Wow. Shows how long since I watched live. Usually watch highlights on wwe.com3 hours every week.
I made the promise that if Ziggler cashed it in during WM or the Raw after I'd buy his shirt. I also bought his bracelet.
My Ziggles won. Omg. I'm so hyped. I'm about to do exactly what you just did there brosef!
Thanks, WWE creative. About damn time!
you're on fire tonight wrecker
Bryan's marking out like a madman.
Name of interviewer??
For the new page. Bryan is having one of the best nights of his career.
Renee Paquette
Would have been more accurate if Mr. Perfect tweeted it.
Bryan's marking out like a madman.
I thought Orton used to be a main eventer?
Not since he shit in Rock's bag at WM last year.I thought Orton used to be a main eventer?
2 strikes
He will. I want to get this tonight in support of him though. I have his older one (the pink one). But I never got a chance to purchase this. And it came out to $30 anyway. I'll give $30 to my favorite wrestler, Ziggles, lol!Same but, I'm going to wait and hope he gets a new shirt now. Since you know everyone seemed to have had one recently
He's had 2 strikes for like 6 years.
And lol @ the Brothers of Destruction adopting a goat.