I get this constantly on my 5S - it makes my text-tone vibrate pattern that I set up, but there's no sound, and no banner/notification. Not sure what it is!Now this is gonna sound strange but it happens once every so often.
I get a phantom notification.
The alert is the same sound effect you hear when you complete a word in Words With Friends. The phone vibrates too. But there is nothing on the screen, no text or indication of what app it was that made that alert sound and vibration.
I swear this has happened a few times since I got my 6 in September. Very strange.
Four months after I bought my iPhone 6 Plus, my phone started to glitch. Whenever I unlocked it to do something, the phone would access random apps and write gibberish, like a crazy person was touching the screen nonstop.
It'd go away after locking and unlocking it a few times and even disappear for a week or so before doing it again. I got fed up with it and removed the tempered-glass screen protector, at first that did the trick.
Even being a paranoid person, I decided to use it without a screen protector because it was working, but it started to glitch again yesterday, registering touches like crazy and all I can do is lock the system, it doesn't even go back to normal.
I know I have to get it fixed, but is this an isolated case? Did this happen to anyone around here? It's hard to go by a week or so without a phone nowadays, but I just have to do it.
It's not the same phone by any means but I had exactly the same issue with my Motorola Backflip.
Opening apps, texts, calls, etc like crazy without even touching the phone. At first I thought the there was a corrupted file so I made a factory reset. I had the impression it worked because I didn't have any issue in days but it started again. I installed the newest Android at the time but it didn't work.
I sent it for repair and my carrier only confirmed what I was thinking.. the screen was defective so I had to pay for a new one (out of warranty, off contract, etc)
Create a back up of your stuff and then do a factory reset.
If that doesn't solve the problem then you probably have a defective screen too.
Well, factory reset didn't help. I have my doubts that it's somehow related to the battery and for how long I left the phone charging.
In any case, I called and if they find the phone needs to be fixed, they'll get me a new one. Trouble is that, like most of my electronics, it's not glitching today of all days. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to run to the place the moment it's glitching again.
Thank you for your help.
This rumor sucks for one reason: WHY IN THE FUCK ARE THEY STICKING WITH 750P?
Cool, so I decided to pick up the iPhone 6 while I still have the 14 day return. But now I'm stuck on whitr or black. I've asked all my coworkers and it's an even split.
I've had black Apple devices since the Ipod video to an iPad2 and now my 5s. But the white looks so clean and sharp while the black is slick and professional. So I'm stuck. Help again GAF?
So my wife just picked up a 6+ but is having an issue with SwiftKey not always being the default keyboard. How do you fix this?
I'm looking to upgrade from a 4S to either a 6 or 6+. Is there a general consensus on which seems to be better? I know that the 6+ is a bit more expensive, but I think I'd like the bigger size. I'm not sure though; I'm gonna try to go and find a demo one to get my hands on and see.
So i'm pretty close to coming back to iOS after being on Android since October '14.
I miss some things about an iPhone, the great camera, quality apps etc. And there will be some things I will miss about Android, the way it deals with Notifications, and sharing things across apps etc.
If I go to the phone shop tonight, I will be leaving with a 64GB iPhone 6 or 6 Plus in Space Grey. Just need to decide on which. My current phone, Sony Z3, is pretty much slap bang in the middle in terms of size.
iphones have great resale value right? dunno' if i want to bother with the hassle of selling my 6+ when the 6s+ is announced.
Figured this was the most relevant thread to ask my question without creating a new thread: ever since the release of iOS 8.3 I have lost my voicemail. I go to check voicemail and the screen says "No Voicemail." When I go into the strings to try and try to change the voicemail password (figured it was the best option to try and test the service) it says "voicemail unavailable." This was not the case before this upgrade, and I'm unsure of what to do or if anyone else is encountering this same issue?
*note: I have an iPhone 5.
Okay, so after deciding on getting a iPhone 6 4.7 instead of my 5s I have started encountering an issue. Randomly, while browsing safari the phone will randomly respring. It's happened a couple times while browsing GAF.
I'm on iOS 8.3, 64gb iPhone 6, Verizon. I'm not sure, Google makes it seem like it's firmware issue causing a memory leak and a forced reset, but I'm not sure with the technical side of things.
It's when the springboard, or the home screen I believe, does a refresh. So on my phone, it will flash the apple logo for a brief second and get back to the lock screen but it isn't a full restart like holding the lock button.respring?
Okay, so after deciding on getting a iPhone 6 4.7 instead of my 5s I have started encountering an issue. Randomly, while browsing safari the phone will randomly respring. It's happened a couple times while browsing GAF.
I'm on iOS 8.3, 64gb iPhone 6, Verizon. I'm not sure, Google makes it seem like it's firmware issue causing a memory leak and a forced reset, but I'm not sure with the technical side of things.
It's when the springboard, or the home screen I believe, does a refresh. So on my phone, it will flash the apple logo for a brief second and get back to the lock screen but it isn't a full restart like holding the lock button.
3rd party keyboarders...
do you prefer Swype or SwiftKey?
I've been using Swype forever but just switched to SwiftKey and I think it's feeling smoother and more accurate. Will try for a few days. Swype was acting pretty glitchy, often you would type something and it wouldn't show up at all, or at times I would get random capital letters in the middle of a word (this might be a feature that I'm inadvertently activating?).
Well I seemed, as of 4 hours in, to have fixed it with a fresh restore and a not restoring from backup. And iCloud was a blessing in helping with that. Gonna keep an eye out for any resprings, but it seems to running much smoother with multiple apps open which usually causes my issue.Hmm. I've never seen that before. At least not something that wasn't a restart (as opposed to the logo for a brief second).
I'd probably get the device exchanged.
I think I'm going to sell off my 6 for a 6s+ when the 6s comes out. When I went from the 5s to the 6 it felt like a big upgrade but I feel like I could use a bit more.
so my iPhone 5s just died abruptly (will not boot out of recovery mode). have no idea why it happened, but it's bricked.
thing is, i don't want to buy an iPhone 6 with the 6S launching so soon. any suggestions, guys?
i live in london, uk btw.
so my iPhone 5s just died abruptly (will not boot out of recovery mode). have no idea why it happened, but it's bricked.
thing is, i don't want to buy an iPhone 6 with the 6S launching so soon. any suggestions, guys?
i live in london, uk btw.
3rd party keyboarders...
do you prefer Swype or SwiftKey?
I've been using Swype forever but just switched to SwiftKey and I think it's feeling smoother and more accurate. Will try for a few days. Swype was acting pretty glitchy, often you would type something and it wouldn't show up at all, or at times I would get random capital letters in the middle of a word (this might be a feature that I'm inadvertently activating?).
Seems like a ton of money, and is going to include a bunch of stuff you don't need. Those devices have universal power supplies, so I would just spend a few dollars on the prong adapters for where you're going.
Hi guys,
I have small question. I was wondering would if I should buy the Apple MB974ZM/B World Travel Adapter Kit? I am going abroad or would you recommend buying something else for my Macbook Retina and my iPad Mini Retina.![]()
Thank you in advance.
Link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JKGQKFY/?tag=neogaf0e-20