting to meet someone who is only a few years older than me, and has all kinds of crazy stories from years past. i'm moving in with a friend of mine who's like that, so perhaps i'll be dragged on some misadventures...
well im 18, perma single, have just finished school (well exams begin in 2 weeks joy) did nothing of any importance there and I sit on my ass playing video games and getting fat most of the time.

So yeah


I find that drinking to excess will result in stories that you will remember for the rest of your life. When you're drunk you are up for anything and some fantastic experiences can come of it. Get reall drunk and blitzed with your friends starting on a saturday morning and by monday you will have plenty of stories to tell.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
wasn't some girl gonna come over and get you stoned? Go get drunk with her and then feel her up. If you fail that save some cash and make your first time a 3 way with 2 hookers. THATS a story, just fudge your age a bit in the retelling :D


I'm surprised that people still respond to these threads. Demon has been offered the same advice for the past year(?) now. Part of him must find self-loathing more attractive then self-improvement. There's nothing else we can do here.

Justin Bailey

------ ------
Next time something comes up that makes you say: "No way, that would be stupid" - do it instead. Alcohol is optional. Examples are swimming in your neighbors pool at midnight and running around a party in your boxers.

And stop thinking about what you should've done or what could've happened. It's done, over, gone, kaput. Keep thinking like that and you'll still be wondering the same damn thing in five years.


Disco Stu said:
"Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them." -- Henry Thoreau

Thoreau fucking rocks. He gave me a new perspective of life after I had read "Walden" (well half of it for a school project). I JUST got back from the library to finish reading it and I picked up another of his works. He has some cool ideas, although I think some of his stuff goes over my head. Either way I enjoy reading his works.

Travel as much as you can - and that doesn't necessarily mean leaving the country. Even heading to local places that you normally wouldn't go can result in some interesting experiences. Get out of your comfort zone!

This is so true.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Do something wild, demon ! For example, I went to both Los Angeles and New York by myself to attend conferences and so on, and I met a lot of interesting people there and had a lot of fun. Those are good stories to tell my friends back home !


milanbaros said:
I find that drinking to excess will result in stories that you will remember for the rest of your life.
I find that it results in more stories that you WON'T remember, at all.
Ahh, the comfort zone. It only makes sense that things outside of it make for interesting stories, since if something is inside the zone it just mixes in with all the other everyday activities. My best friend is much more of an outgoing peple person than I and so he often tries to get me to do out-of-the-normal things. Usually he is unsuccessful, but then there are the times when I'll end up at a sex shop or something. o_O
The Experiment said:
Lives are dull because we're spending a lot of spare time playing video games.
I would be such a duller person if I didn't have things like UmJammer Lammy and Wario Ware Touched affecting me. PaRappa the Rapper was seriously a life-altering thing... without it I'd probably have ended up something like Drinky Crow.
All my crazy stories revolve around gambling and, unfortunately for the sake of being interesting (but otherwise, for the best), none of the particularly thrilling ones are about MY gambling.

If there's one thing i've learned though, it's that people who dont play poker DO NOT WANT TO HEAR ABOUT POKER. Fucking sucks that i've got all these wicked stories. I can see how it would be a bit monotonous to a layman. They all end the same way too - AND THEN I WAS ALL IN!!!111

Instead, I've made a point of trying to become a better story teller. You dont really need thrilling material so long as you can build it up properly.

Mr Gump

I got physically threatened by a prostitute after asking her how much an hour was and then following through by asking what i do for the remaining 59min.

Sometimes i think about creating a journal, but im so lazy for that kind of thing.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
I have some exiting stories, but not as many of some of my friends. A lot of that has to do with my parents and how over-protective they are. Anytime I am out they will call me and ask where I am, what Im doing and who I am with. Its not something that bothers me terribly since I am still young and i ahve uni ahead of me. Some people on this forum say its because of videogames, but I feel that I have enjoyed myself alot with them, although Im sure I would have more fun with wild night outs and roadtrips:)


I have pondered about this alot. I like living under stress, I need drive and action, the adrenaline rushing through your veins. Considered joining the military, but fear drove me away. Currently aspiring to be a doctor, the energy of an ER room seems appealing, CLUTCH CONTROL PLZ!?
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