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Anyone seen any good movies lately?


Neighbours from Hell
I haven't seen a movie in quite a while where when it ended I was like "holy crap... gotta go text everyone I know and recommend it to them asap"

Hope 2019 has one of those movies where it ends and you just sit there during the credits trying to process what you just watched. Miss experiences like that.

I know it's kinda cliche at this point, but I really do feel the last couple years were terrible overall for movies.


Love the director, even though First Man was a little disappointing to me.

I adore both these films though. The last 10 minutes of Whiplash and La La End both give me goosebumps.

I also really enjoyed discussing the ending of Whiplash back when it came out, there is a real dark angle interpretation going on there for those that perceive it a certain way.

Fantastic movies. In my opinion....
the kid was broken by the end of the film and fletcher was stilling pulling the strings, in his mind it all paid off and just re enforced his shitty behavior. Did not expect it to end like that.

Last man probably wasn't as good since he didnt write any of it. I haven't seen it but that's what's holding me back


Saw Train to busan the other day. I didn't know it was on Netflix.

Was Ok, a solid 6/10. It's a fun watch but it doesn't really do anything new with the genre and some of the effects sucked (even as a TV show, Kingdom looks way better than this in every way)

It’s an interesting movie I remember watching it but I think the whole zombie thing is played out already.
Tokyo Tribe. A musical for the hip hip crowd has gangs of Tokyo come together to defeat a common enemy. A lot of crazy fun and some nice eye candy including boobies. Critical of Japan but also celebrates its diversity and unity.
It's been a few months since I've rewatched Face/Off. Might go rewatch that for the 100th time.


90's perfection


Just rewatched punch drunk love.

I think this is my favourite movie of all time. Watched it when it came out but as the years have gone on and my anxieties have worsened I cant help relate to Adam Sandler in this movie.

I've definetly destroyed my share of stuff during anxiety fueled rages in my day
It's been a few months since I've rewatched Face/Off. Might go rewatch that for the 100th time.

Face/Off is a weird movie for me because I thought it sucked when I first saw it.

But gradually I came around to it, yeah, it's completely ridiculous and far fetched, but once you get on the movie's wave length you find it's better than it initially seems.


Face/Off is a weird movie for me because I thought it sucked when I first saw it.

But gradually I came around to it, yeah, it's completely ridiculous and far fetched, but once you get on the movie's wave length you find it's better than it initially seems.
A lot of people I know have told me "that movie was garbage" and then I urge them "watch it again" then they come back and say "holy shit I did not remember that movie being that good"
A lot of people I know have told me "that movie was garbage" and then I urge them "watch it again" then they come back and say "holy shit I did not remember that movie being that good"

A similar thing happen to me with Broken Lizard's Club Dread.

I thought it was bad when I first watched it.... but I kept watching it and I found it growing on me, now I love it.


the ring sucks, it's incomprehensible gibberish

creepy girl climbing out of big bang tv static was pretty dope tho
Same. I watched The Ring and The Ring 2 over the past couple of days. How were these ever considered good movies?
the ring sucks, it's incomprehensible gibberish

creepy girl climbing out of big bang tv static was pretty dope tho

It's been a looooong time since I've seen it, but I remember the first Ring being pretty good.

Either way it's a good memory though because I distinctly remember watching it with my ghost obsessed late grandmother, she was fun to watch it with.

The sequel is crap though, I'll give you that.


Alita: Battle Angel. amazing film. watched it with a longtime fan of the series and he was saying "Bravo" by the last shot. wonderful film that does everything other films say they do.
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A lot of people I know have told me "that movie was garbage" and then I urge them "watch it again" then they come back and say "holy shit I did not remember that movie being that good"
haha I might give it another go if it happens to appear on tv.
Both US and Jap versions of Ring have their merits. Nothing with spirits coming out of a tv was ever going to make sense, but I like supernatural horror. One Missed Call, a similar type of movie was crap though.

Devil's Advocate was on last night, Pachino was great in it, Neo and Charlize good too. So many movies have New York as their decadent epicenter, I really gotta go there one day.

Pretty funny with cameos from a lot of talented artists. Randall Park is hilarious in this and one of his songs written about an incident in the movie is 🤣.

Check it out on Netflix.

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The Skull

After having it recommended a bunch of times, I finally watched Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind and yeah it's pretty incredible.


Just saw the Rifftrax live of Star Raiders last night. It was a damn fine show, and one hell of a terrible movie. Here's the trailer for the movie.

One of my favorite riffs was

Bill: "You know, for 1992, these special effects aren't that bad."
Kevin: "Oh, this was 18 months ago."


Kids, go old- go *very* old. Brilliant movies have been made since the silent era, tho it is true that sound improved the scope of films greatly.

Look, this new stuff you'll end up seeing *without* effort, even if it is a few years later when in appears on ordinary TV. But by ignoring the films of your great grandparents thru to the 1980s, you miss out on so much that is wonderful in movie history.

And go foreign too. Modern foreign and classic foreign. Do you know how much Hollywood talent originates in non-english speaking nations?

I watch a ton of films, including the current Hollywood 'blockbusters'. Hollywood has never been worse. Genre movies (thrillers, westerns, most horrors, comedies) have *died* at the box-office, leaving the selection of American movies smaller that at any period. The inherent qualities of the films that do get made have collapsed.

The 'good' modern stuff is actually sh-t by the standards of the entire timeline. I used to expect maybe 3 astonishing Hollywood movies a year- now I won't be surprised at a year that gives not even one. The new 'high' standard is pretty good, well above the terrible average.

For example, I watched "Rear Window"on the projector a couple of years back. This film was always kicking around on TV when I was a kid, so I'd seen fragments of it. My god, watching it properly, like the audience back in the 1950s. It was effing amazing. Easily my fav Hitchcock film experience.

Bad films bleed your soul and steal the precious minutes of your life. And today, with the worst writers ever deployed by Hollywood, a film is bad before even one second has been shot. We all watch the new stuff, but i hate myself most of the time for doing so, when the final credits roll.

I mean did *anyone* need to see the redundant average Captain Marvel, with the oh-so-tired Sam Jackson. And I don't say that cos of its 'wokeness', just cos of its seen-it-all-before mediocrity.

So add some old movies to your diet. Your soul and brain and heart will thank you.
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Captive State (2019)

Set in a Chicago neighborhood nearly a decade after an occupation by an extra-terrestrial force, Captive State explores the lives on both sides of the conflict - the collaborators and dissidents.

John Goodman is always good, man.

Really enjoyed the movie.


I watched Kiss Kiss Bang Bang a few months ago. I think that one flew under most people's radar. 2005 movie starring a young (kinda) Robert Downey Jr. The film's impeccably scripted and put together and is stylish as all hell. I think the plots it weaves together oh so playfully start to unravel by the end and aren't quite as entertaining throughout, but I still very much recommend.

The movie also caught me - full-stop - completely by surprise with one twist early on.
The bit where Robert Downey Jr's character stumbles upon a dude about to date rape a girl at a party and eggs him on to fight only to immediately cut to a close-up of Downey on the ground getting his ass kicked had me laughing out loud. I knew I was in for a ride. Movie didn't disappoint.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I watched Kiss Kiss Bang Bang a few months ago. I think that one flew under most people's radar. 2005 movie starring a young (kinda) Robert Downey Jr. The film's impeccably scripted and put together and is stylish as all hell. I think the plots it weaves together oh so playfully start to unravel by the end and aren't quite as entertaining throughout, but I still very much recommend.

The movie also caught me - full-stop - completely by surprise with one twist early on.
The bit where Robert Downey Jr's character stumbles upon a dude about to date rape a girl at a party and eggs him on to fight only to immediately cut to a close-up of Downey on the ground getting his ass kicked had me laughing out loud. I knew I was in for a ride. Movie didn't disappoint.

Shane Black writes really fun screenplays. For something else that also went somewhat under the radar that he wrote/directed, try The Nice Guys.


The Strangers: Prey at night

I don’t like to rate horror movies too low cause of the mere spectacle but this one was just filled with stupid decision after stupid decision.

They even get an advantage of a gun multiple times and they decide to hide in stupid places that restricts their visibility.

Dumb people like that deserve to die.
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The Descent.

I need to watch this again. It's still one of the most suspenseful movies ever made with tension so thick you can cut it with a knife.


I've seen it before and remember enjoying it, so thought it was worth another watchin'.

Watch some of the behind the scenes stuff if you ever get a chance, the story about how the set burnt down where they filmed all the forest scenes is nuts.


Baby Driver. 7/10.
I expected more seeing this movie as I recall many people praising it when it first came out. Still a decent movie, the car scenes are great but few and far between but the whole movie is just slow.

Could probably cut half hour from it and lose nothing of value.
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Watched John Wick 3 recently. Didn’t watch the first two, but I knew what they were about and could understand from context what was going on.

It was damn good. I forgot how fun action movies can be. And I’m being told it’s weaker than the first two, so I guess I gotta watch those now.


The Cornetto trilogy is really good: Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and The World's End. They are very different styles of movies, but made by and starring a lot of the same people. They share a British sense of humor and twists of absurdism, along with very memorable characters.

On a completely different note, I watched King Kong: Skull Island and really enjoyed it. A monster movie done well.


The Cornetto trilogy is really good: Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and The World's End. They are very different styles of movies, but made by and starring a lot of the same people. They share a British sense of humor and twists of absurdism, along with very memorable characters.

On a completely different note, I watched King Kong: Skull Island and really enjoyed it. A monster movie done well.

Excellent films. Some of my favorites.

Skull Island wasn’t bad either.


Saw Shazam. I'm honestly surprised it got such a good reception from both audiences and critics. It was terrible IMO.

Terrible special effects.

Annoying and unlikeable main characters.

It's constantly trying to be funny while very rarely accomplishing it.

Billy in human form acts completely different than in superhero form.

Weird tone, at times it feels like it's going for the standard universal appeal of superhero movies, but then at other times it seems to be specifically aimed at 7 years olds

If it wasn't for the "Martha Scene" this would actually compete with BVS for worst DC movie


Just watched The world end using google credits.
I found hot fuzz a little more brit-ty fun.
World end felt more personal.
Both are fun flicks to watch on a cold lonely Sat


The Cornetto trilogy is really good: Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and The World's End. They are very different styles of movies, but made by and starring a lot of the same people. They share a British sense of humor and twists of absurdism, along with very memorable characters.

On a completely different note, I watched King Kong: Skull Island and really enjoyed it. A monster movie done well.

From the little I remember of The Worlds End, I didn’t like it much. But Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead are timeless classics for me, especially SotD. I’ve seen that film more times than I would care to admit.


Yesterday (2019) - 8/10

A good “what if” story filled with plenty of great music, although it doesn’t really explore the premise beyond the basics.

It’s funny and feel good at times as it explores the ups and downs of trying to make it in the music business and the relationship development is good because of the strong acting from the leads.

Not as original or funny as it could have been, and some of the supporting cast and cameos felt a bit too much, but enjoyable nonetheless.
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