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Has anyone tryed Temu


Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member
The best of Temu



I have used Temu a couple times and the quality has been terrible - even with my low expectations.
Aliexpress I use all the time and if you research and look into what you're buying, the quality, for me, has been exceptional - I buy mostly parts for watches that I fix or put together.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I have a mortgage now, so I can no longer afford aimless online retail therapy. I’ve used Temu and Aliexpress a handful of times to buy some random bullshit for obscenely cheap, and I’d say about 80% of the stuff I buy gets thrown away. But still, there’s usually one or two things that are worth keeping, and the cost is so insanely low that it doesn’t really matter. I’ve gotten like 20 different items for under $20 shipped.

Overall, I like it. But it’s absolute dogshit.


I use both I haven't really had any issues with anything I have bought except one smart watch, it works and looks nice large screen high resolution but it only does 24 hour time and the software sucks but everything else has been good.
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