way way way late to the party here but i just saw Blackfish for the first time and... it was infuriating. no innocent creature should be forced to live in a cage. they took these poor things from their families, put them in a cage and basically tortured them for most of their sad existence. like, there is a living thing inside of them, you can see the fucking look in their eye and you can just know they are alive and sentient, and they have a soul that thinks and feels and hurts the same way humans do. they're smart! they know they are alive and they want to be happy... ugh.
free willy was one of my favorite movies as a kid (i got made fun of for how much i liked it lol, i think the movie came with a necklace and i wore it to school one day

) but i think that sort of empathy is partly innate. we had a dog but neither of my parents loved animals as much as me, my brother liked a couple of cats that he had, but other than that hes never showed much love towards animals tbh. i used to fight (well, push and wrestle but thats how you fought as a kid usually so) kids in the neighborhood for blowing up frogs and lizards with fire works.
so i dunno, im a big softie or a giant pussy... whatever. all i know is this doc had me in tears at a couple parts (especially when the trainers started crying, man that got me) i hate seeing anything not have the opportunity to be free. its just the most wrong thing in the world to me, and we do it to animals, humans, even children and it hurts my heart.
but when you take all of that, and consider the idea that we were doin all of
that, and we were just using these animals for enter-
fucking-tainment... that just takes things to a whole new level. heart breaking stuff watching that doc. sorry, i had to rant about it bc everyone has seen it and there is no one to discuss it with.
thank you for coming to my tedtalk