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April Wrasslin' |OT| Porsha! Get my damn shoe!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Just finished watching this excellent, excellent match. Definitely the best tag match I've seen all year and one of the most fun. I recommend this one almost as much as I recommend the Ishikawa vs Okabayashi and Sabre Jr. vs Nakajima match. It's long, but it never stops being fun.

Fortune Dream - Daisuke Sekimoto & Kento Miyahara vs Yuji Hino & Kohei Sato(45:27)

If you haven't watched the 2 Fortune Dream cards yet, you really should. Fortune Dream is Kobashi Produce/Kenta Kobashis' sporadic dream card promotion. It's not a regular show or anything, but it's the card he books to basically do every dream match he can in Japan that doesn't involve NJPW guys. You'll see stuff like Kento Miyahara vs Kohei Sato, Kotaro Suzuki vs Fujita Jr Hayato,Koji Kanemoto vs Masaaki Mochizuki , Shingo Takagi vs Yuji Hino and Joshi dream matches like Meiko Satomaru vs Kairi Hojo and Meiko Satomaru vs Hiroyo Matsumoto

And Kobashi vs Tenryu

in a debate. I'm probably looking forward to whatever their next card is more than G1 because Kobashi lines up some killer shit and basically has access to anyone he wants.

Miyahara comes out first. Man, this guys got it. I hope he eventually gets the Triple Crown Championship because he could really go far as an AJPW guy. His theme's ok, but it doesn't compare to his partner's. Hino's already in the ring. When'd he get there? Kohei Sato comes out last. His theme is also pretty good. Look at this dude and tell me he is not either a member of the Yakuza or a former member who's still on good terms with them. He even has a tiger on his back like he were a Kazuma Kiryu or some shit. He's not the most impressively built looking guy, but Kohei is tall as fuck and even meaner. And he sounds like a demon when he talks. If you think he looks shitty, he quickly dismissed it when you've watched him work someone else in the ring. Not the greatest doing it, but he's pretty good. Him and Hino both look like they would beat you up and take your money in an Akihabara alleyway. Sekimoto and Sato shake hands at the start. Going by fan reaction, these two seem to be the most over in this match, though it's not the first time either man has faced one another. The only new face between these four is Miyahara.

Yuji Hino offers a half-heart handshake to Miyahara. Sato shakes his partner(Hino)'s hand to make up for the insult from Miyahara. Sato and Sekimoto start it off with both going for control in a lockup. Sato uses his height as an advantage while Sekimoto uses his bulk before taking control. It's a Sekimoto match, so here's the shoulder block back and forths with Sekimoto trying to topple Sato. Sekimoto stops with the shoulderblocks and hits a beautiful lariat. I'd make a gif, but if I gif'd every single lariat in a Sekimoto/Hino match, I'd never get done.

Hino is working Sekimoto, but Sekimoto goes for the tag and Hino allows it since he felt slighted by Miyahara earlier. I bet Japanese women are glad the new pretty boy is named 'Kento' so they can just go from 'Kenta' to 'Kento.' Easy transition for them. Hino drags Miyahara to the corner to tag in Sato. Miyahara quickly gets out of the corner to not get double teamed. I really liked that part, made Miyahara look wise beyond his years about a match. No one talks about knee lifts, but Sato's knee lift is the best in the biz.

Yuji Hino was trained by TAKA Michinoku in the arts of the middle finger. Once Sekimoto finally gets the tag, he unloads on Hino for fucking with him when he was on the apron. Hino offers a test of strength between the two beefy mother fuckers and the crowd pops huge for it. Sekimoto wins it before Hino is able to power out and deliver a Northern Lights Suplex. I don't know the extent of Hino's moveset, but everything he does, he does well. Nothing he does looks bad or weak. Hino and Sekimoto channel the spirits of Kensuke Sasaki and Kenta Kobashi and engage in a chop off which the crowd eats up. Camera cuts to Kobashi who also eats it up.

Sato and Miyahara run in and Sato performs a very good looking takedown. I was also surprised how well Miyahra was able to keep up with him on the ground as Kohei Sato was trained in Mixed Martial Arts and has an amateur wrestling history. The two exchange forearms again, but Sato isn't having it this time and destroys Miyahara's face with a vicious forearm before action spills outside. Hino and Sekimoto continue to chop each other repeatedly for about 2 solid minutes before they wander into the crowd. Their direction becomes apparent quickly as the announcer's booth is set up in the audience area on a platform. And that's where Kobashi is. The crowd is really loving the interaction with Kobashi as the two get on the platform and pay their respects before the chop battle resumes.

Sekimoto has great chops, but Hino just outclasses them. Hino's chops look incredible. He really gets the King's Road Style-Right-To-Your-Fucking-Throat chop. Hino wins the chop battle, bows to Kobashi again and the camera goes back to the ring where Miyahara and Sato have returned. Miyahara is a really natural babyface in this match in an attempt to get some offense in, I'd love to see him and Sato work together some more in AJPW. Sekimoto gets in and regains control with a deadlift suplex on Sato. He goes for a top rope splash but Sato gets up his knees. This looked extra painful as Sekimoto didn't pull back on the leap at all. Miyahara gets back in and tries to get some control. Miyahara really does move around the ring like a young Hiroshi Tanahashi. Saying 'Young Hiroshi Tanahashi' feels weird to say. Miyahara hits a superkick to a running Hino and goes for the first pin attempt of the match. It is the first pin attempt and we're 20 minutes in. Hino regains control after kicking out and proceeds to impress the shit out of Data West for the next 6 minutes.


Sekimoto breaks up Hino's frog splash pin with a german suplex. Sato throws him out and Miyahara attempts a striking battle with Hino. This is a terrible idea.

Slowed down for maximum effect. Hino kills him with these forearms and Miyahara eggs more of them on. Sato regains control and goes for the pin and
30 Minute Draw
The wrestlers get a mic and Hino tells Kobashi to give them more. That it can't end in a draw. Camera cuts to Kobashi.

'You got five minutes.' Match restarts with MIyahara germaning Hino then Sato germaning Miyahara then Sekimoto germaning Sato then Hino germaning Sekimoto. EVERYBODY GETS A GERMAN.

Up until this point, the match hasn't spammed near finishes at all. With 5 minutes on the clock, both teams try to go for more pins and are unloading all their big moves including a lariat from Sekimoto that Sato surprisingly kicks out of. Miyahara kicks out of Hino's powerbomb as well. Everyone in this match is a fucking workhorse. It's 35 minutes long and nobody's laying on the floor for longer than 4 minutes. It's got the chaotic entertainment of the tag match without feeling like a modern 'get my shit in' tag, especially the kind you see at inter promotional matches. I won't spoil who wins, but it gets nuts in those last 5 minutes. Everybody came out of this match looking awesome.

Should you watch it? Absolutely. It's a who's who of the current Japanese wrestling scene outside of NJPW/NOAH/DG. Kento Miyahara (AJPW's No. 1 Contender and current rising star), Daisuke Sekimoto(DDT/BJW's Strong BJ Champion and one of the best workers in Japan), Yuji Hino(BJW/Kaientai Dojo. Former Strong BJ champion and former 3 time KO-D Heavyweight Champion. An A+ Hoss who's worked Kana Pro as well as many other one shot cards), and Kohei Sato(ZERO-1's Current Champion)

Watch the damn match. It's so much fun. It's long, but I never wanted to pause once. Watch both Fortune Dream cards. They're full of great matches.
fun fact: Searching for a dangerous alliance picture led me to an article on wwe.com in 2012 called "Classic Factions reborn" where wwe.com writers fan book new versions of old factions

They are all terrible

Million Dollar Corporation (terrible)

Ministry of Darkness (Terrible)

Dangerous Alliance (ESPECIALLY bad)

Dudes with Attitude (bad)

The Flock (also bad)

Four Horsemen (no one on here has the necessary swagger)

NWO (utterly laughable)

I lol'ed at the Cena with an NWO shirt.
That Million Dollar Corporation is not that bad if you just take out Jinder and replace Brodus with like Bull or someone. or replace both with Rusev.
Yuji Hino reminds me so much of Dick Togo, which makes sense as he's TAKA trained. He's bigger than Togo ever was, though. Dude's a beast.

Anywho, went to CHIKARA in London today and had a great time - no amazing matches, but it was good fun from start to finish.
Hallowicked won the Grand Championship from Icarus
in the main event, probably the best match of the main show. I was blown away by Drew Gulak vs MK McKinnan on the pre-show, such an old-school match in terms of pacing and technicality, MK's selling made it work though. I'd seen him on a PROGRESS show a few years ago, but he's come a long way since then. Only disappointing match was UltraMantis vs Blind Rage, which never got going and ended in a sudden pin, more storyline than a real match. Jimmy Havoc being on the supposedly family friendly pre-show was a bit weird as well, especially when it turned into a bit of a deathmatch. Plus, Havoc can't help but run his mouth once the crowd start giving him stick.


The thing I really love about Shibata is the fact dude wrestles like a raging gamer. Dude could give a crap about wrestling moves.

This Togi/Bata match...gawddamn.


Eh, it hasn't been that bad. He just seems thrilled to be there. It would probably be quite surreal. I am only on the second match, though...

Those really are terrible. Although... I kind of like the nWo one... >_>

Trust me dude becomes unbearable as time progress. Especially during the Mike Awesome match.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Yuji Hino reminds me so much of Dick Togo, which makes sense as he's TAKA trained. He's bigger than Togo ever was, though. Dude's a beast.
His facial expressions are top of the class. I would say that AJPW should look at trying to get him over Zeus, but

A) I don't know how much BJW pays as opposed to AJPW these days. Which is hilarious to type out.
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