I still think they are toying with the brand split for next year and making Smackdown the Bryan and NXT show would be AMAZING.
Don't nobody say Hunter wasn't there for the long haul. Wrestling in airports while Nash and Hall were wrestling in beach clubs
strobogone again!?
WTF @ Neville's booking?
Have these people ever debuted a wrassler before? The hell is happening?
So I called in sick for the first time in like 6 months. I woke up and the entire left side of my body was tingly, like when your foot falls asleep. I didn't think much of it at first, but like 4 hours later it hadn't gone away, so I decided driving to work and trying to do shit was probably a bad idea. Not sure what is wrong aside from a serious lack of sleep lately and an inability to breathe easily. Got some Booker T strips and some liquid Unisom, I guess I'm gonna see how it goes. Wish me luck, chaps.
Bootaaay, if you haven't seen this one yet, you should.
Mil Mascaras vs Kuniaki Kobayashi(1986)
I didn't realize Mil was so over in Japan that people would get into fights for his entrance mask. This match is awesome for as short as it is. I love the 80s Luchadore vs Puroresu old school fights because it really does do a perfect blend of comparisons and contrasts. And Mil is 40, but you wouldn't be able to tell.
I'm loving Kuniaki's work too. I wish he had more stuff readily available because he's a great heel.[/QUOTE]
This has that big anime fight feel.
This has that big anime fight feel.
I really feel like he should've beaten Ziggler, but oh well.Neville is destined to be the new Kofi, isn't he?
Neville is destined to be the new Kofi, isn't he?
Neville is destined to be the new Kofi, isn't he?
i'd say it's too early to say, but then i remembered that we've been sayin this since he's been in NXT
so with Kofi turning heel and no longer being the old Kofi, yes
Neville is destined to be the new Kofi, isn't he?
After a single match everyone is already claiming he is doomed. Never change.
And for the record taking a loss isn't the same as being buried. Sorry to disappoint you internet.
WWE too often takes the approach of putting a new guy in matches with perceived 'top' talent, thus supposedly elevating the new guy by virtue of the company he's now in. However, that only works if the talent in question is worth a damn - I'd argue that the Rollins match did a lot for Neville, but the Ziggler match didn't.
WWE too often takes the approach of putting a new guy in matches with perceived 'top' talent, thus supposedly elevating the new guy by virtue of the company he's now in. However, that only works if the talent in question is worth a damn - I'd argue that the Rollins match did a lot for Neville, but the Ziggler match didn't.
Jpeeples, are you incorporating gifs into your reviews now?
I've been doing them for a little while - but half the time, imgur doesn't work properly when I upload them so they haven't been in many recaps. I mainly put them on the F4W board during the live thread for the shows.
I just heard they booked Regns vs Show for Extreme Rules. Excuse me here for a second.
So I guess they did all those house show matches to figure out how to finally make this a good match? It won't be and no one will care.
Reigns' Superman punch and Show's WMD will make contact with each other, Show will break his hand from it and be out of action for months.
Reigns' Superman punch and Show's WMD will make contact with each other, Show will break his hand from it and be out of action for months.
Hope you get to a doctor, fingers crossed everything clears up dude.So I called in sick for the first time in like 6 months. I woke up and the entire left side of my body was tingly, like when your foot falls asleep. I didn't think much of it at first, but like 4 hours later it hadn't gone away, so I decided driving to work and trying to do shit was probably a bad idea. Not sure what is wrong aside from a serious lack of sleep lately and an inability to breathe easily. Got some Booker T strips and some liquid Unisom, I guess I'm gonna see how it goes. Wish me luck, chaps.
Nah he'll be fine. He won't be a top talent unless he strikes it hot with a repackage but I don't think he'll get stuck in the Kofi clock.Neville is destined to be the new Kofi, isn't he?
Holy shit this is immediately what came to mind when I read that. Hahahaha.
Bryan Alvarez just said that in the WWE's new Daniel Bryan book they do not mention AJ Lee once. Not even in passing.
That's really weird. They were really cordial about her leaving, and the book will have been finished long before she gave her notice, so it can't be a spite thing, right?
Reigns' Superman punch and Show's WMD will make contact with each other, Show will break his hand from it and be out of action for months.