Beastclaw Raider
Thanks for the advice, I've already started this a few weeks ago. Went back to jogging and been looking at what I eat. Problem with me even though my BMI is fine, I tend to go to extremes. When I feel refreshed, I can jog, eat well and refuse to eat any crap. When I'm tired it's the opposite, I just crash once work is done and eat shit. It's an endless cycle, I think the cpap will be helping me staying refreshed so I can finally stay in the right direction for good.The most important thing is your nutrition, so take a look at that , it doesn’t have to be something drastic, small changes Can have great impact in your body.
I’d go to a nutritionist, let them know my goal and they will put you in the right path, you can even tell them how restrictive you wish your diet to be.
Regarding exercise, if you do a small walk a few times a week, coupled with a better nutrition, you’ll start seeing changes soon enough.
Good luck brother.
It's been two nights now and I dont remember being that refreshed. It's now noon and normally I do a little nap because I'm so tired and I havent felt the need for it the last two days
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