Nash on Twitter last night said that he just found out that one of his dearest friends was fired by WWE. He didn't specify if it was a wrestler or an office person.
But he was mad enough about it that he went on a tirade saying that he doesn't want to be in the WWE Hall of Fame, that it means nothing to him, that he doesn't need it to validate his life and he considers the fact he lives on the Ocean means he's already in a real Hall of Fame. He said he's watched it up close and doesn't need the stress and told his wife that if he passes away, to pass on any invitation.
I'm being absolutely serious.This whole everyone liking Kane thing is some sort of joke right? You guys aren't serious, correct?
I don't see the point, same shit, different hour.
Hunter got fired!
50.) The Bushwhackers
49.) The Mega Powers
48.) Tony Atlas/Rocky Johnson
47.) Paul London/Brian Kendrick
46.) The Headshrinkers
45.) The Twin Towers
44.) The Moondogs
43.) Booker T/Goldust
42.) The Killer Bees
41.) The Steiner Brothers
40.) Billy & Chuck
39.) Jeri-Show
38.) The Bodydonnas
37.) The Powers of Pain
36.) Lay-Cool
35.) The Iron Sheik/Nikolai Volkoff
34.) MNM
33.) Rated-RKO
32.) The Brothers of Destruction
31.) The Rock 'n' Sock Connection
30.) Too Cool
29.) The World's Greatest Tag Team
28.) The Brain Busters
27.) Los Guerreros
26.) The U.S. Express
25.) The Colossal Connection
24.) Legacy
23.) Kane/X-Pac
22.) The Quebecers
21.) The Natural Disasters
20.) The Nasty Boys
19.) The Smoking Gunns
18.) Money, Inc.
17.) John Morrison/The Miz
16.) Mr. Fuji/Professor Tanaka
15.) D-Generation X
14.) Strike Force
13.) The Blackjacks
12.) The APA
11.) The Rockers
10.) The Dudley Boyz
9.) The Wild Samoans
8.) The Legion of Doom
7.) The Valiant Brothers
6.) The British Bulldogs
5.) The Hardy Boyz
4.) The New Age Outlaws
3.) Demolition
2.) The Hart Foundation
1.) Edge & Christian
It's like your house is burning down and on fire. Instead of calling the fire department or get some water and start dumping it on the fire, you start painting your house. They do everything to fix the problem except what would actually fix it.
I don't even know what the problem is with TNA anymore. We thought it was Russo, but I think Russo improved the product somehow....because it certainly hasn't been as good since he left. I'm starting to think it's a front office problem and more than one person.
Triple H fires Triple H.
I'm being absolutely serious.
I don't even know what the problem is with TNA anymore. We thought it was Russo, but I think Russo improved the product somehow....because it certainly hasn't been as good since he left. I'm starting to think it's a front office problem and more than one person.
I don't even know what the problem is with TNA anymore. We thought it was Russo, but I think Russo improved the product somehow....because it certainly hasn't been as good since he left. I'm starting to think it's a front office problem and more than one person.
I don't understand.
Who is Nash friends with?
I told you guys that Russo has had little to do with the product for a long time before he even left.
TNA inherently sucks.
I bet if TNA called Kane in Parts Unknown, he wouldn't even know who they are.Kane isn't good enough for TNA.
I told you guys that Russo has had little to do with the product for a long time before he even left.
TNA inherently sucks.
Kane isn't good enough for TNA.
Just don't watch it, man. That's the only way to force them to really change. The problem is that there is an audience that will watch anything wrestling related, and TNA is content to keep them.I never blamed Russo. Russo can be good with the right kind of leash, and TNA brass clearly weren't prepared to leash him. They hired a guy that has done great stuff, but who everyone knows shouldn't be allowed to indulge himself, and they let him indulge himself.
and TNA had the same problems before they hired Russo that it has now. from the fading old talent with names keeping the fresh exciting talent down, to having no idea what tone the show should have (going from something deadly serious to the stupidest wacky comedy the next minute), from having no internal logic, from being unable to decide whether it should ape the WWE or be different to them, and seeming to change it's mind on that multiple times PER EPISODE.
Just don't watch it, man. That's the only way to force them to really change. The problem is that there is an audience that will watch anything wrestling related, and TNA is content to keep them.
Also, I'm not sure who Abyss is. Another Kane wannabe in this world?
I am now inherently sad.
You're a good person for giving them more time than I would.i don't watch it. i try sometimes, but after a few minutes i recoil in horror, and curse myself for giving them yet another chance. TNA house shows are good, because their in ring workers are really good, but with fucked up finishes, terrible production, terrible writing and on and on, with impact i can't enjoy that delicious caramel center, because it's in the center of mechanically reprocessed fecal matter.
I don't understand.
Who is Nash friends with?
i just want to be able to watch some of my favourite wrestlers do their thing. Kurt's going to cripple himself the way he wrestles, at least he could be doing it infront of RAW sized television audiences and packed arenas. same for Jeff. same for talent on the way up that takes a lot of bumps and wrestles hard. i love Austin Aries. loved seeming him in ROH.![]()
Happy now?
You're a good person for giving them more time than I would.
Maybe ReyRey was actually released, and they fronted the suspension story for now?
If you take out Bischoff and Hogan there really isn't anything really bad about TNA right now, except it's just gotten boring. They need some new storylines and I thought those were gonna happen after Lockdown and it really hasn't. The Joseph Park thing has been going on almost 2 months now. The Kazarian/Daniels/AJ thing seems like it's been going on for months. Roode vs Storm should've had the blowoff at Lockdown, but it's going to continue. The roster is stale too. They need to fire 10-15 guys and bring in new ones.
I think it's more like Rey was suspended and Nash read it like he was released.
Holy shit, LOL!Nash isn't stupid.
Look at the adjective 'released', we're not here to be released.
If you take out Bischoff and Hogan there really isn't anything really bad about TNA right now, except it's just gotten boring. They need some new storylines and I thought those were gonna happen after Lockdown and it really hasn't. The Joseph Park thing has been going on almost 2 months now. The Kazarian/Daniels/AJ thing seems like it's been going on for months. Roode vs Storm should've had the blowoff at Lockdown, but it's going to continue. The roster is stale too. They need to fire 10-15 guys and bring in new ones.
It's funny how the WWE has done a much better job than TNA over the past years when it comes to recruiting wrestlers from the indies.
TNA really needs to bring in some new blood from the indies to freshen things up because the current roster is just incredibly stale.
So I'm kind of confused with who is in charge of TNA. So is Lagana writing for Impact at all? When you say front office problem .. is it Bischoff, Hogan, Dixie, Prichard? Combination of all? Where is Jeff Jarrett in all of this?
Angle and Jeff left due to not wanting to change their lifestyle, honestly.i just want to be able to watch some of my favourite wrestlers do their thing. Kurt's going to cripple himself the way he wrestles, at least he could be doing it infront of RAW sized television audiences and packed arenas. same for Jeff. same for talent on the way up that takes a lot of bumps and wrestles hard. i love Austin Aries. loved seeming him in ROH.
i just hate feeling like any wrestler who signs with TNA basically ceases to exist for me unless I go see them in a fucking TENT that can barely hold a ring when they come around these parts on a house show.
i am so fucking glad Claudio (Antonio) is in the WWE. not because the current shows are the best thing ever, but because i can stomach their product. hell, Michael Cole has been dialling it down of late which has been greatly appreciated.
they're all over TNA right now though, that's the problem and i find it pretty offensive that they've got a female belt around a guy considering all the female talent they have.
there's a load of great people in the indies right now, but TNA feel like they need big names to bring in viewers. unfortunately, unlike the 'big names' in WWE who are prepared to put people over and help build careers, the people that end up in TNA don't seem to be. so why, as an indie talent, would you sign with TNA? to job to Garrett? the only plus side of jobbing to Garrett on TNA is that it won't be seen by many people.
I think the biggest problem with TNA is that the biggest money is going to guys that are there to collect a paycheck and don't really care if the company goes over or not. If the company was in the hands of people that cared about the product and the fans, they could get better.
Which was worse, this or when DX dumped manure on the Spirit Squad and the McMahons?
It's all gonna get better once they bring in Batista brother.
Don't tease heart can't take this after the Mania talk and him being in Florida. Man.