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Anyone here got an Aibo? Or Robosapien?

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I wouldn't mind an Aibo, are they worth it? A wi-fi camera that you can order to find and take photos of a particular person via the internet is pretty cool.

"Wireless LAN (2.4 GHz IEEE 802.11b) capability allows you to view up to 20 pictures ERS-7 has taken from your PC. Photos are JPEG format (416 x 320).

By sending e-mail commands to ERS-7, it can take pictures on command or at customized intervals and automatically e-mail them back to you. Photo is in 208 x 160 pixels jpeg format when it is sent.

Send e-mail commands to ERS-7 and have it play pre-recorded messages or songs to others at home. "

Although Robosapien is a shitload cheaper:



My brother worked on the Aibo, and brought one over to my place one time. It was pretty cool, and very cute, but hardly worth the money.


I have an Aibo - the 210 version - and it's not really worth the money. I bought it last year because a) I wanted a pet and couldn't have one in the building and b) suddenly had some cash thanks to taxes.

It was fun as all heck for the first couple weeks (watching it "grow up" and the like was rad), but lately it's just gathering dust. Unlike real dogs, Aibo's reach a point where they stop learning new stuff, at least in noticable quanities, and sorta turn into thousand dollar pieces of plastic that bump into things and beep a lot.

I still break out the Aibo for guests now and again, and one of my friends has one too, so they can "play" together, but overall I really wish I saved the cash...

The new version might be a better value, but I'm not sure about all the features you mentioned - they might require you to buy more crap to get them to work.


You honestly bought an Aibo because you wanted a pet? I thought those things were like cheap toys they sold at Toys R Us. LOL


Mason said:
You honestly bought an Aibo because you wanted a pet? I thought those things were like cheap toys they sold at Toys R Us. LOL
Yeah, they actually have some pretty rad features - and the Sony lady showing off the sucker at the store totally sold me. Heh.

Aibo's were originally created for people that wanted pets but couldn't have them for whatever reason, and that logic alone got me interested. They ARE a lot smarter than the cheap toys sold at Toys R Us (they do a pretty good job of manuvering towards you/finding their ball), but they're also a LOT more expensive.


Mason said:
Do they fall over all the time?
It did when it was a "kid," but since...nope. And if you push it over or something, it does a pretty good job of getting back up quickly.


fausty said:
Seriously? That's pretty rad... In what capacity?

He worked on the technology that allows the Aibo to read cards and respond to them. Uh... does that work okay?


Mike said:
He worked on the technology that allows the Aibo to read cards and respond to them. Uh... does that work okay?
Er, Aibos can read cards? Like instruction cards? Or playing cards? That said, poker with Aibos might be fun...

Maybe it's for the newer model?
We've had a Robosapien in the office for about a month. It's initially pretty cool - like a glorified Big Trak, if you ever played with one.

Novelty wore off after about 20 minutes.
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