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WCW New Blood Rising PPV
15,802 @ Allstate Arena, IL.

Dark Match: No Fear Soldiers v Kwee Wee & Lash LeRoux
In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, No Fear Soldiers defeated Kwee Wee and Lash LeRoux in 6:03 when Samoa Joe defeated Lash LeRoux by submission with a Dragon Sleeper. (D)

Dark Match: Jamie Knoble v Jason Jett
In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Jamie Knoble defeated Jason Jett in 5:59 by pinfall with a Diving Leg Drop. (D)

Dark Match: Johnny Swinger v Crowbar
In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Johnny Swinger defeated Crowbar in 7:42 by pinfall with a Swing Thing.(D+)

Dark Match: Ernest Miller v Mike Awesome
In a match that had some good action and average heat, Mike Awesome defeated Ernest Miller in 9:47 by pinfall with an Awesome Bomb.(C)

Dark Match: Hugh Morrus v Hell Raiser
In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Hell Raiser defeated Hugh Morrus in 8:13 by pinfall with a Powerbomb. (D)

Dark Match: Road Warrior Animal v Rey Misterio Jr.
In a match that had some good action and average heat, Rey Misterio Jr. defeated Road Warrior Animal in 7:54 by pinfall with a Springboard Hurracanrana. (C-)


Show Start

- A dark and slow video plays with sinister music. It shows half hidden cuts of the The Masked Psycho in a room, cutting out pictures of Jushin Liger. Between the shots of Psycho action from the last month's Saturday Nights is shown. Liger being attacked by Psycho during and after his matches. (E)

Match: The Masked Psycho v Jushin Liger
In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Jushin Liger defeated The Masked Psycho in 7:39 by disqualification after The Masked Psycho ignored a referee's count on a chokehold. (C-)

- After the match The Masked Psycho continues his attack on Liger. Psycho drags Liger out of the ring and starts to use the railings to his advantage. It takes security and officials to distract and calm Psycho. Liger has to be attended to by medical staff, and leaves on a stretcher. (D-)

WCW Cruiserweight Title Match: Air Styles v Gregory Helms (c)
In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Gregory Helms defeated Air Styles in 10:13 by pinfall with a surprise roll up. Gregory Helms makes defence number 5 of his WCW Cruiserweight title. (D+)

- After the match Gregory Helms extends his hand to Air Styles. The pair shake hands in the ring before leaving. (E)

- A Video Package plays: It details the feud between KroniK & The Natural Born Thrillers. It starts off by showing The Natural Born Thrillers putting KroniK through tables (however the footage is edited and freezes before impact due to censorship), with KroniK needing medical attention. It then shows Natural Born Thrillers bragging about being the most entertaining and thrilling tag team in WCW. Team Amazement appear, only to be defeated. Another promo of Natural Born Thrillers being the best tag team and no one left in WCW to face them. The video continues to play, portrait shots of KroniK fade back onto the screen... before their music plays and the video shows them returning to action attacking Natural Born Thrillers at last week's Saturday Night. It shows them stealing the belts and saying if Natural Born Thrillers want them back, they'll have to fight for them at New Blood Rising. (D+)

WCW Tag Title Match: KroniK v Natural Born Thrillers (c)
In a match that had some good action and average heat, KroniK defeated Natural Born Thrillers in 10:26 when Bryan Clark defeated Chuck Palumbo by pinfall with a Power Bomb. KroniK win the WCW World Tag Team titles. (C)

- KroniK celebrate in the ring with the titles. (D+)

WCW US Title Match: Konnan v Billy Kidman (c)
In a match that had some good action and average heat, Konnan defeated Billy Kidman in 14:48 by pinfall. Konnan wins the WCW United States Heavyweight title. (C)

- Eric Bischoff makes his way down to the ring
*Bischoff: "A lot has happened over the last few months, and I'll take the credit for that. We've returned! Back the arenas, back to TV and back to PPV."
*Bischoff: "However, I can't standby and allow someone else to try and take credit for all the hardwork I've put in, as well as personal friends of mine. Don Callis is trying to steal WCW using politics, I didn't break WCW back for this to happen all over again."
*Bischoff: "He wants a war. He wants a fight for WCW. Callis has turned to Kevin Nash for advice, and for the 'inside track' on WCW... we've been there, we've done that. I'm not going to let it all happen again...
*Bischoff: "So, I'm begging you Sting. I'm begging you to please help me, to please help WCW. To do what's right and help me defend WCW from Don Callis and Kevin Nash..." (C+)

- Sting descends from the rafter and lands in the ring. He stares at Eric Bischoff for what seems like 5 minutes without speaking. Eric Bischoff pleading with Sting. Sting holds up his hand for Bischoff to stop.
* "I don't trust you, Bischoff."
Don Callis, Kevin Nash & Mike Awesome make their way to the ring looking very pleased. They're smiling and nodding at Sting.
*Nash: "Good on you, Stinger."
*Sting: "I don't trust Kevin Nash, and I don't trust Don Callis. You must think I was born yesterday, but I will not forget how WCW was left reeling after you guys were in charge last time. Bischoff & Nash, you made this mess, you can fix it. You made my life a living hell for 5 years with the NWO and the aftermath... I'm not here for you, Bischoff, and I'm not here for you, Nash. I'm here for them... I'm here for the fans. You two are fighting over who owns WCW, but the truth is... THEY OWN WCW - the fans!"
Sting turns his back on Bischoff, Callis & Nash and leaves through the crowd. (C-)

- Bischoff looks at Callis, Nash & Awesome. Suddenly Mike Awesome grabs Bischoff and powerbombs him into the ring. (C-)

- A Video Pack plays: It shows the story between Bill Goldberg & Scott Steiner. It starts with footage from before WCW resurfaced, of Steiner injuring Goldberg and the mock funeral held. It then cuts to GOldberg training and preparing, before finally returning to spear Scott Steiner at the last PPV. It shows the battle Goldberg had to go through to reach Steiner, including fight Rick Steiner and competing in the #1 Contender Tournament, as well as Scott Steiner attacking Goldberg whenever his back was turned. It ends with: Who's Next? Steiner is next. (B)

#1 Contender Match: Bill Goldberg v Scott Steiner
In a bout that featured great action and great heat from the audience, Scott Steiner defeated Bill Goldberg in 10:01 by disqualification, after Mike Awesome threw a chair at Goldberg, which Goldberg caught. The ref believed Goldberg had used the chair on Scott Steiner. During the match we also had Mike Awesome distract Goldberg. (C)

- Mike Tenay, Ton Schiavone & Stevie Ray discuss the #1 Contender Tournament and all those who took part, before finally discussing Scott Steiner v Booker T for the title. (C)

WCW World Heavyweight Title Match: Scott Steiner v Booker T (c)
In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, Booker T defeated Scott Steiner in 20:28 by pinfall with a Ghetto Blaster. Booker T makes defence number 3 of his WCW World Heavyweight title. (B-)

- After the match Bill Goldberg zergs into the ring and spears Scott Steiner just as Steiner was preparing to attack Booker T (who was celebrating). (B)

End Show: (B-)
Buy Rate: 0.84

Before the show Lex Luger was walking around like a big shot, annoying a number of the roster. The riot act was read to him in front of all, he seemed to accept it.
Inspired by Booker T last Saturday, Dustin Rhodes set up a computer games tournament too. Booker T didn't win this one.
No Fear Soldiers continue their impressive shows during the Dark Matches.
Jason Jett was dropped to dark matches after this recent poor showing on Saturday Night.
Crowbar continues to impress whenever and wherever he's asked to perform. It's thought WCW are looking at ways to get him back on TV.
The Masked Psycho & Jushin Liger surprised everyone with the match they put on during the PPV. They just clicked in the ring. WCW hope to work another deal with Liger in the future to bring back to continue a program with The Masked Psycho.
The handshake between Styles & Helms came off flat, as the match before hand hadn't been as 'great' as expected.
The WCW Tag Title match was suppose to be a Table match, and was billed as such before the PPV. However, the match was switched to a normal match after PPV Executives blocked the table match, which they deemed to be too violent.
The Scott Steiner/Goldberg match had one of the hottest reactions from the crowd since WCW returned! However, the match itself suffered from a lack of selling.
The Main Event was one of the best Main Events so far by the new WCW, the crowd were still hot from the last match, so the lead in to the Main Event was even better.
All in All (despite the strange bookings) this was the best show WCW have managed to produce since returning to the screen. This can largely be credited to Goldberg/Steiner/Booker T's performances, and the overall storyline over the last month.
Sting's involvement was slightly disappointing, and there's a belief it hasn't come over as hoped.
Popularity was increased across 15 regions with this show, with a decrease in 1 region.

*Sting doesn't trust anyone. Who will align with Bischoff or will Don Callis have all the players for the Kangaroo Court?
*Mike Awesome attacked Bischoff last night. An update on Bischoff's condition is due on Saturday Night. Will he be OK?
*Mike Awesome's night wasn't over however, as he setup Bill Goldberg to 'lose' against Scott Steiner. Is Mike Awesome next?!


Somebody do a review of WCW Superbrawl IV if you can find a copy online (I think you should be able to).

I need to step into the review game. I will do this!

Also, i like how im spending less on iPPVs then i would on WM. And enjoying it a thousand times more.


I need to step into the review game. I will do this!

Also, i like how im spending less on iPPVs then i would on WM. And enjoying it a thousand times more.

Do you realize if you bought everything, you could spend $130 on iPPVs alone?


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
I debating if I should go to Raw. The Verizon Center is closer to my job than my apartment is.

but I'll miss all the action on the WWE app!


I debating if I should go to Raw. The Verizon Center is closer to my job than my apartment is.

but I'll miss all the action on the WWE app!

Bring your tablet with you!

Or, buy one of those headset things so you can listen to commentary while in the audience. You know if you're one of those sadistic people who would actually pay to hear Michael Cole.


Guys, I just got the MGS HD Collection for under $4 dollars. So fucking hyped. Also, Crank is the most batshit awesome movie I've seen in a long fucking time and I want those guys to make a MGS movie.

Also, WRASSLIN is sometimes good. Not in 2013, but some other times.
Guys, I just got the MGS HD Collection for under $4 dollars. So fucking hyped. Also, Crank is the most batshit awesome movie I've seen in a long fucking time and I want those guys to make a MGS movie.

Also, WRASSLIN is sometimes good. Not in 2013, but some other times.

Oh shit? Where from? I just spent £15 on it :\
Guys, I just got the MGS HD Collection for under $4 dollars. So fucking hyped. Also, Crank is the most batshit awesome movie I've seen in a long fucking time and I want those guys to make a MGS movie.

Also, WRASSLIN is sometimes good. Not in 2013, but some other times.

Have you seen Crank 2?

Oh man, blows Crank 1 out of the water.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Looking back, I always hated Rick Rude when I was a kid

because all he used were rear chinlocks. goddddddd I hated that move.


More on the Charlie Haas "retirement"

According to pwtorch, Charlie Haas is no longer a member of the ROH roster after a backstage altercation with Grizzly Redwood last Saturday at ROH's house show in North Carolina. Sources say that tension had been building between the underneath talent and Haas for a long period of time as they had considered Haas a bully. It was said that Haas was used to the WWE way of doing things backstage and tried to bring that WWE philosophy to the ROH locker room. The ROH locker room thrives on all of the guys helping and motivating each other.

Haas was said to not be himself on Saturday, and appeared intoxicated backstage. Sources say that Haas and Redwood had gotten into an argument several weeks ago, and then got into another altercation on Saturday during the intermission. ROH booker Hunter Johnson (Delirious) yelled at both guys and Haas went crazy. Kevin Kelly tried to calm things down, but indications are that Haas turned on him as well. Management did not want Haas to wrestle, but they felt they could not stop him from going to the ring.

Live reports from the event state that they could hear the commotion going on backstage right before Haas was set to come out and wrestle Jeff Neal after intermission. Haas came out for his match and announced his retirement. According to sources, management turned off his mic, but Haas could still be heard taking shots at Johnson and Kelly during his promo. Haas was the one that changed the finish for his match and put over Neal. Haas was also said to be crying during the match.

Haas tried to cut another promo after the match, but management would not give him a mic, so he then shouted that his iPPV match with Shelton Benjamin was off and then took shots at Kelly and Delirious before leaving the ring.

Sources say that many of the wrestlers are disappointed in Haas's actions. Redwood is a popular figure backstage and it was said to have made Haas look bad for allegedly bullying someone much smaller than him. It has also been said that Haas was actually fired before the match, and went out and did the retirement speech as a way to save face.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Haas is legit shook.


I'm gonna projectile vomit

On the other hand an ROH angle is actually possible unlike that MGS buffoonery. What were people THINKING, team cg my ass


I can't believe that CZW is the first big name indie to enter blu-ray territory.

By big name indies, I'm talking CZW, Ring of Honor, PWG, Chikara and Dragon Gate USA/Evolve.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
WGTT really REALLY sucked in ROH so it's not a huge loss, really.

Of course, if we got rid of everything that really sucked about ROH, we'd have like 5 people on the roster and staff.
I can't believe that CZW is the first big name indie to enter blu-ray territory.

wXw from Germany did it for a while, but it just wasn't profitable in the long run - I can't see it being all that much different for CZW.

Who wants to watch pimply bleeding dudes in HD? I mean, besides Bootaaay.

Nah, the shittyness of the footage only adds to the general tone of idiocy and sleaze that pervades US death-match wrestling. I couldn't imagine watching Tournament of Death in HD. I don't need to see guys cut each other in that much detail, nor do I need a better look at the fans who grace CZW with their presence; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddTxSYCdKwE

WGTT really REALLY sucked in ROH so it's not a huge loss, really.

WGTT had already split up and, while I think Shelton is largely worthless beyond his athleticism, Charlie was a good all-round sort of guy and got more heat than most heels in ROH (which probably says more about the recent booking than anything).


wXw from Germany did it for a while, but it just wasn't profitable in the long run - I can't see it being all that much different for CZW.

They have highspots backing them, who are pretty reputable and they're packaging the blu-ray with the live showing which should sell a few discs.
It's the go-home show before Mania, RAW's surely got to be good, right guys?

They have highspots backing them, who are pretty reputable and they're packaging the blu-ray with the live showing which should sell a few discs.

I guess so, if they're reasonably priced - wXw's trouble was they had to charge about 10 euros more for the blu-ray's, so no one was buying them (except me, apparently).
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