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Anyone had any luck with devices to help with snoring?


A tale as old as time. The solution old wise men have known for decades isn’t actually a device though:

1. Wine date night with wife. Ensure you are sober enough to stay up
2. Video record wife’s drunken snoring with audio
3. Wait until next time she brings up snoring.
4. Advise you agree it’s a huge issue and suggest separate sleeping rooms so you can get rest from her snoring and present video

5. Enjoy beating her at her own game


From simpler to more efficient
1) if you're fat, lose weight
2) go to a dentist to get a specific oral appliance. It's gonna fit you better if they make it out of a mold of your mouth/teeth than the general sized ones
3) check for allergies, you might have allergic reactions that block your airway, usually dust mites (allergy shots and/or erase them from existence by lowering humidity in your house)
4) get a cpap-machine
5) get a double jaw surgery (extra you'll be a chad too lol)

4 and 5 is usually more directed to individuals who have apneas and hypopneas during sleep.
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Not sure what side of this you are on OP, but this has been a major issue for me for years. Recently I've started listening to white noise through headphones and it absolutely drowns out the snoring; I may have to crank it up a little loud at times, but still it's preferable to actually sleep in the bed & has been a pretty major improvement in my life overall. The file I listen to ends after about 40min anyway so it's not like I am bombarding my eardrums with that for an entire night's worth - anyway, food for thought. BTW I did try "just earplugs" and that really didn't do the trick at all..
I use a mouth sticker to force myself to breathe through the nose. It makes it a bit better. Don’t really get the logic though. Sometimes I will snore heavily, sometimes not at all.

I suppose I won’t ever get rid of it though since I lift quite heavy and from what I’ve read the added muscle obstructs your breathing pathways, no matter what.

So I just try to minimise it as much as possible. Like I said with the mouth sticker and I will also flush my nose before sleeping quite often.

To check how bad the snoring is I can only recommend the App Snorelab by the way. The sub is quite cheap and it works really well.


Gold Member
Well if you want help with snoring I would advise setting up an amplifier with a headset mic plugged in. Then just put the amp at 10 or 11 and pop the headset on before bed, should really help with it.
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Best help that I know: Get the right pillow. Snoring is produced when your head isn’t tilted enough. Got my wife one, now we have quiet nights.


Tell your wife to lose weight

Ultimate Warrior Wrestling GIF by WWE


My father was a snorer. My mom made him try I think those breath right stripes that go over the nose and he wouldn't snore with them in
A lot of good replies. Side sleep. lose weight. Nose strip. Ear plugs for spouse. Decongestant spray. Never tried a mouth guard


I have a CPAP machine. It's fantastic at keeping me from snoring.

Have you gotten checked for sleep apnea?
this worked miracles for me, consider that one if you fall asleep easily when you shouldnt (movies, TV, car rides...), can't make it through a full day with 8 hours of sleep.

otherwise I'm hearing good things about mouthpieces. breathe rights are decent if the problem isnt too severe
One of the most endearing things about my wife is that she's tolerated my snoring for so long. We thought me losing weight would help....Lost 100lbs.....It did not help. I will say though, I know the woman loves me, no way I'd sleep next to me for 17 years listening to me snore. About the only thing I could feasibly do is get a CPAP. Which is eventually on the agenda.
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