Early/mid 30s, don't want a kid (maybe sometime down the road), wife does and expects to eventually, but like OP every time I see other kids and what a handful they are I'm glad I don't have one.
People here (and elsewhere) always say they "didn't want kids but now can't imagine life without them". Well let me ask you could you imagine having kids before having them? No right? Not to be condescending but is it possible you don't have much of an imagination? The point is people can get use to anything, and once they're settled into their current situation they get complacent, so "not imagining life without them" don't mean so much.
I've always thought that people who decide to have kids fall into a few categories:
1.) don't really have big goals in life to begin with, or the drive from youth evaporated and you're stuck in your boring 9-5
2.) keeping up with the joneses; don't wanna fall behind others, you fell into most things in life because that's how you perceive life should go seeing it around you
3.) Genuinely always wanted kids, love kids, so were always prepared to do it
I think the third category is rare, and a lot of people are not suited to be parents (some discover they are, great!). That's why so many people end up in divorces even with kids and broken families and single parent homes. I know that right now I'm not prepared to be a dad, that might change, but even just dealing with my wife and my own life needs, the hectic job, and just having some time to ourselves is precarious a balance enough.