Vote: Seath
(Conway Stern is guy Archer beating up in gif below)

I couldn't find a better one.
Vote: Seath
(Conway Stern is guy Archer beating up in gif below)
I'm actually somewhat afraid to vote Seath out. This all just seems too easy. I'm having terrifying flashblargs right now.
Why, you're doing a fine job!![]()
Well at least you guys know who to vote for because I'm not beneficial to town, and you already know who you're voting out.
It's my gift to you all.
lolI couldn't find a better one.
I roleclaimed to helped productivity. Besides no one else has come forward with any other info atm. So whose (sp?) to say how productive the day wouldve been.This should have been a productive day, but then we got ER's early role claim and now this.
I roleclaimed to helped productivity. Besides no one else has come forward with any other info atm. So whose (sp?) to say how productive the day wouldve been.
If Seath's claim is true then all he had to do was counter claim Archer and convinced you guys to vote for me. Me getting lynched wouldve proved I was Archer but he wouldve met his win condition already. I most likely wouldve most likely sacrificed myself to prove him wrong so this game was very winnable for him.
Or maybe you're just lying and me voting for you would have been too obvious.
I roleclaimed to helped productivity. Besides no one else has come forward with any other info atm. So whose (sp?) to say how productive the day wouldve been.
If Seath's claim is true then all he had to do was counter claim Archer and convinced you guys to vote for me. Me getting lynched wouldve proved I was Archer but he wouldve met his win condition already. I most likely wouldve most likely sacrificed myself to prove him wrong so this game was very winnable for him.
If you think I'm lying, then why the role claim?
Before we go down this rabbit hole, I will not comment on whether or not I PM anybody, regardless of role.
Whether or not these claims are accurate - WE WERE SUPPOSED TO BE THE SANE GAME
Whether or not these claims are accurate - WE WERE SUPPOSED TO BE THE SANE GAME
Maybe you're not as hungry to win as some other players, but you should at least pretend to try, if only for the sake of 21 other people. Or you could always ask to be replaced if you didn't feel like playing.
VOTE: Seath
YesNo: There are roles that want to be voted out but they're rarely used because they have a tendency to warp games.
Maybe you're not as hungry to win as some other players, but you should at least pretend to try, if only for the sake of 21 other people. Or you could always ask to be replaced if you didn't feel like playing.
VOTE: Seath
YesNo: There are roles that want to be voted out but they're rarely used because they have a tendency to warp games.
I roleclaimed to helped productivity. Besides no one else has come forward with any other info atm. So whose (sp?) to say how productive the day wouldve been.
If Seath's claim is true then all he had to do was counter claim Archer and convinced you guys to vote for me. Me getting lynched wouldve proved I was Archer but he wouldve met his win condition already. I most likely wouldve most likely sacrificed myself to prove him wrong so this game was very winnable for him.
Just to clarify, by Palmers comment do you mean this?
As if so then yeah I agree with that idea. On Day 1 the mafia can just sit back and let town lynch themselves, they really don't need to do much. Someone who is actively searching on day 1 is likely town in my eyes. If I wanna throw doubt around I suppose it could also be a good cover for mafia however. As Day 1 is all based on hunches I feel like there is less to trace back in regards to how players act. If this is the comment your on about I don't really see it as saying "i know this guy is town and I want to softly push town into seeing you as scum for pushing an incorrect lynch" however.
Right now I just see you as a town that made a mistake. As someone who throws out a lot of accusations your not going to hit the mark every time. And as he been said even if you were a mafia PR, unless it was a very unorthodox one, you wouldn't have known anything about visualante anyway (meaning him being the Dr would be a happy coincidence for hypothetical KGB squidy) and if you just needed to protect GLT from eviction there were easier paths to take than starting an eviction on visualante.
I even posted that if the way I was playing was annoying or unwanted, based Ourobolous could mod-kill me if it bothered people that much on day 1.
This is how I play... Sorry. I just want to have fun. I'm having fun! Is anyone else having fun?
I mean, how could you shoot a black astronaut?
It's like killing a unicorn.
So... we know we're going to lynch Seath sometime and the question I have to ask is, is this the right day? I mean he's a claimed neutral and he needs to be lynched but I don't think a lynch like that should ever come before we've exhausted discussion, at the end of the day.
lolJust because you watch the show doesn't mean I won't string you up!
We should hang out
So... we know we're going to lynch Seath sometime and the question I have to ask is, is this the right day? I mean he's a claimed neutral and he needs to be lynched but I don't think a lynch like that should ever come before we've exhausted discussion, at the end of the day.
What if he is lying about his role and we learn nothing. Even if he is who he says he is, that doesn't really back up my claimIf it gives us even a modicum of info towards ER, it's worth it today.
I don't see how this equates to not wanting to play. But okay... ¯\_(ツ_/¯
So... we know we're going to lynch Seath sometime and the question I have to ask is, is this the right day? I mean he's a claimed neutral and he needs to be lynched but I don't think a lynch like that should ever come before we've exhausted discussion, at the end of the day.
Let the mind games begin
If I wanted to save tiger I'd go in for jeanius that's the high probability shot. What I want to do is actually hit mafia today, of course Haly doesn't think that's what day 1 is about. . I just don't think we can let visualante slide through. If they're not here to defend themself that's not my problem at this point, there's enough there right now for an argument to be made and shifting it to be a problem for another day phase is a mistake.
If I die tonight, don't trust Haly, I haven't pushed to get him gone because he's been active but he hasn't exactly been reading as town to me.
I've flipped in my opinion of Arkos, I think he's just a weak town, and I trust cabbeh as well (thanks ouro)
Quantumbro, Burbeting and Palmer all lean town for now as well.
slightly town is ynnny
I'm not sure what to make of hobohodo, seath, or mike_hawk, just not enough for me to grasp there.
cooljeanius, greatlord, Zubz, razmos, visualante2 are all leaning scum to me but I think it's impossible that they're all scum together, particularly jeanius and greatlord.
I've found every interaction of Haly with regard to the missions to be weird.
I mean, first he argues that he can understand why people want to go on missions because it can save them from getting night killed. then he turns around and calls the missions useless like the gossip chat from Animal Crossing Mafia.
In one of his first posts he says to me that he thinks town hunts scum then he spends days just going on about the missions while decrying talking about the missions as fluff, meanwhile he does precious little scumhunting. Finally he throws in a vote for roy, on the basis of..... "talking about missions is fluff and so implementing a system for missions is bad because then people will talk about missions like how I've been talking about missions and not doing what I said a good town should be doing".
Then a lot of people from AC defended Razmos but what I found interesting was when I tried to point out the differences in Razmos' play from the start of that game to this game, others accepted that, yes, it was different (though they still defended Razmos) but not Haly.
And now I've spent all this time and effort and we're no closer to lynching visualante which is what I really want.![]()
visualante's mafia contributions to date.
So... we know we're going to lynch Seath sometime and the question I have to ask is, is this the right day? I mean he's a claimed neutral and he needs to be lynched but I don't think a lynch like that should ever come before we've exhausted discussion, at the end of the day.
He, like many of you, believe that I am claiming my role and that this is true. However, why is everyone else voting for me, except for squidyj? The answer is that he thinks that having claimed my role, the KGB can concentrate on other targets. EzekelRage has roleclaimed, and even though he cannot be targeted by regular means from the KGB, going after him and me would be a waste of time. Likewise, Squidyj believes that because my role is out in the cold, perhaps putting pressure on other players like he did with Visualante2, would be much better.
Just think about this potential play for the KGB. First scenario: If I am claiming my role and it is true that I am a mercenary or neutral, and I am able to survive for this day, I will get lynched the next day. However the KGB could put more pressure on another player,
and lynch another player this day. Then night lynch another player, and then I get lynched the next day. It's a perfect way to reduce our numbers. It makes sense game-wise.
no you idiot. I just think you had 8 votes and in a few more the day is over. This day has been going on for 5 and a half hours now. do you think it's good for town to have 5.5 hour days? If we have nothing else to discuss then fine but we haven't even heard from everybody in the game yet so we don't even know if they have something to say.
"You haven't heard the last of Conway Stern!" Which is not his real name.
So... when did you deicde you were going to pretend to be conway stern?
Are we on day or nightphase? have the role PM's been sent out?
He could be part of the KGB. I'm not. I wipe my hands clean and state that my role is with the rest of the regular folks. I win as long as I don't get killed.
Also, a rabbi jinxed me. It seems from my character's description that he was awesome, but decided to follow the word of a rabbi which for some reason, makes me like a religious peaceful person? I don't know, never watched Archer nor intend to.
I can only vote like the rest of you. Which sucks.
I knew something was up. Odd way to go about it, though. I don't think the payoff was as great as you were expecting, unfortunately. All it did was almost end the Day a couple of hours after it started, and cast further doubt onto Squidy. I don't think this proves anything. I mean, I didn't vote for you, either; you had me half-believing Jesters were actually ok'd, or that something more sinister was going on. You were too obvious a target, so I assumed this was baiting us into something.Like a honeypot?!Nevertheless, you make a plausible case, and as a guy that already distrusts Squidy, I feel a little more confident in my vote.
hmm it is weird they would target me over Squidy who was way more active/productive the first day phase.