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Why is Tara's celebrity boyfriend still there? Didn't that angle play itself out yet?

Sorry, whenever I watch TNA, I certainly don't pay much attention to knockouts and I don't have sound tonight.



ECW on TNN 11/19/99

Joel and Joey start out in the ring. Joel "I'm a ratings generator and a lady penetrater" Gertner. About fucking time he had a good one. Before they can welcome a guest to the ring, Rhino came out with some Smackdown levels of canned heat. Rhino calls Justin Credible (and Lance Storm) a "fucking pussy".

TO THE BACK. Sunny stops Rhino in Gorilla and wants to fuck him right now. In a janitor's closet. Classy.

Rhino is supposed to team with Justin to face Dreamer and Raven tonight, but based on the last segment, it seems like he's doing it on his own.

Super Crazy vs Jerry Lynn

. Before the match, DeVito and Angel were hanging out in the NYC subway, because the other two don't need help beating Balls and Axl.

Another lucha sequence to start. This ends with a tiltawirl back breaker. Crazy does a powerbomb that Jerry's head clipped the ropes on the way down on.

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He tries again but it is reversed with a rana and a German suplex. Diving tornado DDT from Jerry. Jerry falls off the top through the time keeper's table. Crazy gets him in the ring and hits a piledriver. Brainbustaaahh.

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Corino breaks up the pin so Tajiri can kick Crazy. The ref punches Corino, Tajiri mists the ref, then hits a brainbuster on Tajiri. Jerry wins.

TO THE SUBWAY. Angel and DeVito just hanging out, doing subway stuff.

PN News/Skull vs Balls/Axl Loser of the Fall Leaves ECW

Before the match, Steve Corino was in the back crying for his mom. Jack brings in a very sinister looking minster to heal him. The minister takes off his collar, lights up, and says it beats managing Mortis and Wrath. BANG!

The match is already a brawl when we get to it. News misses a flipping senton off the top and gets brained with a chair. Skull eats the Nutcracker Suite on some chairs and he's off to WCW.

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TO THE BACK. Steve is looking for Rhino. He comes in to see Rhino talking with Sunny and Skip. They send the camera man away.

Da Baldies are still doing subway stuff.

Rhino/Chris Candido vs Tommy Dreamer/Raven ECW Tag Team Championships

TO THE BACK. I'm really tired of backstage promos before matches. Doring and Roadkill bitch about not getting the title shot because of BOOBS. Which brings Electra to flash him and flex her boobs at us. Gross.

Corino demands restitution for getting hit by the the ref. Tommy punches him in the face. Skip and Dreamer start things out. Both miss an enziguri and do a stand off. Double team floaty gourdbuster.

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It goes to the floor and Dreamer/Raven are working together. Raven puts Rhino through a table while Dreamer and Skip are somewhere in the crowd. Spinebuster from Rhino. GORE.

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Stalling suplex from Skip. Tommy back drops Skip out of a superbomb attempt, but Rhino powerbombs him instead. Raven finally gets in and does a leap frog! Chair drop toe hold on Rhino. Tommy had Skip in a DVD, but Sunny low blowed him. CAT FIGHT WARZ of '99! Francine DDTs Sunny. Tommy DDTs Skip and the champs retain. Corino and Victory join in a post match beat down. This (eventually) brings out Sandman. Cane shots for all. Raven ambushes him. Tommy pulls Raven off this time. Dreamer accidentally gets hit with the cane. The Impact Players show up and beat up the champs. Rhino gores Sandman. The Impact Players had "walked out" of ECW. They didn't. Lance went home one night when Sandman was particularly drunk and nasty. Justin stayed. Then they were both at the next show. It was like John Cena getting fired or taking time off.

I think every single show so far has ended with a big ambush and brawl at the end. Most with the Impact Players. Weirdly, RVD hasn't had a match for like a month on TV.



Action figure or barbie doll?


Why are TNA babyfaces idiots. Hey I have rematch clause lets do a four away instead. Hey we earned a title match lets put us being a tag team on the line.
ECW - Hardcore TV, Episode #001 - April 4th, 1993

The inaugral episode of ECW's Hardcore TV kicks off with a snazzy intro video;

ECW Hardcore TV 1993 Intro

'Hot Stuff' Eddie Gilbert has the book and, while Paul E. is kicking around, helping out some of the wrestlers with their promos, he's not an on-screen persona at this point. After the intro we're introduced to our commentary team, Stevie Wonderful & Jay Sulli;


They bring out Todd Gordon, who has a belt in his hands. "Let me ask you a question. I see you here, holding the brand new ECW Television Heavyweight Wrestling Champion" stumbles Wonderful. That wasn't a question, Stevie. Gordon explains that this is the new ECW Television Championship and that there'll be a tournament to crown the first champion, kicking off here tonight! Before we take things to the ring, Gordon has a surprise - there's going to be a 3rd man in the commentary booth! He says this man is a "Living legend", at which point Eddie Gilbert comes out and begins to thank Todd for making him a commentator, but Gordon interrupts him and directs him towards a monitor so we can see "the real 3rd man in the booth!"

We're then treated to a clip of Quantum Leap and the fine acting skills of Terry Funk, as his character is beat up by Dr. Sam Beckett. Back to the arena and Gilbert still seems oblivious, but goes into a rage when the Funker arrives. "You and these stinkin' people want to call him a legend? To me a legend's just an old man!" screams Gilbert. Funk immediately challenges him to a match, but says Gilbert better be careful "this old man doesn't embarrass you", so Gilbert high-tails it to the back. Funk puts over the hardcore wrestling fans, the Philly area and the locker-room, before throwing the show to commercial.

The Super Destroyers (c) vs The Hell Riders (E.Z. Ryder & H.D. Ryder) - ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Title


The Hell Riders try and get the jump on The Super Destroyers, which probably isn't a good idea. E.Z. Ryder was better known as Chubby Dudley. No idea who H.D. Ryder is. The Super D's make a near-instant comeback, taking it to H.D, making quick tags while Funk & Wonderful argue over which Destroyer is which. Eventually, The D's just throw H.D. into his own corner and he tags in E.Z. The Super Destroyers make equally short work of him and hit a powerbomb, followed by a jumping senton for the 3-count before the other Rider can make the save.


At ringside, the manager of The Super Destroyers (Hunter Q. Robins the 3rd) demands proper respect from Terry Funk, who calls him "Hunter Q. Robins the TURD" before introducing a TOTALLY RADICAL video package for The Sandman;

The Sandman, circa 1993

Back from commercial, and Stevie Wonderful & Jay Sulli announce the brackets for the TV Title Tournament;


'Ironman' Tommy Cairo vs 'Wildman' Sal Bellomo - TV Title Tournament, Round 1 Match

The Wildman Sal Bellomo and his manager The Cosmic Commander are certainly a sight;


Tommy Cairo gets a good reaction from the crowd, as Terry Funk puts him and his undefeated streak over on commentary before going ringside to put him over some more to the live audience. Cairo & Bellomo lock up and Cairo hits an armdrag with ease. Bellomo gets frustrated and grabs a hammerlock before slamming Cairo down to the mat. He works over Cairo's arm well, but Tommy manages to force him into a corner and scores with some big punches. He tries to charge the corner, but eats a big boot for his trouble for a 2-count. Bellomo continues to work over the arm, but Cairo eventually breaks free and hits a crossbody off the ropes for a 2-count of his own. The Cosmic Commander gets on the apron and distracts the ref, while Bellomo locks in a full-nelson. Out of nowhere, Johnny Hotbody runs down and goes to hit a flying knee off the top rope on Tommy, but he breaks free and Hotbody hits Bellomo instead, sending him outside the ring. The ref eventually notices and counts Bellomo out, giving Cairo the win! Johnny Hotbody attacks him post-match and tries for a top-rope elbow, but crashes and burns, running from ringside before Cairo can get his hands on him.

Tony 'Hitman' Stetson vs Rockin' Rebel

BATTLE OF THE MULLETS! Stetson looks like the 1-2-3 Kid after a year long McDonalds binge, but while his mullet is quite luxuriant, it isn't as magnificent as the Rockin' Rebel's, who is the no.1 contender for the ECW Heavyweight Title (the Rockin' Rebel, not his mullet). Stetson hits some nice armdrags to start things off and Rebel's complaining to the ref about having his hair pulled and Stetson kicking him up the ass. They lock up and Stetson hits another armdrag, before working over the arm. Rebel works his way to his feet and hits Stetson HARD into the turnbuckle to gain the advantage. He methodically picks Stetson apart, hitting a nice dropkick for a 2-count. Rebel telegraphs a back bodydrop and Stetson hits a nice neckbreaker before scoring with a legdrop off the top rope for 2. Stetson charges Rebel in the corner, but he trips Tony and rolls him up with his feet on the ropes for the 3-count! Jay Sulli interviews the Rebel post-match and he says he's putting Sandman on notice, "the best wrestler in ECW doesn't wear a belt, but he will do soon. I'm coming for your title, Sandman, and your career".

'Superfly' Jimmy Snuka vs Larry Winters - TV Title Tournament, Round 1 Match


Larry Winters gets a total jobber entrance, isn't even introduced. The Superfly comes out and drags Jay Sulli to ringside so he can announce he's signed a contract with a new representative. Out comes 'Hot Stuff' Eddie Gilbert, who says Snuka's the first acquisition of 'Hot Stuff International' and that Snuka's going to be the next TV champion. Funk puts over Snuka's wrestling skill, but says he doesn't like the man before running down Eddie Gilbert, "he's a rat and I have no respect for him". Snuka takes easy control of the match, Gilbert taking every opportunity to attack Winters behind the ref's back. Snuka's showing a total lack of respect towards Winters, but is surprised by a flurry of punches and a big crossbody off the ropes for 2. He scores with successive back bodydrops on Snuka, punches Gilbert in the face and hits a legdrop for another 2-count, but when he hits the ropes again, this time Gilbert trips him. Superfly goes up top and hits a BIG fat gut splash on Winters, pinning him with a lazy count for the 3!


Gilbert celebrates with Snuka post-match. Isn't he meant to be in this tournament, too? He'll have to hope he doesn't meet his new 'acquisition' in the finals.

After the break there's some jobber in the ring while Terry & Sulli close up the show. Terry says there's "room for improvement" and promises the fans that ECW will do just that, before he's interrupted by Sal Bellomo and The Cosmic Commander. Funk tries to tell him he's lost already, but he runs into the ring and destroys the jobber anyway. Todd Gordon is interviewed by Terry, hyping up the last quarter finals of the TV Title Tournament next week and in the TV début of ECW Heavyweight Champion The Sandman! We close the show with some more clips of Terry Funk's awesome acting skills. Not a terribly auspicious start for ECW, but Tommy Cairo looked great in his match. It's just four or so months before Gilbert is fired and Paul E. takes over the book, but hopefully things pick up before then.
Who's the dude with the mask? This Magno, or whoever? New guy, or just a new gimmick?

Some second-rate lucha dude, who mainly wrestles for Lucha Libre USA - he turned up in TNA years ago for one of their World Tag Cups, or whatever they were called, and has wrestled in a bunch of US indies.
Some second-rate lucha dude, who mainly wrestles for Lucha Libre USA - he turned up in TNA years ago for one of their World Tag Cups, or whatever they were called, and has wrestled in a bunch of US indies.

Thanks. I had no idea that TNA had World Tag Cups. It sounds like a good idea; I guess it didn't pan out.
From the on-going PWS show - I know it's only Dan Maff, but STILL...this is a sentence that should never have needed to be written;

"Maff hits the Burning Hammer, but Steen kicks out at 2"

It's a Burning Hammer, FFS! It's own creator has only hit it 7 times in 15 years and no one ever kicked out at 2.


Fuckin' indies.


Gotta say that I'm liking TNA right now. Weird, but I'm on board. Looking forward to some Petey Williams action tonight. Wanna see the Canadian Destroyer.
From the on-going PWS show - I know it's only Dan Maff, but STILL...this is a sentence that should never have needed to be written;

"Maff hits the Burning Hammer, but Steen kicks out at 2"

It's a Burning Hammer, FFS! It's own creator has only hit it 7 times in 15 years and no one ever kicked out at 2.


Fuckin' indies.

Those system changes in Final Showdown fucked up more stuff than I thought...


From the on-going PWS show - I know it's only Dan Maff, but STILL...this is a sentence that should never have needed to be written;

"Maff hits the Burning Hammer, but Steen kicks out at 2"

It's a Burning Hammer, FFS! It's own creator has only hit it 7 times in 15 years and no one ever kicked out at 2.


Fuckin' indies.

It goes back to the old wrestling adage that if Move X is a common finisher but is not Wrestler A's finisher and Wrestler A performs Move X then Wrestler B will kick out.


Gotta say that I'm liking TNA right now. Weird, but I'm on board. Looking forward to some Petey Williams action tonight. Wanna see the Canadian Destroyer.

Well Impact has gotten better, but for this show the first hour was not good at all. Also, these double tapings kill the crowd for the 2nd taping.

Also, AJ Styles is totally becoming sting 96.


Hogan cutting a better promo on AJ than Cena cut on Rock in their whole feud.

James Storm making reference to a match a few months ago. Yay for long term continuity. This is how you do a long angle. Liking how they're treating AJ.
It's hard to give a shit about long-term booking when the overall storyline has been pure hot garbage. Aces & Eights are fucking dire and I'd rather never see Hogan on TV ever again. Ever. Other than that, I kinda enjoyed TNA last week (although Anderson is SOOOOOOO awful), but the first hour having so little in the way of wrestling put me off watching live every week.

I'll catch up tomorrow, looking forward to seeing Scrap Daddy in Gut Check.

It goes back to the old wrestling adage that if Move X is a common finisher but is not Wrestler A's finisher and Wrestler A performs Move X then Wrestler B will kick out.

Ah, but it IS Maff's finisher. That usually guarantees that someone's getting pinned when he hits it, no matter how shitty he makes it look. But, Steen's a far bigger name these days, so I guess he wanted to look strong before putting Maff over.


Ah, but it IS Maff's finisher. That usually guarantees that someone's getting pinned when he hits it, no matter how shitty he makes it look. But, Steen's a far bigger name these days, so I guess he wanted to look strong before putting Maff over.

Finishers go out the window in "Dream Matches" anyway. When a match is booked as such, especially in the indies, expect a gazillion finishers and a unique sequence to end it usually.


Petey Williams!

Not sure why Sonjay is in this. Thought he was eliminated from title contention? Rules for this X Division thing don't seem to matter.


I hope that envelope has a positive pregnancy test in it. Mr. Anderson snuck in to the bathroom after Brooke forgot to flush and got a reading.


Joe Park has been one of the best parts of TNA for the past year.


Gotta give props to TNA for a few things:

-promoting matches for next week's Impact
-promoting upcoming show dates
-AJ Styles slow burn and James Storm's involvement
-Aries and Roode
They still don't use Samoa Joe well.

Their booking is much better and much less predictable than WWE's which seems very robotic. For better or worse
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