This is what I was asking before we got into a whose line skit.
Alright, I think Haly's been bad enough that I can let this drop, I'm not the cop, I was never the cop. I don't have information, my role is Brett Bunsen, Butt Monkey and that's what I actually claimed in Mission chat, mission members can confirm. This wasn't just about putting scum on Haly, there's more going on than that. I really didn't care for the way Mazre and Septimus reacted to this.
Anyways I want to get this out before we wind up in the night phase and I can't say anything.
I think Haly's cracked enough in his defense today that he's a good lynch, he's claimed 3 specuous roles, his only real town claim was drone, and now he's claiming something crazy will happen if and when we lynch him. I still have full confidence in lynching him he's completely fallen apart.
I put the 4 night kills on purpose like Darryl thought but it wasn't anything to do with mafia, it was more to do with seeing how people would read that mistake.
If you notice my interactions with Ezekel earlier in this day phase, particularly what I had to say about information from mission chat, that was all about convincing Zeke to play along with me and I want to thank him for it, I had meant to write a somewhat cryptic "don't freak out" in mission chat before the start of the day but when I got around to it the chat was already locked
I didn't come up with the idea until I was in the mission chat but there's sensitive information there that I don't want to reveal willy-nilly, I just tried to find the simplest and most believable narrative of my checks that would let me pressure Haly who had sort of been escaping that sort of thing.
I hope you guys won't flip now.