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April Wrasslin |OT| D.Brine collects his P45


haha! It was an ok WrestleMania overall but am glad I didn't travel all the way from England to see it again :) Saying that am planning to go next year with my brother as he would like to go to his first WM and sounds like we could have fun :)


...Are you trying to tell me that Dolph Ziggler has mic skills? Because lol
He's not Austin or anything, but he's better than a lot of guys who walk out there and try to do it, like poops in bags.

Why would anybody with a brain suggest Morrison's wrestling skills are even in the same league as Ziggler's?


Lol @ thread title. Nice one.

I liked WM28 once they got past the first hour. Definitely a better show than WM27.

Hopefully we can go back to Punk vs Cena for a while before *glass breaks* Stone Cold returns for his pay day.


I'd wager that JoMo could easily best Ziggler in a "who's better at carrying Melina's bags" competition.
Or a "best hairdo blown in slo-mo wind" contest.

Where will the Kane/Orton feud go from here?
Or does anyone honestly care about that feud?
Nobody cares. But they'll introduce some sort of gimmick for the "extreme" PPV.
First Blood isn't PG but an Inferno match would be all sorts of nice.


Where will the Kane/Orton feud go from here?

Or does anyone honestly care about that feud?

An 'innovative' match idea: A coma match. First person to put the audience into a coma with boredom wins.

I could have sworn I heard 'boring' chants during their match last night.


An 'innovative' match idea: A coma match. First person to put the audience into a coma with boredom wins.

I could have sworn I heard 'boring' chants during their match last night.

Those were Daniel Bryan chants, damnit. He's not synonymous with boring!


Just rewatching Wrestlemania now. Thought I would post some thoughts from last night.

I actually really liked the stage, however those palm trees looked terrible for the live audience. I went to a house show last year and Big Sexay blocked my view of the match when he was stood in the corner so I can't imagine how frustrating a 100ft plastic fucking tree would be.

D-Brine vs Sheamus

I can see what they were trying to do. I really can. Bryan had some amazing heat as a despicable, arrogant heel. It puts Sheamus over as an explosive badass. Bryan got his comeuppance not due to inferior wrestling ability but over-confidence. It makes sense for his character, should lead to some interesting promos etc in the coming months. It really could let Daniel Bryan take it to a new level as a heel. My friends that don't really know Bryan's back story loved it and it did get a big reaction at the start of the show.

All that being said....

Daniel Bryan is the best wrestler in the world. He has worked amazingly hard throughout his career and has raised his game in the last few months. He was over as a heel with the mainstream audience and the 'IWC' love to watch him. I was convinced that this would be one of the matches of the night. I knew and was happy for him to lose but last night was the opportunity for Bryan to become a fucking megastar. The new Randy Savage and Elizabeth. You had so many fresh or returning eyes and you had a chance to show them right off the bat that wrestling can be awesome and that there are bright spots in the WWE's future.

18 fucking seconds. I couldn't have cared less if it had happened on Smackdown but Wrestlemania is a crowd of people that love wrestling and many have spent thousands to be there. They wanted to see Bryan wrestle. They were ready for it and I feel it was wrong to market it as a main event match.

Orton vs Kane

Just a match. Kane won. Not bad but not memorable either.

Rhodes vs Big Show

Cody is one of my fave five, but the right man won here. As has been mentioned, with the build this should have been the match that lasted 18 seconds. I am happy for Big Show as I think he was brilliant in the Mark Henry/Daniel Bryan stuff last year and Cody had the belt for forever and hopefully will now move up the card.

Diva Match

What was expected. Wasn't too bad but when this match went so much longer than Bryan's it was a bit much.

Triple H vs Undertaker

Great match. Story-telling was fantastic. I was unsure about HBK being involved but I shouldn't have been. Still the real 'best in the world at everything he does' even if that is being a special guest referee. Him looking like a concerned child when mommy and daddy are beating the shit out of each other was great. The superkick/pedigree was an amazing moment as was Taker's sit up and H's reaction. Crowd were awesome, great atmosphere and a true Wrestlemania moment. A bit of blood and Taker's bruises looked insane. Better than last years and maybe better than their match at 17.

I miss Edge :(

Team Teddy vs Team Johnny

Glad Team Johnny won. Only real memorable moments for me was Dolph's amazing 450 monkey flip and Johnny's celebration. Eve is a good heel.

Punk vs Jericho

It did take a while to get going and I do think the crowd were still recovering from the End of an Era match. Ultimately though the match was great but the stipulation mean that they started with taunting stuff instead of awesome wrestling which is how it should have started. Finish was godly and I feel that, although they didn't immediately click in this feud, there could be some amazing matches to come.

Brodus Clay

I would have rather have seen him wrestle but the crowd appeared to love it and it's Wrestlemania. You are always going to get some of this shit. I do actually think the show had a surprisingly low amount of this stuff, but that it was amplified by the length of the Daniel Bryan match.

MGK/Flo Rida

There is always live music at Wrestlemania I just wish that they had spread it out earlier in the night rather than before each person's entrance.

Cena vs The Rock

The crowd were super into this and it helped massively. Neither of these guys are HBK but the match was good and was elevated by the crowd. Too much reliance on crappy submission manoeuvres at one point but marked out for the old 'getting the hand up on the 3rd attempt' spot from The Rock. The finish was perfect. Cena lost because of his biggest character flaw, his invincible arrogance. Seeing cena sat on the ramp having lost everything was a great sight. The fact that Rock won't be around means that he is going to have to deal with it. No Rematch on Raw or win at the next PPV. He is going to have to dwell on this for a while. I just hope that the writer's and Cena take advantage of what is a fantastic opportunity to develop the character and do an interesting build for any rematch that might be on the cards.

I'm glad Brock didn't show tonight although I would be glad to see him back. Better as a Raw moment I think.


I enjoyed the show and I am just up to the main event on my second watch. If the Daniel Bryan match had actually happened and been good this would have been one of the best modern Wrestlemanias. As it is I feel that it will go down as mid-tier. It was no 17 that's for sure but it was a lot better than last year (it really, really was).
This thread being in community is garbage. I kind of knew it was coming when someone made a seperate Wrestlemania thread though. Seems like a lame way to get people to visit the Community forum when everything was fine in Off Topic.


A couple of questions ..

1. You think Undertaker is calling it quits after 20-0?
2. Who do you think will be the main event of WM29?
3. When do you think Rollins and Ambrose debut ...
A couple of questions ..

1. You think Undertaker is calling it quits after 20-0?
2. Who do you think will be the main event of WM29?
3. When do you think Rollins and Ambrose debut ...

1. No, he will go a few more years most likely. He will face Brock probably next year if Rock isn't facing him. With last night's ending I won't be surprised if they do Rock/Cena 2 and Brock/Undertaker next year.

2. Cena/Rock 2 or Brock/Undertaker or Brock/Rock depending on how they go.

3. Probably after the draft if they still have one later in the month.


So not worth it
Okay! Okay! The only way I can deal with Bryan's match last night (which tbh, should not be a WM type match, ever!) is if he either kicks Sheamuses Teeth in on Smackdown or if he gets moved to Raw and enters into a program with Punk.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
There wasn't much 'Cell' involved in Hell in a Cell. I can't recall a single cage interaction. They might as well have called it Chairs, Stairs and Sledgehammers.

Uh Charles Robinson had to take awhile to get in. That's worth the giant cage above the ring right?
Daniel Bryan being a Raw guy is one of the worst decisions that could happen. He will definitely be buried in the midcard over there trading wins with R-Truth and Kofi on a weekly basis in 1 minute matches.


Daniel Bryan being a Raw guy is one of the worst decisions that could happen. He will definitely be buried in the midcard over there trading wins with R-Truth and Kofi on a weekly basis in 1 minute matches.

I can't see WWE seeing dollar bills in Punk/Bryan or as a token to the IWC since most beg for lamps during PPV time ;)


Took me forever to find this thread. People, use the subscriptions option. Its great!

I enjoyed WM last night. Then again, i watched it with a group of people and that automatically makes things better.


The finish was perfect. Cena lost because of his biggest character flaw, his invincible arrogance. Seeing cena sat on the ramp having lost everything was a great sight. The fact that Rock won't be around means that he is going to have to deal with it. No Rematch on Raw or win at the next PPV. He is going to have to dwell on this for a while. I just hope that the writer's and Cena take advantage of what is a fantastic opportunity to develop the character and do an interesting build for any rematch that might be on the cards.

Tonight on Raw:

I lost last night to one of the greatest WWE superstars of all time. The better man won. But now the Rock is back in Hollywood. And I am STILL RIGHT HERE. I will rise above the loss and keep doing what I love to do. blah blah blah no character development whatsoever


Tonight on Raw:

I lost last night to one of the greatest WWE superstars of all time. The better man won. But now the Rock is back in Hollywood. And I am STILL RIGHT HERE. I will rise above the loss and keep doing what I love to do. blah blah blah no character development whatsoever

Sadly, that's exactly what's going to happen tonight. I will be shocked if Cena borders on heel after last night. If he does, that will be best for his character!


So not worth it
Both Rock and Austin had heel runs, so I reckon if Cena were to really push and nag Vince, he'd be allowed to do it.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
What's wrong with Community again? Now we're with some great company like NFL-Gaf, NBA-Gaf, MLB-Gaf, Anime-Gaf and Pony-Gaf. I think everybody here should embrace the change!
So that's where the thread went, I couldn't find it. Now we are part of the wasteland????????????

Looking forward to tonight. :)
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