hmm it is weird they would target me over Squidy who was way more active/productive the first day phase.
You roleclaimed, though, so he had something to go off of.
... Unless THIS is some sort of set-up, too?

hmm it is weird they would target me over Squidy who was way more active/productive the first day phase.
except yknow, for the part where I hard pushed a lynch on the fucking doctor of all people so they might think that all the townies will be easily led into killing me.
You roleclaimed, though, so he had something to go off of.
Im talking about targeting me N1, I didnt roleclaim til today.
You deserved to be targeted yesterday. You were not playing in a way that helped town. Today's actions are also debatable. I haven't actually decided if I want to unvote you or not yet.
Im talking about targeting me N1, I didnt roleclaim til today.
Im talking about targeting me N1, I didnt roleclaim til today.
"Post to be"
Dammit lolool
lol Ezekel, I still not quite sure what you wanted to write there.... can you re-typo it more?
Seath, well, now that's more like it :> I likey all of these. Words! I live for them! So okay, you scumreads squidy, fair, but I still think ... there are more Agency ways to form stronger theories against him than what you are doing now. But okies, I am not one to lordly my own playstyle over others! So, I accept your words (nom nom)
However, I do feel that there are other elementz of your current playstyle that does not sit well with me, as I have outlined in the previous page, naaaaamely you have been bandwagonning like a... filthy bandwagoner!
With the exception of your first vote against Haly, your other votes have been very suss!
I don't know what to read off that, except that you are just jerking around >___<
- Here, you bandwagonned against Enker (#793) ONE POST after cabbeh went after Enker (#792)
- Then you bandwagonned against EzekelRAGE (#851) after Haly started that vote (#836).
- And finally, you took up squidy's Visualante2 bandwagon (#995 and #999)... Note that you are always the FIRST ONE that signed on to these votes. Three times in a row! I mean once or twice, I'd have let it slide... :x
TO BE FAIR~ I think each time you've voted you tried to fit a reason behind it, but I just can't unsee the pattern of your voting habits from D1 ._____.
In any case, .... I donno if its too late or if the rice has turned to porridge now, with all of these claims that are thrown about so loosely in our faces today, but my final point! is that everyone would like to have fun .... and I think everyone was sort of kind of having fun, but i personally think every player should show a degree of desire for self-preservation and therefore for #winning! But you mentioned a few times that you wouldn't mind getting lynched early... okay, sure, that can be beneficial to our glorious Agency, ... I just am not getting a serious-enough-vibes of a player from you before, but... this last post of yours (the big, long one) is a thing I am appreciating.
That's just my two cents though~ (I need a payrise, omg. TWO CENTS)
Sigh... my keyboard ;_:
Continuation from previous post...
... I thought to myself that waiting for almost the end of the turn to do something or vote for someone was just not the way I was going to play.
I want to get reactions from players early on. It's my best bet, because I know I will get taken out early in the game. I have to do something!
I re-read the whole thread and my intuition just leaves me to Squidyj. I've given my version and my explanation for why this is so. I hope everyone else can see what I mean. The whole Tiger situation was very shady from Squidyj, and so are his other targets (haly, and razmos). He never even explained why he believed we should lynch Razmos.
your intuition is bad, there are a few ways I could have protected tiger without going all batshit crazy over visualante. I didn't say Haly was a target, Razmos is definitely still a target, but I didn't say Haly was, I just said don't trust him. He's done things I don't like and I want people to be aware of those things and not just look at him like "he's saying a lot of stuff and I dunno, maybe that/s good?"
And then I say maybe we should give it til the end of the day and you jump on me like AHA, I'VE GOT HIM NOW. but you aint got shit. It's basically the same train of thought I had when we were going in on hobohodo in the AC game. I was town then and I'm town now. This is my town game.
Why so defensive all of a sudden?
Your tone... is something wrong?![]()
Yes, you, I am upset with your hijinx and if this works out for you I'm going to die, although I'm certainly not going to be lynched.
Yes, you, I am upset with your hijinx and if this works out for you I'm going to die, although I'm certainly not going to be lynched.
Stop engaging him before you make it worse.
shit, you're right.
Even though I'm too lateVolunteer
So at the start of a new game I like to have everyone try to guess the mafia, just for fun, so we can look back at the end and see how close we were, it's basically like gambling except you win nothing and lose nothing. I didn't get to do it in the last round because I came in as a replacement so in honor of Darryl last game I'm going to call these the Hot out the fucking gate picks. Here's mine, fingers crossed
My "Hot out the fucking gate picks
More seriously I'd like to hear from each person what they think a good town player looks like, what sort of behavior they would expect from a town player (and why) and how they hope to advance the town agenda in the game going forward. To clarify, the former is about reading other players as town and the latter is about what you yourself want to do for town. Particularly I'd like to hear about interacting with the mission mechanic and how we can best use that for town. I'll chime in with my thoughts once I've heard a few opinions.
And, finally.....
Cry havoc and let slip the hogs of war.
Why do you guys go with VS2... isnt it VA2?
All the ppl who voted for VS2. I was thinking about suggesting we start with that but tbh there is a slight chance that 1 or no KGB voted for him, idk.
Also passive isnt a word I would use to describe Squidy during the AC game. But maybe I am wrong?
All the ppl who voted for VS2. I was thinking about suggesting we start with that but tbh there is a slight chance that 1 or no KGB voted for him, idk.
Also passive isnt a word I would use to describe Squidy during the AC game. But maybe I am wrong?
Let's just go Krieger? lol
Oh yeah, aren't people watching Archer? SPOILERS:Assuming you're telling the truth, that's 4 known roles now, barring the obvious "Ordinary" role. So... Huh.He does. Twice. He backstabs everyone to help out some previously-undiscussed third party. I guess he could feasibly be in a neutral role that could help the Agency, but...
More importantly, however: I never voted for Vis. I admitted I agreed he was a safer vote, based on the explanation that you yourself provided, but I voted for you in the same post for the reasons already discussed. And the only reason I switched back to Tiger is because we were at a tie thanks to this last second Vis bandwagon. As soon as Vis overtook Tiger, I went back to you so that way we weren't at a No Kill.
So yes, I flip-flopped, but the reasons for my votes were...
1. The volunteer I was slightly-more suspicious of for the purpose of pressuring possible KGB volunteers out (But still didn't quite feel in my gut) GLT
2. The player that seemed the most aggressive and suspicious overall squidyj
3. The player I voted on last time because Squidy's Vis bandwagon grew too large and I'd created a tie within the last 15 minutes of the day, and didn't want to jump onto a bandwagon created by the guy I was suspicious of GLT
4. The player I was actually suspicious of, when it was clear we no longer had a tie squidyj
... And we're back at a tie. Well, I'm going back to Squidy, then. Sorry, Visulante!
UNVOTE: GreatLord Tiger
VOTE: SquidyJ
Furthermore, I'm gonna say that Squidyj's list is not random. It was premeditated by him, given that he was consistent on going after Haly, Razmos and VS2. Even today before I posted, he said he didn't like Haly. Even though Haly has played relatively the same judging by the AC game. I'm willing to bet Haly is town.
Squidyj just seems to be playing a different game than he was in the AC game. He seems more aggressive, instead of passive as he was in the AC game. He seemed more sure about himself, his posts and his reasoning than he does now. It's weird.
I'm sticking to my gut feeling.
What 4 roles? Did I miss something?
What 4 roles? Did I miss something? I've got Seath's claim, Ezekel's... are you counting mafia and town? This post doesn't make me suspicious, I only realized it was from Zubz when I went to find it so I could quote it. What does make me suspicious is this
This is not how it went. You unvoted GLT here, when there was still a tie, acknowledging that you were breaking a tie:
Player names added by me. So... something is wrong with your accounting of your votes. You did not vote for squidyj "when it was clear we no longer had a tie." And even if you "didn't vote for Vis," by your own admission your last vote was effectively a vote for Vis. And then, even the vote for GLT (3) was to break a tie. So you voted twice to break the same tie, different ways each time. That's just... weird. I don't know what else to say about it right now. I'll think on it some more and see if I can figure out anything else to contribute.
Good idea, actually! Although, since YesNo already has some pressure on Mazre, it might be better to put pressure on one of the other 3 volunteers, seeing how Mazre's the only one with a vote in that lot.
Vote: GreatLord Tiger
But at this point, I don't feel right voting for Tiger, whereas my gut's comfortable with Squidy.
UNVOTE: GreatLord Tiger
VOTE: SquidyJ
... Wait a sec, did I just cause a tie? Ack! Abort! Abort! Sorry, Tiger! You just hit the opposite of a jackpot. I really don't feel good doing this...
VOTE: GreatLord Tiger
... And we're back at a tie. Well, I'm going back to Squidy, then. Sorry, Visulante!
UNVOTE: GreatLord Tiger
VOTE: SquidyJ
so at the point of a tie and potential no lynch you voted on me to get visualante lynched.
How is that not entirely incoherent?
Your predecessor was about to go down, until he was saved, last-minute by a refocus on Visualante2, which was mostly put forth and heavily pushed by squidyj. My reasoning for voting for squidyj is that, if he does get lynched and turns out the be KGB, there's a good chance you are, too, so it's a potential twofer.squidyj - for some reason people are linking me to squidyj. it looks like a weak link to me to me. are mafia trying to bring him down through day votes to pick up the pace on eliminating some of these heavy posters?
I've looked back at Ouro's post and I know exactly what you're referring to now, good catch.
I thought my post was wasted when I saw the Ouro thing after the fact.
Your predecessor was about to go down, until he was saved, last-minute by a refocus on Visualante2, which was mostly put forth and heavily pushed by squidyj. My reasoning for voting for squidyj is that, if he does get lynched and turns out the be KGB, there's a good chance you are, too, so it's a potential twofer.
I would like to know what this is referring to
I role claimed quite early in AC mafia and survived all the way to the end D:
Maybe my inexperience is blinding me somewhat, but I still do think Seath has jumped the gun a little here.
ESPECIALLY announcing himself as a neutral party.
Oh he was lying? sorry, I just skimmed through the posts before I set off for workprotip: he said he was lying about all that. 'twas a bait for squidypoo........... or so he said.
personally, i kind of think it is unlikely that squidy is mafia. he started a BRAND NEW bandwagon for Visualante2 and it was too overt, too obvious. Anyone with half a brain would know that this move would draw attention ... and in volumes.
and i also have a thing for grilled squids, slightly salted and peppered, with a dash of lemon juice............ which may be causing some bias.
Hello, fellow office drones!
Ive been buzzin about the office in anticipation of the mole hunt, because nothing gets my goat more than sniffing out and destroying some commy red KGB scum. I think our particular breed is a cheeky one, as I was printing out the latest numbers on exotic locations to spy on, I heard Back in the USSR by the Beatles playing on the stereo. Its like they want us to find them
Theres only so much one man can do on his own in the ISIS hive, but Queen M will always be casting her watchful eye on us to make sure were not just feeding Pam lots of donuts and watching her rim a ruler.
Frankly, I will kick off by saying I do believe in a first day lynch, and I will be casting my vote to do so. I will be aiming for men and lady who set off my nostril alarms. The worst kind of foul.
Since a bunch have already jumped the gun and volunteered to go on a mission, I'll hold back for a little while on that front. Ive always wanted to go to France so I can take selfie stick photos at the Eiffel tower and make obscene stereotypical jokes that the French will find hilarious, because they are hilarious!
Thats about all I have to say for now, Im going to make a cup of coffee and pee in Cyrils drawer.
I meant to do this before the game started, but I forgotsorry!
I posted an example role in post #2.
I mean, you're right. It's hard to say right now, but I just do have that suspicion, even if it's tenuous without further information.Do you think that the voting had not already been steered by mafia by that point? Was voting for GreatLord because he volunteered such a huge gotcha moment for town that the mafia couldn't have talked it off? Finding links between people is important but it's also Day #2 and this sounds trigger happy. I looked back at yesterday and Squidyj's logic for pushing for Visualante was sound and was obviously assisted by town looking at that high vote count.
Mafia could have known what regulars were called as well
Why reveal that in the thread though, what's pro-Mafia about alerting me to this oversight?
You would find this, accept that I'm town and tell your mafia mates, not put it in the normal thread for me to pick up and use.