So actually, I had a question to ask from Palmer, that I was going to ask this ingame-morning, but then Ezekiel happened and the topic changed to different stuff so I didn't have time to really get back to it until now.
It's about the yesterday, where he tells us multiple times, that he is just a normal drone, and not a power role or anything else. I mentioned this yesterday shortly, but I wanted to go into bit more detail. Examples of the phenomena I'm describing:
So the question I have is why did you remind us of this fact so many times? In my eyes it's an anti-town move to make in general. If you really are town, telling everyone out loud you are a drone will give mafia and one person shorter list of who to target if they want to kill power roles during night.
At the same time, if you are mafia, you have all the reasons to tell everyone this, since people seem to be expecting that mafia could kill you. If you make this claim as mafia, you can use it as a reason later on why mafia hasn't targeted you at all at nights.
What I'm trying to say here is that making these claims has no advantage to the town as whole, so it makes me bit more concerned about you more. So yeah Palmer, why wouldn't I suspect you because of these postings?