It was good. Surprising for a horror movie. A bit like Babadook.
It was good. Surprising for a horror movie. A bit like Babadook.
300: Every few years I rewatch this flick and every time I hope my memory fools me and I'll like it better this time around but... I just don't. This is such a weird movie for me. I remember being totally hyped after the trailers and paying extra attention to see it in English in cinema but being super bummed when I finally saw it. However, at the same time it's one of the most important movies of my life because it was one of the big reasons why I joined the gym. Funny enough, I'm not in the least impressed by the physices of the spartans in this movies these days. It's crazy how your own perception of what is "fit and buffed" changes once you go through it yourself. Anyway... the movie itself is well made artistically but the storytelling with the teller was never my thing and all the one-liners álways felt super forced to me. 6/10
Will watched Rise of the Empire today or tomorrow. Never seen that one. Wouldn't be surprised if I end up liking it more than this one.
If you haven't seen it yet, watch the other one from Shane Black as well.... Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.Nice Guys. Only comedy movie i found funny in a long time.
Nice Guys. Only comedy movie i found funny in a long time.
Uncut Gems - man, Safdie Brothers movies are depressing and anxiety-inducing. Never a happy ending. This was a very stressful watch. And not really deserving of the praise it got in my opinion.
Much Ado About Nothing (Joss Whedon)
Excellent cast and I enjoyed the Shakespearean dialogue but the title really says it all about the plot.
Watched about half of one of the Peter Sellers Pink Panther movies. It was great and hilarious. Also watched the two Steve Martin reboots, which were pretty entertaining. At many points he really nailed the Peter Sellers silly accent but it wasn’t always super funny.
Still, a decent way to spend a Saturday afternoon on the couch
As Above So Below
I usually enjoy found footage movies. I re-watched this one for like the fifth time. I find it genuinely creepy and fun, especially with all of the weird esoteric stuff going on within. One of my favorites.
I just watched The Platform. It was interesting and mostly enjoyable but the ending confused me. The kid was meant to be the message? Is it because they were so strict about not allowing under 16s in? So when the kid gets to the top they realise there was a kid there? Did they not know? If not then how did the kid get in?
What difference would a kid make? They are quite happy to feed hundreds of people with only enough food to fit on a single table knowing it is not gonna make it past 50 levels? They let people piss/shit on each other, commit suicide, murder and turn into cannibals? If they let people do that then surely they're fucked up enough in the head to not care about a kid?
Pretty damn good for what is essentially an extended episode of the show.
This has to be a top 10 trailer of all time
quite possibly the worst movie i've ever seen