I got frustrated with my job and applied out to a corporation that I previously worked for. This is a senior software engineering role. They offered me 5% more than I make at this small consulting company after bonus. Its a 20 minute commute to the burbs, while I ride the bus for 20 minutes now or drive 2 miles to the city.
I tried to negotiate, but they are sticking with their offer. I like the location and culture of my company, its just a consulting company, the project sucks, i'm not learning much, and they work us hard when deadlines are due.
The corporate job doubled my salary in 4 years prior to leaving, is still growing, has opportunities for advancement, I would just leave the city, have to commute, work in a corporate job, and leave the perks here (soda/snacks/beer/phone/internet/gym/MLB tickets/concert tickets). I love the people and culture here, but a ton of people are leaving and the project seems to be drying up.
I talked with management and they are working to get me on another project, but there are only a few in the company with a few ending and no new ones starting. I'm really torn on what to do.