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April Wrasslin |OT| D.Brine collects his P45

Got a few shows today - this year's 16 Carat Gold tournament from wXw, really looking forward to finally seeing Finlay vs Callihan II, and a show from an indy I've never heard of before; All American Pro-Wrestling. The roster looks pretty bad, but I was persuaded by PAC vs El Generico - hoping it lives up to expectations.

Too bad it's not football season.....or anywhere near football season.

They should have just stuck with his original gimmick; a very rich, very sophisticated, very European Swiss wrestler. But I guess that's kind of a European version of Alberto del Rio.
Sheamus's John Cena cookie cutter gotta be funny to the little kiddies face run is lame. Him with the title is even worse. They did the same to CM Punk. Why can't a face kick ass and be himself without having to try and tell stupid stories or jokes?


Sheamus's John Cena cookie cutter gotta be funny to the little kiddies face run is lame. Him with the title is even worse. They did the same to CM Punk. Why can't a face kick ass and be himself without having to try and tell stupid stories or jokes?

The difference is that CM Punk fans are the older crowd. People who work at the law saw alot of older crowd have CM Punk merch. Sheamus is someone for the kids because when he beat Bryan in 18 seconds he lost the older crowd in that same amount of time.

This made his championship worthless. Its going to be more worthless when he comes to Chicago. They just need to put the title back on Bryan and ride him with a heel AJ. Nobody is clamoring for a Sheamus and Alberto feud.
You just know they are gonna have AJ cost Daniel Bryan the championship on the 3rd fall though. I'd guess Bryan gets knocked out in under 10 seconds with a bro kick for the first fall. He comes back with some kind of fluke win like holding the tights or a countout for the 2nd. Then on the 3rd AJ costs Daniel Bryan the match after she pretends she is going to help him. Or if WWE decides they really want to tell fans to fuck themselves they'll have Sheamus pin Bryan in back to back falls and it won't even go to a 3rd. Heel AJ and Bryan team is too cool for WWE to do so they won't.
WWE's face booking is just fucking wacky - more often than not the faces are on top, while the heels are made to look anything but threatening. How is anyone supposed to care about the face reclaiming the gold, getting revenge, whatever, if it's a forgone conclusion because of how weak the heel has been made to look?


Ziggler can do so much better.

I am sick of the vicki guerrero shit. It needs to stop, seriously.

WHY does Brodus Clay need to win?
Ziggler can do so much better.

I am sick of the vicki guerrero shit. It needs to stop, seriously.

Ziggler hasn't needed Vicki for months now - I don't know why WWE won't let him do more of the talking. Vicki's an instant heat magnet, let her manage someone who can't get reactions.

G-Fex said:
WHY does Brodus Clay need to win?

Because if they do anything else with him other than squash matches, it'll expose how awful and utterly talentless he his.
WWE's face booking is just fucking wacky - more often than not the faces are on top, while the heels are made to look anything but threatening. How is anyone supposed to care about the face reclaiming the gold, getting revenge, whatever, if it's a forgone conclusion because of how weak the heel has been made to look?

This is really just a problem with Cena and Orton though, although they've been doing it bad with Sheamus since his rumble win. Punk doesn't get the same treatment. Jericho has been getting the better of him like every week. No other face gets the superman treatment either. What can you expect though? A woman is the head of creative.


Ziggler hasn't needed Vicki for months now - I don't know why WWE won't let him do more of the talking. Vicki's an instant heat magnet, let her manage someone who can't get reactions.

Because if they do anything else with him other than squash matches, it'll expose how awful and utterly talentless he his.

The Funkasaurus of the problem.

Yeah WWE doesn't know what to do, we can laugh at the decisions WCW made but WWE aren't far behind.
Punk doesn't get the same treatment. Jericho has been getting the better of him like every week.

True, but the whole feud just seems ass-backwards - Jericho taunting Punk with his father's alcoholism, calling Punk a fraud and a hypocrite, all that should have come before WrestleMania and should have been the thing that cost Punk the title. Instead, Punk beat Jericho clean. Now Jericho's still chasing the belt, despite being made to look weak on the grandest stage of the year, and he's doing it by making Punk really, really mad. Before a PPV called Extreme Rules. Before a match where Punk losing his temper will not affect the outcome in the slightest.

Jericho should have won the belt at Mania and Punk should be chasing revenge at Extreme Rules, and now this storyline sucks because it's had to live and die entirely on the back of the alcoholism stuff and inexplicable title matches against Mark Henry.



Steve Austin was interviewed by The UK Sun discussing a number of topics, including the one that seems to haunt Austin in every recent interview, whether we will see him wrestle CM Punk at Wrestlemania 29.

On Punk, Austin commented, "Maybe Punk’s not the guy to go against. He needs to pick up his intensity. We’ll have to see what I do, I’m happy now doing what I am. In a perfect world, where I could step back into the ring for one last match I would be willing to have that discussion with management. I do miss the business and working a live crowd, going out there and wrestling your hearts out. I’m still in contact with a few of the guys. I speak to Kevin Nash the most, Nash and I talk about once a week. I also keep in contact with Jericho, Punk and Cena, but not as often. I’m not a big phone or email guy and they are always on the road or doing their thing."

Austin also commented on Wrestlemania 28, saying it was simply an average show until Undertaker vs. HHH. In the case of the Daniel Bryan 18 second match, Austin said, "I felt bad for Daniel Bryan, as his match with Sheamus was so short and I really wanted him to get the chance to shine. He is a great kid and he can work, you just want to see him work and he didn’t get that chance there. I hope they use him better down the line as there aren’t a lot of guys that truly work like he does. Daniel does need some polishing on his promos, but then so do a lot of the guys there."

You hear that CM Sellout? You're nothing but Sheamus without the K-Mart mom.


more money than God
...shit I'd say something...but I wasn't watching when JBL was around. :\
I'm always amazed when someone tells me that they got into wrestling over the past few years. I always wonder "why?" Lol, it shows how little faith I have in the product to actually attract people.


Well lets just say he has rather peculiar pectorals.
Not in the Kofi Kingston way however.

interesting.. Oh Bradshaw..

I'm always amazed when someone tells me that they got into wrestling over the past few years. I always wonder "why?" Lol, it shows how little faith I have in the product to actually attract people.

I didn't "Just" get into it, I took a near 10 year hiatus on it. I don't remember shit that happened on Invasion besides WCW/ECW guys jobbing to Vince's guys. Vaguely remember Lesnar stuff. I remember Batista.


more money than God
interesting.. Oh Bradshaw..

I didn't "Just" get into it, I took a near 10 year hiatus on it. I don't remember shit that happened on Invasion besides WCW/ECW guys jobbing to Vince's guys. Vaguely remember Lesnar stuff. I remember Batista.
You were free! Why would you return to this hellhole? Now, you're stuck! AHAHAHAHA *cries*!
I'm always amazed when someone tells me that they got into wrestling over the past few years. I always wonder "why?" Lol, it shows how little faith I have in the product to actually attract people.

I didn't "Just" get into it, I took a near 10 year hiatus on it. I don't remember shit that happened on Invasion besides WCW/ECW guys jobbing to Vince's guys. Vaguely remember Lesnar stuff. I remember Batista.

If the product doesn't attract people to it, clearly Wrasslegaf does.
Why without Wrasslegaf i'd probably have taken a hiatus myself, I was contemplating such things after WM26, good thing I stuck around for the Kane title run.
And now i'm trapped here, unable to give up bitching about the shocking state of the current product, strange.
interesting.. Oh Bradshaw..

I didn't "Just" get into it, I took a near 10 year hiatus on it. I don't remember shit that happened on Invasion besides WCW/ECW guys jobbing to Vince's guys. Vaguely remember Lesnar stuff. I remember Batista.

You missed most of the good events during your hiatus and came back to junk wrestling....

My condolences...Thankfully
saves us


You were free! Why would you return to this hellhole? Now, you're stuck! AHAHAHAHA *cries*!

If the product doesn't attract people to it, clearly Wrasslegaf does.
Why without Wrasslegaf i'd probably have taken a hiatus myself, I was contemplating such things after WM26, good thing I stuck around for the Kane title run.
And now i'm trapped here, unable to give up bitching about the shocking state of the current product, strange.

Yeah I love wrasslegaf, a LOT. It's one of the greatest communities, you guys supporting me on my stream and all of us talking about pretty much the one thing I know about besides video games.

*sniff* I love you guys.

You missed most of the good events during your hiatus and came back to junk wrestling....

My condolences...Thankfully
saves us

yeah I realize I fucked up and missed the good shit.

HAHA, I'm watching boy meets world, Vader! He looks odd in a suit with no mask.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
I decided to watch the OMG Top 50 moments thing on Netflix today and I just got to the Tim White trying to kill himself thing. What the fuck was that? It looks so hilarious! Also, the UT tombstone against HHH on the escalator was awesome. Digging this video so far.

Edit: I forgot how good the Foley/Orton match at Backlash 2004 was. Damn.


I decided to watch the OMG Top 50 moments thing on Netflix today and I just got to the Tim White trying to kill himself thing. What the fuck was that? It looks so hilarious! Also, the UT tombstone against HHH on the escalator was awesome. Digging this video so far.

Edit: I forgot how good the Foley/Orton match at Backlash 2004 was. Damn.

I'll be watching that video soon. It's so nice how there's so much WWE stuff on Netflix now.
Oh man, that AAPW promotion I mentioned is so bad. A bunch of fat men vs skinny kids, and almost none of them look like they should be wrestlers. Here's their roster for the curious;


Still, PAC vs El Generico was 15 minutes of awesome back and forth wrestling, great stuff from both guys. Also, Cabana had a fun match against some guy and the main event wasn't too bad I guess.

Woot. DDT4 tonight. Can't wait! Finally get to see Callihan live in action!

Super jealous. Have fun! I'm sure it's going to be a fucking amazing show.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
I'll be watching that video soon. It's so nice how there's so much WWE stuff on Netflix now.

It's good except for before every clip they play a super annoying song. "OH MY GOD!" You'll see.
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