Yes, super strong players like...
Tucah N1
Coppanova N2
-- Ezekel subbed in here --
Myself (I baited this one on D1) N3
LaunchpadMcQ N4
-- You subbed in here --
Mazre (revenge killed) N5
Myself (again, but it was actually successful) N6
Ezekel N7
squidy N8
Razmos N10
Wow, it's almost like they killed players who wouldn't set off alarms because
this is exactly what they did and why they got away with it for so long. I'm flattered you think me and LMQ were the strongest daytime players, but I respectfully and unironically disagree.
I'm trying to find where, in this kill list, are all these "strongest day-time players". You got a full 3 days of activity, Ezekel had 5. No, both of you were left until the very end where leaving you alive was a real, actual danger. Otherwise you were working for them as much as the rest of us weaker players were.
HHA succeeded mostly because we killed ourselves, and so I think it's understandable that I want to
prevent this from happening again.
That's all I'll say on the AC game from now on, I know it's tiptoeing the rules and unfair to everyone else here. I just wanted to make sure no one had the wrong impression going by squidyj's vague, inaccurate statements.
- mazre
- I have faith in his godlike intuition even if I don't agree with him on squidy
- squidyj
- Bad memory, but a good heart.
- roy
- Putting volunteer to voting was, imo, anti-town maneuver even if I don't read him as scum per se