Kids, go old- go *very* old. Brilliant movies have been made since the silent era, tho it is true that sound improved the scope of films greatly.
Look, this new stuff you'll end up seeing *without* effort, even if it is a few years later when in appears on ordinary TV. But by ignoring the films of your great grandparents thru to the 1980s, you miss out on so much that is wonderful in movie history.
And go foreign too. Modern foreign and classic foreign. Do you know how much Hollywood talent originates in non-english speaking nations?
I watch a ton of films, including the current Hollywood 'blockbusters'. Hollywood has never been worse. Genre movies (thrillers, westerns, most horrors, comedies) have *died* at the box-office, leaving the selection of American movies smaller that at any period. The inherent qualities of the films that do get made have collapsed.
The 'good' modern stuff is actually sh-t by the standards of the entire timeline. I used to expect maybe 3 astonishing Hollywood movies a year- now I won't be surprised at a year that gives not even one. The new 'high' standard is pretty good, well above the terrible average.
For example, I watched "Rear Window"on the projector a couple of years back. This film was always kicking around on TV when I was a kid, so I'd seen fragments of it. My god, watching it properly, like the audience back in the 1950s. It was effing amazing. Easily my fav Hitchcock film experience.
Bad films bleed your soul and steal the precious minutes of your life. And today, with the worst writers ever deployed by Hollywood, a film is bad before even one second has been shot. We all watch the new stuff, but i hate myself most of the time for doing so, when the final credits roll.
I mean did *anyone* need to see the redundant average Captain Marvel, with the oh-so-tired Sam Jackson. And I don't say that cos of its 'wokeness', just cos of its seen-it-all-before mediocrity.
So add some old movies to your diet. Your soul and brain and heart will thank you.