A.J. ‏@WWEAJLee 59m
Those kids want a refund.
Tickets were free...
Those kids want a refund.
Tickets were free...
Thanks Sokantish. I guessed correctly, yay!R-Truth, Santino, and Ryder
Tickets were free...
He was legit shook.He's lucky he didn't get her in the face and give her a black eye.
Miz fanclub gaining new members left and right.
Kid likes the Miz, fuck him.
Time is money, friend!
They still want a refund.
Orton is turning heel tonight, isn't he? Vince probably read online reactions to Mania and realized they screwed the pooch creatively, and now he's giving smarks exactly what they wanted last night.
Still a terrible precedent to set.Orton is turning heel tonight, isn't he? Vince probably read online reactions to Mania and realized they screwed the pooch creatively, and now he's giving smarks exactly what they wanted last night.
Live Raw's sure are annoying with all these commercial breaks and no fast forward guys, how do you watch this every week?
Live Raw's sure are annoying with all these commercial breaks and no fast forward guys, how do you watch this every week?
Dude benches 800 pounds and just elbowed a 115 pound girl in the neck, that's gotta bruise.
Mighty darn generous.That was nice of Vince to give R-Truth,Ryder,Santino, and 3MB a match on RAW
This a 3 hour raw tonight?
That wasn't an elbow, that was a straight up punch.
He was legit shook.
edit: sonuvabitch beaten
Didn't say they tweeted ABOUT it, just during,