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April Wrasslin' |OT| Porsha! Get my damn shoe!


Petitioning to put this in the OT OP
Daniel Bryan Update:

So his match with BNB is in flux right now. If its a concussion they can wait it out but its something worse then he might have to drop the title.
What do you mean "if"? Would a mod go to the trouble of updating Vince McMahon's OT thread title if it wasn't for sure?
The show opened with a four minute-long Raw recap and then an endless Orton promo that led to an endless Seth promo - this just ate up about 10 minutes. Dean and Harper had the best five minute match ever. Everything they did was fast and intense, and the non-finish worked to set up a PPV match. New Day faced Lucha Dragons, with Cole not being able to tell Cara and Kalisto apart. New Day won via cheating, and get a title shot...and got buried here by Orton. Well, Kofi and Xavier did - Big E left, so maybe he'll split and renew a singles plush - or at least the illusion of one.

HHH's Tough Enough promo sucked, but GODDAMN WAS KANE'S PROMO GREAT. Bellas are now faces for whatever reason. Naomi's a heel officially while the Bellas turned face...somehow. Okay match between them. AMAZING stuff from Bo Dallas. Oh, and Roman was there too and punched him out before stealing Bo-LIEVE. Man did I love Sheamus just kicking Zack's ass and talking shit in the process. Shame Dolph attacked him like a coward because he couldn't take Sheamus being the better man. Also, WUT DA HAYELL is Booker thinking saying that Dolph making Sheamus kiss his ass is him reclaiming his World Title-level glory?

Kane-Cena sucked. LOVED Cena's stupid faces during the Rusev attack. Miz-Mizdow was nothing, but man is Miz great. He gets Maryse in real life and Summer on-air. Sure, he ate an RKO, but whatever. Bryan-Barrett is now a maybe, so I guess they feel somewhat confident about him. Bullshit to hype up THE TAG TITLE MATCH ON THE PPV and then on the same show just say it's on the pre-show.

Bray cut a promo on weights and Ryback beat Rose before destroying a hot dog and a banana with a double shellshock. Surprisingly, Bray didn't attack him here. Dolph and Seth had a video game match until Sheamus distracted Dolph and Seth hit the buckle bomb and his new wacky DDT finisher since the curb stomp is banned. Fun bit with Orton RKOing Seth.


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The show opened with a four minute-long Raw recap and then an endless Orton promo that led to an endless Seth promo - this just ate up about 10 minutes. Dean and Harper had the best five minute match ever. Everything they did was fast and intense, and the non-finish worked to set up a PPV match. New Day faced Lucha Dragons, with Cole not being able to tell Cara and Kalisto apart. New Day won via cheating, and get a title shot...and got buried here by Orton. Well, Kofi and Xavier did - Big E left, so maybe he'll split and renew a singles plush - or at least the illusion of one.

HHH's Tough Enough promo sucked, but GODDAMN WAS KANE'S PROMO GREAT. Bellas are now faces for whatever reason. Naomi's a heel officially while the Bellas turned face...somehow. Okay match between them. AMAZING stuff from Bo Dallas. Oh, and Roman was there too and punched him out before stealing Bo-LIEVE. Man did I love Sheamus just kicking Zack's ass and talking shit in the process. Shame Dolph attacked him like a coward because he couldn't take Sheamus being the better man. Also, WUT DA HAYELL is Booker thinking saying that Dolph making Sheamus kiss his ass is him reclaiming his World Title-level glory?

Kane-Cena sucked. LOVED Cena's stupid faces during the Rusev attack. Miz-Mizdow was nothing, but man is Miz great. He gets Maryse in real life and Summer on-air. Sure, he ate an RKO, but whatever. Bryan-Barrett is now a maybe, so I guess they feel somewhat confident about him. Bullshit to hype up THE TAG TITLE MATCH ON THE PPV and then on the same show just say it's on the pre-show.

Bray cut a promo on weights and Ryback beat Rose before destroying a hot dog and a banana with a double shellshock. Surprisingly, Bray didn't attack him here. Dolph and Seth had a video game match until Sheamus distracted Dolph and Seth hit the buckle bomb and his new wacky DDT finisher since the curb stomp is banned. Fun bit with Orton RKOing Seth.


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Your pictures of women make me uncomfortable.
Even if curbstomp is banned, that new finisher is god awful and doesnt suit Seth at all

Just give him the phoenix splash or pedigree or something

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The crowd really loved Kane tonight and even stayed up for a pretty standard Cena/Kane match. Note that Kane unlike the young up and comers who faced Cena previously did not kick out of the AA.


Rollins with that Diva's finisher.

He must've concussed or rattled someone with the Curb Stomp, or they were scared of kids kicking each other in the face. Who knows. All-time great finisher, though.


FGC Waterboy
if they really cared about concussions maybe don't have bryan work the same style when he comes back from injury.

Per those same reports Bryan reportedly went against WWE protocol and took those suplexes from Harper to prove a point. Don't think WWE wants Bryan working that style.

Wild applause.

One step closer to the dream comedy tag team that might save two careers, Team Bolieve Dat.

Psh; Nation of Inspiration with Bo Dallas joining A New Day.


Per those same reports Bryan reportedly went against WWE protocol and took those suplexes from Harper to prove a point. Don't think WWE wants Bryan working that style.

Psh; Nation of Inspiration with Bo Dallas joining A New Day.

He was doing dives out of the ring his first night back.

Bryan shouldn't have to prove jack shit and hes an idiot if he thinks he has to.
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