Guys, this Ric Flair promo leading up to Wrestlemania 8 has to be the funniest promo of all time.
Mr. Perfect slapping the cassette away. Ric Flair's voicemail greeting. Bobby Heenan saying Elizabeth "loves to ride Space Moutain" and Vince looking like he's going to murder him.
It's just great.
I need that voice mail greeting on my phone... for obvious reasons.
Guys, this Ric Flair promo leading up to Wrestlemania 8 has to be the funniest promo of all time.
Mr. Perfect slapping the cassette away. Ric Flair's voicemail greeting. Bobby Heenan saying Elizabeth "loves to ride Space Moutain" and Vince looking like he's going to murder him.
It's just great.
What happened to the signs? I see the odd one or two pop up but they're pretty much gone now
That. Voicemail message is amazing
Guys, this Ric Flair promo leading up to Wrestlemania 8 has to be the funniest promo of all time.
Mr. Perfect slapping the cassette away. Ric Flair's voicemail greeting. Bobby Heenan saying Elizabeth "loves to ride Space Moutain" and Vince looking like he's going to murder him.
It's just great.
The Dudleys?How many factions were there where the members were all exponentially more successful than the leader?
May Wrasslin' |OT| Peeing blood is gigantic
How many factions were there where the members were all exponentially more successful than the leader?
What is Total Divas' timeline?
Because the Summer smack happened after Brian's head injury which was in Jan, and TLC is in Dec.. so how does she have nose problems... a month before she got slapped?
Total Divas should be based around Sandra and her dealing with Divas and Superstars.
"Cena wants a new suit -_-"
"Cena wants a new suit -_-"
Don't question the Total Divaverse, just go with it.What is Total Divas' timeline?
Because the Summer smack happened after Brian's head injury which was in Jan, and TLC is in Dec.. so how does she have nose problems... a month before she got slapped?
Daniel Bryan's wedding just got trumped by Eve Torres. Will there be Kool-Aid?
WWF Royal Rumble finishers were legit
And I found out where Punk got his shitty elbow from
Hogan loses to Warrior, then blames God.
Daniel Bryan's wedding just got trumped by Eve Torres. Will there be Kool-Aid?
I see that's the Genesis one. SNES didn't have Hogan.
Daniel Bryan's wedding just got trumped by Eve Torres. Will there be Kool-Aid?
Yup. Kicks out after the 3 count to make Warrior look weak, and then points at the sky and says "Why?!"
Andre should have come out and tore his crucifix off again.