Excellent start with Cena getting nuclear boos - dig Barrett just being there with a top guy again too. They had a fantastic TV match that made Barrett come off like a top guy again. IF they want to, they could use this as a springboard for him. His bull hammer hit perfectly and he even got to kick out of the AA. Loved Rusev's attack and him saying HE'LL TEAR HIS HEART OUT AT EXTREME RULES!
Divas battle royal was a showcase for Paige, who got a fantastic promo and came off like such a veteran despite being so young because she is one. She's also one of the few WWE acts that feels remotely genuine, and then Naomi attack - clearly upset over the Bellas saying she had a stank ass. Bray Wyatt did indeed say words about something and/or someone. Lucha Dragons beat The Ascension. Kalisto really does feel like he could be their Reyplacement. Then again, so did Sin Cara for a few weeks. They plug the Network - the big thing about them reaching high numbers is that they become the new on-air base. THE BIG DOG IS NEXT.
Loved Show destroying Roman. Orton vs. Cesaro and then Orton vs. CKidd was fine while it lasted. Great finish off the theoretical springboard blockbuster into the RKO. Ambrose-Rose was nothing. Ditto Stardust-Fandango, which at least led to THE RETURN OF FANDANGOING and him being a face. Kane-Seth took a while, but it seems like they could have something with Kane as a face again.
Mizdow vs. Miz was nothing, but it did establish the new Mizdow/Summer act. PTPs buried guys - didn't like the "rainbow is my favorite color" bit, but I did enjoy them burying the Puerto Rican bullfighter idea. Dolph vs. Neville was a good first and final part of a PPV opener, but it had no middle. Main event talking thing was fun thanks to Orton making wacky faces. Stips are a bit silly, but the match should be good.
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