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Apple exec bitchslaps PSP


Gold Member
Didn't see this posted yet.




"The iTunes music store is the key driver to establish the iPod as the Walkman of the 21st century."

-- Pascal Cagni, head of Apple's European business, repeats a stock reference among Apple execs that must irk the devil out of Sony


Somebody needs to take Microsoft down a notch, first. Then we can worry about Sony.

(Nintendo shall prevail.)
Nobody is touching Apple in the portable music market.

Just wait till they start offering different colored i-Pods (not the U2 model), people are gonna go crazy.
Andy787 said:
Somebody needs to take Microsoft down a notch, first. Then we can worry about Sony.

(Nintendo shall prevail.)

Microsoft has gone throught alot of rehabilitation courses and is starting to behave.
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