It was worded differently. "We wanted to offer you something we'd be optimistic you'd contribute." Had a phone interview, technical screening, and lunch at the company with a whole day of back to back of technical white board interviews. With how all those interviews went, I was surprised. At this point I'm just taking it as feedback.
It's month 5 for me and it sucks. The experience with this last company was at least a good one.
I guess that sounds a bit better.
Yeah I have had some strange interviews, where the feedback had taken me aback before, and I agree it is a chance to take it constructively. At one point I thought my portfolio was awesome (this is after working in the industry for 10 years already) but 2 interviews I had really took me by surprise, and it forced me to go back and not only redo it, but I make it into a hardback pro bound book instead of the flat case. It shocked my next interviewer and got me the job.
At that time I was on 2.5 years of not finding a real job. I actually ended up signing up for a security guard job. Went home depressed. The next day I got 2 phone calls for prospective jobs, and one of them is where I am at now 6 years later.