So the biggest main event of the year pits the most over guy of the decade trying to win "the big one" while having the "worst" year of his career which included beating Brock Lesnar, winning MitB, headlining almost every PPV, winning superstar of the year, AND winning the Royal Rumble, vs. a guy who has wrestled twice in the last calendar year and is somehow WWE champion and shows up to Raw once every three weeks.
I almost always buy Wrestlemania... but this I just can't. The undercard titles are so botched that they have the tag belts on the line vs a TEAM THAT HAS NEVER WRESTLED TOGETHER BEFORE EVER. The IC title is the champ who hasn't won a match in a month vs. a challenger who failed to win the US title for the past 3 months. The WHC is on the line with a guy who was out of wrestling for 9 months and lost to such luminaries as Zack Ryder and Santino since the start of 2012.
I don't even want to think about how HHH is going to go over for some reason or Undertaker is going to coat to 21-0 and I give him a lot of credit for forcing himself out there every year, and I know he puts his all into it, but maybe The Undertaker should just stop. Sorry.
The only two things I'm MILDLY interested in is to see how the Shield performs (though it's highly unlikely they go over, unless Orton turns, which is possible) and see if Johnny Curtis can bring it. I just have no interest in anything else, and I don't usually complain about how much the WWE sucks but man does the WWE SUCK right now.