You love to be disappointed, don't you?I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Ambrose wins.
Also, sending a happy birthday shoutout to Spider from Mars.

You love to be disappointed, don't you?I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Ambrose wins.
The Cosmic King
The Lunatic King
The King that Gravity Forgot
The Celtic King 2.0
The King of Bad News
So much potential
You love to be disappointed, don't you?
I completely forgot about the Sheamus/Morrison feud
Try to contain yourself, GAF. Big name WWE superstar is set to make his surprise return tonight.
Probably the best idea ever in the '80s. Not so much now.I'm currently up to Clash of the Champions II, I've done my best to watch all the shows between each event (sadly there's not a lot of them) to keep the story lines strong. It's been great to see Macho Man's introduction and build up. I know Sunny mentioned it a few months ago, but I never really picked up on how badly Macho treats Elizabeth - you do want to hate him, and I found myself liking George Steel.
WCW is hard to follow as there's no shows in between the Events to flesh out the story lines. Sting sort of appears and becomes super over straight away... and what's with the amount of blood on those damn shows! The early PPVs can't seem to go a match without someone pouring blood. Also those Skywalker Matches... holy shit. I can't decide if they're the best idea or worst idea ever.
Try to contain yourself, GAF. Big name WWE superstar is set to make his surprise return tonight.
What bad timing.Right, but I think the bulk of the feud was before the whole King Sheamus bit.
Probably the best idea ever in the '80s. Not so much now.
where is King Roman?
WrassleGAF's property value has suddenly dropped.
Why did they just reupload this with a different order? Weird.
I hope stro's new gimmick is Agent Stro Mulder
Translation: "There goes the neighborhood"?
Yeezus how could you
Welcome back stro!
WCW Board of Directors felt this new arrangement made for more interesting matches.Why did they just reupload this with a different order? Weird.
I'm watching some Raws from 96. HBK is a womanizer and a home wrecker and Vince is riding his dick pretty hard on commentary. Oh, did Bret Hart win most popular athlete? Well if you want to talk about popular you most definitely have to be talking about HBK and the clique!
Stardust is probably the only one to gain anything from the KotR so its definitely going to go to Sheamus or Ziggler.
Honestly it hasn't been too bad for Rusev, we knew this would happen. I wonder where he goes after Cena.
There's still the I Quit match to get through, but I don't think Rusev will fare too badly in the grand scheme of things. He's too good, same with Lana.
What's nice is since Rusev has had his ascent, there's a lot more interesting matchups to see. Rusev/Lesnar, Rusev/Rollins, Rusev/Neville, and many more. I'd love to see it all considering how much he has improved, and it's incredibly obvious he gives a fuck about in-ring psychology which is treated like an afterthought outside of PPVs and main eventers.
NoRéN;161827153 said:I was hoping Rusev would be in the King of the Ring tournament.
Would have loved to see Czar Rusev giving us more great matches.
GZRS are FnP;
There's still the I Quit match to get through, but I don't think Rusev will fare too badly in the grand scheme of things. He's too good, same with Lana.
Heralding Rusev's return to credibility
AHAHAHAAH. No. It's for her impending face push/Rusev betrayal.
Rusev is prigotovlennyy.
Also, in my time in Area 51, I've concluded that Bret was better than Owen and I really don't think it was much of a contest, either. Bret was better at everything besides some of the high flying stuff. When you look back, Owen really doesn't have many high quality matches. His best are all within 1994-1997 and all involve either Bret or Bulldog. Owen didn't have the realness that Bret had, and his promos are pretty shitty. Bret was a better complete package and has the resume of great matches that Owen doesn't, even against many of the same people.
Skipping Raw tonight, but I'll watch it on DVR at some point this week. Hoping for some Neville goodness.
Also, in my time in Area 51, I've concluded that Bret was better than Owen and I really don't think it was much of a contest, either. Bret was better at everything besides some of the high flying stuff. When you look back, Owen really doesn't have many high quality matches. His best are all within 1994-1997 and all involve either Bret or Bulldog. Owen didn't have the realness that Bret had, and his promos are pretty shitty. Bret was a better complete package and has the resume of great matches that Owen doesn't, even against many of the same people.