What if Vince told Hinder to work stuff because he didn't want to push Finn on his return and this was the easiest way to keep HHH quiet.
Now this is just impossible nonsense, just stop
What if Vince told Hinder to work stuff because he didn't want to push Finn on his return and this was the easiest way to keep HHH quiet.
He's sad he's concussed (see sad concussed emoji) so he's getting revenge by poorly photoshopping his own shirt on the guy who concussed him. He can't get revenge the old fashioned way because he's not cleared yet
There's some stuff, you know.How long until you out yourselves as flatearthers?
You know how it is. That's why I didn't sign up. I'm my own man.The brother with the gold not even the main event. American's stay racist....
it's not because he's not cleared
its because this is how wreslters are now. the 'old fashioned way' sounds pretty dangerous, pal. i'd rather throw a tweet at em #smarksgetthis
the 'old fashioned way' sounds pretty dangerous, pal.
What if Vince told Hinder to work stuff because he didn't want to push Finn on his return and this was the easiest way to keep HHH quiet.
Somehow I could see Vince doing this.."take care of Balor and you won't get tested"
I hope that New Japan is careful with its wrestlers now.
I give it a few months before they start doing it again
you kidding me? ishiis going to be headbutting people in a week
I was going to put a week, but then tried to be positive ha.
Paige is counting on WWE's pettiness to get her fired.
Little does she realize, their pettiness is what's gonna make them to refuse to let her out of her contract because she still makes them money.
Levels to this shit, homegirl.
I hope this lame ass spot was worth your entire career and livelihood homeslice.
I thought it was the 28th
i thought GWF was in two weeks
GWF is the 28thwait what? I thought it was today for sure?
fucking worst PR than GFW
Del Rio on HHH said:He just married well, hes a pussy with a big nose and no balls.
https://youtu.be/4sDMt19MkRkHit my music
What is this from? Don't tell me this is him after his injury. That would be too sad.
If he doesn't stop, I don't think I can watch another match, to be honest.Subdermal Hematoma. Usually caused by tears in there filling with blood. He suffered partial right side paralysis at one point that went away...the dude's style is headbutts, strikes and generally toughing through punishment as a legit hard ass not giving a fuck.
Shibata ...should stop. He can't do that style anymore and I doubt he could change in the ring. Its hard to lose that much but its better than losing all the rest of your life. He needs to find something to fill his life with besides testing his own toughness in the ring now. I wish him the best of luck. It wont be easy for a guy like him.
i'm not being hyperbolic, i'm not being depressing, i'm being realistic when i've been saying that i think ishii will die in the next 10 years if he doesnt stop
What is this from? Don't tell me this is him after his injury. That would be too sad.
If Shibata has to retire, this image will be burned in my brain for the rest of my life. I want you to know that.No, its from an interview for the G-1 last year I think.
It's still breaking my heart.
This might make me sound like a bloodthirsty monster, but I don't think stiff hits and head drops should be phased out completely. But they should be used sparingly, when a statement needs to be made. Part of Shibata's problem is that he does this shit every match. He doesn't save it for a dramatic moment.I ecco the stiff headshots and neck stuff need to be phased out of New Japan before someone dies in the ring.
I just can't deal with that stuff much anymore. It's just not fun to watch.
They have used it to set themselves apart recently and totally leaned into it way to much. Only so many close calls and spots that feel 2 inches away from a broken neck can happen before it all comes crumbling down.
those headbutts that Galhagher does, are they safe or what? I honestly cant tell.
Edit: Think about the time Punk hit Cena with a piledriver on RAW because the GTS didn't put him away. It got a huge pop, because the piledriver is "banned". It was saved for a special moment, in a match that was part of a bitter feud between two top stars.