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Anyone seen any good movies lately?

Cutty Flam


Watched the rest today that I had left over from yesterday. Seriously, that song is perfect for the movie

Overall I’m giving Django Unchained probably a 4.8/10

I thought Quinten was going to hit on every scene like he typically does. This was little more than an awkward money grab imo. He’s much better than this. Script was very forgettable, acting was overall subpar for the other films I’ve seen of his. Not sure what the deal was, but this is pretty poor work on Quentin’s part. The soundtrack choices were abysmal at parts. Somebody should have slapped the fuck out of him when he was thinking Rick Ross and Tupac were a good choice at any point. 2pac is my favorite artist, but ffs man that shit was cringe beyond cringe. At least pick a better track than that. Idk, Tarantino usually never misses a beat, but this film isn’t one I will ever watch again if I can avoid it. He could have done so much more in terms of quality control with the project imo. It was a tough concept to navigate through so I’m not really caring much, but creatively, this is his most forgettable film I’d say



Watched the rest today that I had left over from yesterday. Seriously, that song is perfect for the movie

Overall I’m giving Django Unchained probably a 4.8/10

I thought Quinten was going to hit on every scene like he typically does. This was little more than an awkward money grab imo. He’s much better than this. Script was very forgettable, acting was overall subpar for the other films I’ve seen of his. Not sure what the deal was, but this is pretty poor work on Quentin’s part. The soundtrack choices were abysmal at parts. Somebody should have slapped the fuck out of him when he was thinking Rick Ross and Tupac were a good choice at any point. 2pac is my favorite artist, but ffs man that shit was cringe beyond cringe. At least pick a better track than that. Idk, Tarantino usually never misses a beat, but this film isn’t one I will ever watch again if I can avoid it. He could have done so much more in terms of quality control with the project imo. It was a tough concept to navigate through so I’m not really caring much, but creatively, this is his most forgettable film I’d say

His most forgettable film?
I don’t think you’ve seen Death Proof yet.


Star Wars Solo: 6/10
Solo and The Rise of Skywalker were the only movies that I haven't seen, but I decided to watch Solo. The movie is much better than Force Awakens and the Last Jedi and I was hoping it would be as good as Rogue One which is one of my favorite Star Wars movies. I really hated that damned droid that in every sentence was talking about "equality", which ruined the experience for me.

Jojo Rabbit: 6/10
It was an alright movie, but I felt that the imaginary Hitler was a bit forced. The funniest scenes in my opinion was when Taika Waititi were not present like the Gestapo scene and some of Yorkie's scenes.

Fury: 8/10
I really love war-movies that are based on real life events, especially around the WWII-era and while this movie consist of fictional characters I really enjoyed it. The only thing that really bothered me is that the combat looked a bit Star Wars esque by having the bullet effect looking like laser beams. The Germans appeared to be shooting green lasers and Americans red lasers.

Example from the first battle (starts ~54 seconds):


7500 on Amazon Prime. God it was a tense experience. Movie is about two pilots in their cockpit getting attacked by hijackers. The movie remains at all time in the cockpit. Not only the attack was tense but never saw a movie give me this tense feeling simply taking off the airport. A good 8/10 for me. Dont watch the trailer and just watch it!



Been on a Lovecraft binge again. Started out with Dagon, a Spanish-American collaboration that despite its name, is based on Shadow over Innsmouth instead of Dagon. It's directed by Stuart Gordon, who has adapted several Lovecraft-stories to the big screen, including his biggest hit, Re-Animator, which debuted in 1985 (and was my first encounter with Lovecraftian horror as a young boy).

Dagon has multiple things going for it, but unfortunately it's dragged down by sub par acting and an overall cheapish feel (nothing wrong with low budget, but here it results in crappy CG-effects).

The good parts is Gordon's respect for the source material. It follows Shadows over Innsmouth closely, but it adds several elements that feels right at home with the Lovecraftian mythos, which among other things, includes the logo/emblem for The Esoteric Order of Dagon, the cult that worships a Deep One. This logo is actually used in the video game The Sinking City, which is based on pretty much every story by Lovecraft, and forms a big part of its narrative around EOD. That is pretty neat.

Dagon has a strong and spooky atmosphere, good makeup on the fish people in the village (the makeup team later won an Oscar for its makeup in Pan's Labyrinth) and some surprisingly solid gore effects. So far everything is good.

The downside is the acting. We're talking C-tier acting here and it's extremely off putting hearing these actors and actresses deliver the dialogue without any emotions at all. It's strange that Gordon directed all of the acting this weak considering he did a good job in Re-Animator and Castle Freak getting the campy tone of it pretty spot on. Most of it is attributed to Jeffrey Combs being a terrific actor but Gordon should have demanded better takes by his actors. Some scenes are just pure cringe.

Dagon is the weakest Lovecraft adaptation to date, but it is still a must see if you're a fan of his works. It packs enough goodies from the mythos to instill some sense of awe and it got lots of freaky gore and weirdness to hold you through to the end. This, combined with a cool story that draws inspiration from Lovecrafts most famous works, makes for a movie that earns its spot in the vast sea of other adapted works from this wonderful and strange horror author.

Just watched this today too. That acting was laughable.

I thought that village was creepy as shit though.
Need for Speed: I honestly excepted worse. Very decent flick. Kinda what the old Fast and Furious movies used to be. I was suprised how many known actors are in it. 7/10

Gods of Egypt:
Dunno, I expected this to be horseshit but what pleasantly suprised. A CGI fest for sure and the beginning was pretty lame but it does pick up later on. Enjoyed it. Do not judge me. 7/10

Schuh des Manitu:
German classic. Brilliant movie. Bullies best. Laughed myself to tears back in the cinema and it's still funny a shit. 9/10



Pretty standard thriller but Eihi Shiina puts in a great performance as a character that's kinda cute but incredibly disturbed. She flicks from cute and innocent to creepy and deranged so well. Solid 7/10.


His most forgettable film?
I don’t think you’ve seen Death Proof yet.

Death Proof is my favorite Tarantino junt. His most underrated work. Arguably is best - and I love to argue. XD



Death Proof is my favorite Tarantino junt. His most underrated work. Arguably is best - and I love to argue. XD

Don’t get me wrong is still really like it.
But as a huge Tarantino fan it’s my least favorite on the list.
Hellboy (2019): Meh... Complete over the top CGI gore fest just for the sake of being gory. Also, way too many characters are thrown at you. At one point I was just like... eh, fuck it... Best thing about it was the decent UHD picture quality on my OLED. Otherwise a forgettable movie. Do now waste your time. 5/10
Hellboy (2019): Meh... Complete over the top CGI gore fest just for the sake of being gory. Also, way too many characters are thrown at you. At one point I was just like... eh, fuck it... Best thing about it was the decent UHD picture quality on my OLED. Otherwise a forgettable movie. Do now waste your time. 5/10

I've ranted on this before but I still cannot believe we went from Hellboy: Golden Army to Hellboy 2019.
300: Every few years I rewatch this flick and every time I hope my memory fools me and I'll like it better this time around but... I just don't. This is such a weird movie for me. I remember being totally hyped after the trailers and paying extra attention to see it in English in cinema but being super bummed when I finally saw it. However, at the same time it's one of the most important movies of my life because it was one of the big reasons why I joined the gym. Funny enough, I'm not in the least impressed by the physices of the spartans in this movies these days. It's crazy how your own perception of what is "fit and buffed" changes once you go through it yourself. Anyway... the movie itself is well made artistically but the storytelling with the teller was never my thing and all the one-liners álways felt super forced to me. 6/10

Will watched Rise of the Empire today or tomorrow. Never seen that one. Wouldn't be surprised if I end up liking it more than this one.
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The Outpost

I had never heard of it, just popped up and I likes me a good war flick and I think this one delivered. Not the best of the best, but it definitely held my attention. I also really appreciated the direction, been mostly sticking to older movies because a lot of the newer stuff just drives me nuts with all the quick cuts or the shots are too close where you can't see shit. This is based on a real location and battle the took place in Afghanistan. It also shows that you don't need a massive budget for a good action flick, IMDB says its only about 18 million but it looks like more of a 75+ except for helicopters.
Ready or Not: Guess that movie would have worked better if t'd be more funny... sadly it ain't. Takes itself way to seriously. Hence pretty forgettable. 5/10
Recently saw The King on Netflix, which I surprisingly enjoyed. The protagonist is a 95 lb actor which makes his action scenes pretty ridiculous but I'd recommend it if you're struggling to find something.



Oh and Robert Pattinson plays a great villain with not enough screen time.
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The Creature Walks Among Us (1956)

This was great. It wasn't as good as the previous Creature from the Black Lagoon movies but I still liked it. I recommend watching these. They are very good.



Gemini Man
Will Smith is always entertaining but this movie was a bit ordinary. 6/10

The Dead Don’t Die
I don’t know how this got such a great cast attached yet sucked tremendously. 3/10 For the cast they somehow pulled in. Bill Murray/Adam Driver/Selena Gomez/Danny Glover/Steve Busecmi.

Don’t bother watching it though.
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No! And it sucks. The last really great movie I watched was Knives Out and that was months ago. Ugh. I'm going to do a second viewing of Arrival tonight but that's all I've got goin.


No! And it sucks. The last really great movie I watched was Knives Out and that was months ago. Ugh. I'm going to do a second viewing of Arrival tonight but that's all I've got goin.
Bone Tomahawk, Brawl in Cell Block 99, or Dragged Across Concrete. All 3 by the same guy. They help restore faith in the idea that movies can still be good.
Star Wars Solo: 6/10
Solo and The Rise of Skywalker were the only movies that I haven't seen, but I decided to watch Solo. The movie is much better than Force Awakens and the Last Jedi and I was hoping it would be as good as Rogue One which is one of my favorite Star Wars movies. I really hated that damned droid that in every sentence was talking about "equality", which ruined the experience for me.

Jojo Rabbit: 6/10
It was an alright movie, but I felt that the imaginary Hitler was a bit forced. The funniest scenes in my opinion was when Taika Waititi were not present like the Gestapo scene and some of Yorkie's scenes.

Fury: 8/10
I really love war-movies that are based on real life events, especially around the WWII-era and while this movie consist of fictional characters I really enjoyed it. The only thing that really bothered me is that the combat looked a bit Star Wars esque by having the bullet effect looking like laser beams. The Germans appeared to be shooting green lasers and Americans red lasers.

Example from the first battle (starts ~54 seconds):

Fury has such an excellent cast, Michael Pena, Jon Bernthal, even Shia who I normally roll my eyes at these days is good.


The Old Guard on Netflix 6/10.
Pretty fun for a Netflix movie, enjoyable concept and some decent action scenes (aside from some corny music). Nothing great but the ending seems to indicate they want to make a sequel which I'd totally watch.

Be warned though that it scores pretty high on the Netflix bingo. From the strong independent black woman to the evil white guys to the token gay couple whose entire character arc is that they are gay.
Body Parts - 7/10
The Hidden - 8/10
Night of the Living Dead (remake) - 7/10
Screamers - 6/10
Basket Case - 10/10
Land of the Dead - 8/10
House by the Cemetery (I've seen this a million times but I got the blu-ray boxset) - 10/10
Hollow Man - 7/10
Firestarter - 6/10
Wolfen - 6/10
Phantasm - 10/10
Child's Play (2019) - 7/10
Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla - 9/10
Bride of Re-Animator - 7/10
Inferno (Argento) - 8/10
Trauma (Argento) - 6/10 (maybe a 5, tbh)
Cosmos - 5/10
Don’t watch the new Child’s Play. Utter crap that movie is (Joda’s voice).


I liked it, it was entertaining, def not utter crap.

Didn't watch the originals, not sure how that affects your opinion but this seems like a departure, not really horror.
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While laying on the couch this weekend I watched a few movies.

Bad Grampa is fucking excellent. It's a unique film and I love the real reactions from people and the overall tone of the movie.

The Explorers - It's kinda fun, cheesy 80s NASA propaganda for children lol. I remember watching it a few times as a kid and I liked it and it's a new arrival on Amazon Prime so I said what rhe hell. 80s movies are comfort food.

Almost An Angel - charming movie from a time when you could do a lighthearted Christian comedy in the mainstream. I guess there have been Evan Almighties and such, but it felt to me like it was a much more viable subject matter in the 80s and 90s, Sister Act, Oh God, it seems like it was just generally treated with more respect then.

Monster Squad - really good cheesy 80s fun, I'm surprised I had never seen this before.


Gold Member
I've been in the mood for old classics lately. I've watched

Back to the future trilogy - really enjoyed the first 2 but the 3rd lost me. I only saw small pieces of the first two movies over the years. Thought it was about time I watched them all.

Casablanca - quite liked it and probably will rewatch it again soon.

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly - fantastic movie! Definitely watching it again.

Gone with the wind - it really is something. The overall story was a bit meh but it was enjoyable nonetheless. The movie was just under 4 hours long (with overture/intermission/entr'acte) so i wouldn't say it was boring...it definitely held my attention. All the racist shit is shocking (had a disclaimer at the start) but really great movie. Don't think I will ever manage to watch it again lol.

I've also rented Lawrence of Arabia which I've been wanting to watch for a while. I don't know when I'll watch it because it's another almost 4 hour long movie.

Other movies I want to watch:

A Fistful of Dollars
For a Few Dollars More
Dirty Harry
Citizen Kane
Taxi Driver


Reservoir Dogs
Django Unchained
Blade Runner
Blade Runner 2049
One Flew over the cuckoo's nest

I could go on an on but that's my immediate list :)
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I watched the Bad News Bears remake; it was okay but really just an exact remake of the original and not as good.

Also watched Crawl which was pretty decent for what it was. Only 90 minutes so it doesn't overstay it's welcome.

Oh and I watched Beavis and Butthead Do America which of course is a classic!
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I'm watching for the first time the extended edition of terminator 2.

Between the nurse licking sarah's face in the mental institute and dyson's wife licking his husband neck i have to say that the director probably has some strange licking fetish...
Recently saw The King on Netflix, which I surprisingly enjoyed. The protagonist is a 95 lb actor which makes his action scenes pretty ridiculous but I'd recommend it if you're struggling to find something.



Oh and Robert Pattinson plays a great villain with not enough screen time.

My misses wanted to watch this awhile ago and it was more than just enjoyable, you're spot on about Pattinson. Pretty laughable how the lightweight gets through some battle scenes but the directing enables you to suspend disbelief enough I suppose.


I watched all of this the other night, pretty bloody well made and some sweet action scenes too. It's a little light on some plot points and a little hammy in parts but well worth a sit down. Rousey was actually pretty good in this role and they kept her to smallish shots. Cohan was solid and Malkovich never disappoints. Do recommend 7/10.
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