I'm a hater of Roman but in this 2 gifs I truly believe is undertaker's fault
Taker is too old and Roman has had a problem with lifting dudes before. It makes it a mess of a match.
I honestly feel Undertaker's last match should have been booked vs Lesnar. Sooooooooo much easier to push. Tries to defeat the only man to beat him at wrestlemania...fails and is retired. It would have had more impact and he would have had a more athletic and built guy with history vs him to send him off and cover for his waning strength and presence in the ring. No one would have objected to a monster like Brock being the one chosen to send off the original destroyer.
I also feel that this would've, god help me for saying this, made for a much BETTER match to sell for Goldberg's last contract match and scheduled title drop. I think booking Reigns vs Goldberg would have been a smarter booking. They want Reigns spear to be insurmountably built up as a super move? Then pit him vs the originator of it and push the announcers to talk about which man's spear is more powerful and of course have them both kick out of spears at least once to show courtesy before eventually a numbers game leads to Reigns getting the win for the scheduled title drop. Either a numbers game of just hitting a shitload of finishers or actually have Shield reform. Either work. The latter leads to more fun shit for the year though and a good starting point to make Reigns into a real heel draw.
Yes, I know I just literally advocated Reigns being booked a win vs Goldberg and a title reign as champ again. I still feel it would've been better than having Roman retire Taker and I feel it would've drawn better at Wrestlemania 33. Consequentially, I'd have ridden Lesnar retiring Taker to Lesnar booked vs Reigns and winning the belt at the next PPV leading to Reigns pursuing Lesnar. Better than working that angle from the current position which I feel is coming...far better to book Reigns with all the heat from giving him a title pursued by someone as built as Lesnar to make them show up. Folks would love to see Reigns lose after having him drop Goldberg and it'd draw. The following rubber match.....ehhhh...only if they finally used it to go true heel with Reigns.