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Anyone in here play tennis?

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Lord know's I do:


"Damn right, 5 - 1"


Serving up one of many aces that day...


Bout to hit a smashing return...

I ended up beating that guy 6-2, 6-1. But I got 5/18 overall :S


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Dude, what's up with you? You're black. Shouldn't you be shootin hoops?

I kid! Tennis rocks. I almost joined the tennis team in highschool.....I could've, the tennis coach said I was good enough, especially after I beat two of the best guys on the team in a 1on2 game during gym.....but I already had too much shit to do. I just love playing, though. I always suck after not playing for a long time though, so I'd probably suck right now. Need to get back into it, too bad there are no tennis courts within walking distance.


I don't, but I really want to. I was glued to the Olympic's coverage of the tennis matches, especially during the final match between that guy from Chile and the American, and it made me want to take up the sport.

I ran track throughout high school, so I already have the speed mastered. :)

I'm gonna start during my freshmen year of college at OSU.


hyperbolically metafictive
yeah, couple times a week down the country club. though i stopped playing seriously after i graduated from high school. good sport, tennis. i think there's something wrong with my feet, though...nowadays they hurt like fuck for a couple days between matches. maybe i'm just getting old.


I bought a tennis racket and all that, started playing with my brother and some friends. I was aiming at becoming the best player in Sweden, but I gave up when I realized it was hard and not my thing.

So now I'm running around in forests instead.


*drowns in jizz*

..your serving stance seems a little off.. actually quite off. But hey, whatever works.
And I won't ask why your opponent was snapping pictures of you awaiting your returns.


Fafracer forever
Used to teach it for awhile when I was 16-17.
And at that time I was also playing practically every day, couldn't get enough of it. I still love the sport now, but it's harder to find people to play with, especially since I've been working in Seoul. :(
My serve in particular has been getting rusty as a result, and it used to be the main part of my game :p


needs to show more effort.
I played tennis in highschool... but at the end of the final meet of my senior year my racket snapped clean in half. I took it as a sign to stop playing tennis.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Used to go to tennis camps growing up. Great sport. It's very mental and a great all around work out.

I play out in L.I. at my Moms when I'm there. She just copped a ball machine. That sh!t is scary @ 80mph. To know that the pros average well over 100+mph serves is crazy.


Fafracer forever
but at the end of the final meet of my senior year my racket snapped clean in half. I took it as a sign to stop playing tennis.
That's a poor excuse, I've broken a bunch of racquets during my primary and highschool years.
Granted, a couple were completely my fault (as a kid I liked to vent my frustration in the court on the racquets), but still :p
My favourite was one time though, when I broke the racquet during play - with the last ball in the match, I hit a service return winner when it broke, a perfect way to finish a match ;) My father was pretty pissed though (as it was his racquet I borrowed and broke that day).


Great King Bowser said:
I play tennis during the summer at least 2-3 times a week. I reckon I could beat all of you. :)

Yeah? I do that too, but I play doubles as well as singles. I'm playing a lot more this year since I got into my college, every other person there plays tennis and we have 3 grass courts as well as 6 hard courts.

What racquets is everyone using? I've been using the Wilson ProStaff 6.0 Original for years now, but I think I'll pick up the Head LM Prestige Midplus soon, just to have something else with me.


Looking for Pants
I mainly play Raquetball!


I'm not that great, but its a good work out and I have friends at my skill level to play and improve with.


Lets see, back in the high school days, I had private tutoring with an USPTA coach (who was also korean), and with that, was #1 at our varsity team till I stopped. Seriously, if you want to improve, get a private coach, and not just any coach, but one who is officially USPTA.
Funny, since I live in a college town with a Pro Tennis Management program there are tennis coaches left and right. In fact, my coach is USPTA certified, and the local college hosts tourneys. So after season, I will be entering more and maybe getting private instruction.

And raquetball seems like tons of fun.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I tried 3 sports in high school, the only one I really stuck with was lacrosse. I played Tennis and Golf freshmen year, and then senior year I joined up with the lacrosse team. I was a horrible tennis player though, I use to skip practice to avoid getting yelled at. :(
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