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Anyone seen any good movies lately?


How in the fuck did John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum receive such high praise on Rotten Tomatoes both critic and audience is what I want to know

I only saw like 20 minutes of the middle. It was entertaining, but it wasn't good lol. There was so much action in the parts that I saw, that even the dogs got like 60 kills in that one compound / hideout lmao

The beginning is the best part IMO.
Particularly the knife shop and stable scenes.


How in the fuck did John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum receive such high praise on Rotten Tomatoes both critic and audience is what I want to know

I only saw like 20 minutes of the middle. It was entertaining, but it wasn't good lol. There was so much action in the parts that I saw, that even the dogs got like 60 kills in that one compound / hideout lmao
I had to force myself to sit through 2. One of the worst movies I've ever seen.

Cutty Flam

The beginning is the best part IMO.
Particularly the knife shop and stable scenes.
I had to force myself to sit through 2. One of the worst movies I've ever seen.
The action was so nonstop, the ideas were so over the top that it was hilarious. The fight scene with Boban Marjanovic was funny as fuck. Preaching passages about following virtue --> stabs John Wick in the fucking trapezius ---> literally eating his own words LMAOOOO. I'll give the film that much



How in the fuck did John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum receive such high praise on Rotten Tomatoes both critic and audience is what I want to know

I only saw like 20 minutes of the middle. It was entertaining, but it wasn't good lol. There was so much action in the parts that I saw, that even the dogs got like 60 kills in that one compound / hideout lmao

Yeah, I think I burnt myself out on the John Wick formula. Enjoyed the first, second was ok but started to get bored, for the 3rd I got to the part where Halle Berry is pointlessly injected into the movie and turned it off. It just was not good.


Saw Good Time and it was pretty good, enjoyed it more than Uncut Gems.
I have been on the fence about that one. How did they portray the brother? Do they use it as a comedic tool in any way? I work with special needs kids and hate when movies do them dirty or use them as a plot device. But its A24 and I keep hearing good things.


most of a24's output is good to excellent
Good Time was indeed a good time. Thanks! Im convinced after that and The Lighthouse, Robert is going to make a good Batman. He needs to bulk up some then bingo. Hyped.

Watched 'Krisha' A24 but not quite my cup of tea. It was pretty uneventful and very slow. Good take on mental health and addiction issues but, meh.
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Watched "Host" last night (day of release) on Shudder

Pretty good paranormal movie in the vein of Unfriended (it all takes place during quarantine over zoom)

It doesn't overstay it's welcome either (only 56 minutes long) some good scares and even borrows something from Paranormal Entity that is very fucking creepy.



The Silence.
Nice cast but the writing wasn’t that great.
Not as bad as The Quiet Place but that isn’t a very high bar.
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Kev Kev

way way way late to the party here but i just saw Blackfish for the first time and... it was infuriating. no innocent creature should be forced to live in a cage. they took these poor things from their families, put them in a cage and basically tortured them for most of their sad existence. like, there is a living thing inside of them, you can see the fucking look in their eye and you can just know they are alive and sentient, and they have a soul that thinks and feels and hurts the same way humans do. they're smart! they know they are alive and they want to be happy... ugh.

free willy was one of my favorite movies as a kid (i got made fun of for how much i liked it lol, i think the movie came with a necklace and i wore it to school one day :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_fearful::messenger_grimmacing_) but i think that sort of empathy is partly innate. we had a dog but neither of my parents loved animals as much as me, my brother liked a couple of cats that he had, but other than that hes never showed much love towards animals tbh. i used to fight (well, push and wrestle but thats how you fought as a kid usually so) kids in the neighborhood for blowing up frogs and lizards with fire works.

so i dunno, im a big softie or a giant pussy... whatever. all i know is this doc had me in tears at a couple parts (especially when the trainers started crying, man that got me) i hate seeing anything not have the opportunity to be free. its just the most wrong thing in the world to me, and we do it to animals, humans, even children and it hurts my heart.

but when you take all of that, and consider the idea that we were doin all of that, and we were just using these animals for enter-fucking-tainment... that just takes things to a whole new level. heart breaking stuff watching that doc. sorry, i had to rant about it bc everyone has seen it and there is no one to discuss it with.

thank you for coming to my tedtalk


How in the fuck did John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum receive such high praise on Rotten Tomatoes both critic and audience is what I want to know

I only saw like 20 minutes of the middle. It was entertaining, but it wasn't good lol. There was so much action in the parts that I saw, that even the dogs got like 60 kills in that one compound / hideout lmao

Part 3 is where it's starts to collapse under the weight of it's goofy mythology. The franchise would be much better served by trying to do one off stories about the character rather than trying to stretch out a premise that was mostly resolved in the first movie.

I saw The Rental and it was shockingly good considering it's Dave Franco's directorial debut. It has very interesting character work and acting and somewhat unconventional pacing. It's not pretentious like I thought it may be, and it genuinely earns it's scares.


The Long Kiss Goodnight

Been a while since I saw a "so bad it's good" movie but this one definitely qualifies. Towards the end there's a scene where there's an explosion in the lower levels of a building which results in a tied up Samuel L Jackson getting ejected through the window from a fourth floor, smashing through a metal and glass billboard and getting up as if nothing had happened.



Saw Death Proof last night. It was a lot of fun to watch while drinking a few beers.

Afterwards reading about how Stuntman Mike is a metaphor for Tarantino's career problems & feet fetish is pretty amusing. He even used Uma Thurman's stunt double as a main character:
Why Tarantino's 'Death Proof' Is Creepy Now


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I recently watched Girls with Balls, it’s on Netflix, a horror comedy, and in French.

I am not sure what I even watched and it had some ridiculous scenes... Kind of like Army of Darkness. One of those so dumb it’s good movies. I know everyone is going through a dry spell so i figured I would bring it up.


The Ballad of Buster Scruggs was something. I didn't know it was a collection of short stories. I watched part of a trailer, saw what looked like really fun western/comedy, and got something that's really hard to describe instead.

The first story, if it were a whole movie, would have been amazing. I wish it were that. I enjoyed some of the other stories as well, but by the time I got to the end of the movie, I was just exhausted and veering on the edge of bored. The best stories were the shortest, and the worst felt the most dragged out. The last one was especially hard to get through.


Swiss Army Man - I really didn't think I would like it but its such a weird, dark comedy It was so endearing and funny. I wish they would have focused less on the faux girlfriend relationship/bus thing but otherwise very fun and funny.

Ford Vs Ferrari - Loved it. Don't know why I waited so long to watch it. It didn't really feel like a 2 1/2 hour movie. The final race at Le'Mans was amazing. Very thrilling. Great shots.


The Ballad of Buster Scruggs was something. I didn't know it was a collection of short stories. I watched part of a trailer, saw what looked like really fun western/comedy, and got something that's really hard to describe instead.

The first story, if it were a whole movie, would have been amazing. I wish it were that. I enjoyed some of the other stories as well, but by the time I got to the end of the movie, I was just exhausted and veering on the edge of bored. The best stories were the shortest, and the worst felt the most dragged out. The last one was especially hard to get through.

The one with the gold prospector was my favourite. Pretty awesome movie for being a Netflix joint.



This director, Lanthimos, kinda pisses me off. I loved the Lobster but hated Dog Tooth. The Killing of a Sacred Deer falls closer to the latter.

Dude's gimmick is getting stale. Disconnected, odd and stilted dialogue, constant zooming and tracking shots, and just a whole "I'm going to make you feel eerie and uncomfortable watching this scene even if the script in no way calls for it" throughout. Ut feels hella-forced and in no way properly earned. I can see all your little tricks, Mr. Lanthimos. You're diet Lynch, but far far far colder.

It's annoying. Then the movie just ends with an ominous scene that is supposed to make you think, but - meh, like, not really. He's trying to capture and say something about the human condition but fails miserably - don't kill your kids? don't drink on the job? something about the predatory nature of humanity? Like I said - meh, like, not really.

It's definitely a schtick and its wearing super thin. Guy is intentionally off-putting and it makes for a difficult watch every time. The movie wants to be a lot more meaningful than it actually is. It's definitely unique but I'd have a difficult time recommending this.

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The Endless (on Netflix)
I really liked this movie. It was weird, and made me really think about the concept of the movie. I cant really say much without spoiling the movie. Very enjoyable in spite of the clearly low budget and mediocre writing.

Cutty Flam

The Platform

2019 Horror / Thriller film on netflix I think. I only caught the last 60% of it but it was a really disturbing film. Intriguing plot, this film will definitely have your attention. It's pretty damn depressing and grim though. And only good for one watch, seriously doubt any would want to watch it again given how fucked it is. Probably would give it like a 6.7/10

Curious film....not in a bad way, but it's different. If you're looking for a good horror film though, skip this one. It's just gore and suspense more of a psychological thriller with few horror elements if you ask me. I think they just slapped on the horror tag for sales or prestige based off the title of being a horror flick

Nothing special, but it will entertain


Zombieland Double Tap is about exactly what you'd expect it to be. Fairly decent. The "Murrayed" joke was kind of forced, and his cameo in the first one was far better. Also I couldn't have rolled my eyes harder at Emma Stone and her sister just taking off on the dudes yet again, stealing their car and weapons again, and the dudes deciding to help them yet again afterwards. Like ok I understand maybe Woody wanting to help out his surrogate daughter, but Stone was a cold hearted bitch, who, surprise surprise, is actually mad at the dude she stole from and ran away from because he found some hot tail after she deked and then came back to steal more weapons.
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School of Rock is one of my favourite movies, definitely in my top 10 somewhere. Richard Linklater makes awesome flicks. For me this is the quintessential Jack Black role, he's absolutely perfect in it. The movie has so much heart. So many great scenes and little jokes from Jack, it just makes me smile throughout.

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With nothing new out I’ve been rewatching some classics like Boogie Nights, Goodfellas and Heat. Hadn’t seen Boogie or Heat in like 15 years...but I love Goodfellas so damn much it’s like an annual thing for me.

Runner Ups; Commando and Cobra.
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I had to force myself to sit through 2. One of the worst movies I've ever seen.

The first one was forgettable enough imho.

Ooo he's an unstoppable assassin and it's got some neo tokyo vibes. Zzzzz... something about a dog... zzzzzz...

Give me Payback with Mel Gibson or any of the Bourne movies (even the sequels) over that tired crap any day.

John Wick is what MCU lovers think is art.


The first one was forgettable enough imho.

Ooo he's an unstoppable assassin and it's got some neo tokyo vibes. Zzzzz... something about a dog... zzzzzz...
B-but it's heck wholesome keanu chungus reeves!!!

Give me Payback with Mel Gibson or any of the Bourne movies (even the sequels) over that tired crap any day.
Which Payback? I saw the DC and it was pretty meh.

John Wick is what MCU lovers think is art.
Unironically true.

Cutty Flam

Palm Springs

For a Comedy/Rom-com it’s really well made. I saw like 70% of it missed probably the first 25-30 min but it held my attention well once I joined in and decided to watch. I didn’t really decide, the movie sort of pulled me in and kept me viewing, which is kinda rare because I usually never ever put on a comedy. Somebody else has to put it on or start it up

It’s basically the same premise as Groundhog Day but I really enjoyed this one. Very well done I thought. Watch it with your girl or some friends. should be good for a few laughs. Although, Andy Samberg at one point was pretty damn soft for a minute or two in his delivery, regarding the romance bit he eventually had to act out. That portion was kind of amateur tbh, could have been done better but still, a decent watch for what it is

I don’t watch romance comedies often at all, but this one had some good moments i thought

Probably a good 7.3/10 for what I managed to catch


Watched Steve Jobs on Netflix last night. I enjoyed it but what the fuck was going on with Kate Winslet's accent. Gonna have to tackle Isaacson's biography next.
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Finally watched House of the Devil yesterday. Insanely good movie from 2009. Set in 1983 and shot like an old classic horror movie. It pays homage to older classic films with suspense and atmosphere before the big pay off. May be slow for some, but every moment of it was a joy to watch.



Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I finally saw Ant-Man 2. It was average. Better than the first. I liked seeing Michael Douglas more.
***Watched these in the last 6 months:

Doctor Sleep
Richard Jewell
Black Panther
Ant-man and the Wasp
Avengers: Infinity War
X-Men: Dark Phoenix
Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey

***need to finish the final two films at some point:

Avengers: Endgame
Captain Marvel


Doctor Sleep.

I liked it
Despite being a sequel to The Shining it was very much its own story and I do wonder if it could have been further elevated without The Shining tie-ins which felt a bit forced. Overall it was a fun watch.

I had to watch it in 2 sittings. Shit bore me to pieces, and the final showdown in 'the house' was so cringed, so forced.
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