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Archer [Mafia] |OT| Wait, I Had Something For This

Looks like I'm not on the mission. If I dont survive, Please prove squidy is weak cop before we clear Kris/Palmer. It's the only way to prove Kris/Palmer arent KGB if squid is still alive.
According to Sorian's count of 7 before Palmer voted, it might be over before Palmer's (un)volunteering took effect.

Now let's see your innards, Mike.
I didn't think we were that close. I was basically doing it per TheGoddamn's request above.

Is it over?
Confirmation of vote count was right above the request.

Looks like I'm not on the mission. If I dont survive, Please prove squidy is weak cop before we clear Kris/Palmer. It's the only way to prove Kris(and that hobo is lying)/Palmer arent KGB if squid is still alive.

Remember my last words if I don't survive.

Hurry up mother!!



Mike_Hawk689 (8)
Septimus Prime

Kristoffer (0)

EzekelRAGE (1)

my cock (0)

"Don't you know I have Metal Gear Solid V to play, you cretins????" Malory screamed.

Mike_hawk sat in a chair, his arms bound behind the back of the seat. "Yeah, well, they're taking forever."

EzekelRAGE shouted, "Do we have a quorum?"

"No!" The agents responded.

"Fine, then I will just leave this can of gasoline and a lighter next to Mike_Hawk while we figure this shit out." ER said, plainly.

The hours ticked by as the agents argued.
"But why are there two Pams? She's big enough for seven already!"
"I don't even know what we are talking about."
"Right, and the moose?!?"

Mike_Hawk sat, quietly. He started to shake violently as the discussions continued on.

"Shouldn't we have some sort of privatized spy union?"
"Yeah! And what about my back - I swear to god I get paralyzed every other week!"

Mike_Hawk couldn't take any more. Using his immense strength he burst through the ropes that bound him and grabbed the can of gasoline, dousing himself fully with the liquid. Laughing maniacally, he picked up the lighter that lay next to him, shouting, "SAYONARA, SUCKERS!", and brought the flame to the gasoline. He immediately became engulgfed in a tower of fire, melting the skin from his exoskeleton. Just as the battery backup that powered him was about to give out, Mike_Hawk uttered, "Fuck....alll.....of....you...."


Mike_Hawk689 has been eliminated!

You are Barry Dylan, the Cyborg.

You are aligned with the KGB.

After Archer dropped you from a fire escape and you broke every bone in your body, the nice people of the KGB decided to grant you a new form, cyborg! Now you want revenge. Luckily, your cyborg body was equipped with dampeners to soften your footsteps, so no one will even know you are there. Your night actions are silent and cannot be detected.

Your partners are: [REDATCTED]

Night Phase Assassination
Each night phase, one of the KGB-aligned players may assassinate one of the non-KGB-aligned players by PMing me with the command KILL: <player>. This action will be associated with the player who sent the PM.

During the Night Phase, you may plot and scheme with your other KGB-aligned players in a private QuickTopic board found here.

You win when the KGB outnumbers or is equal to the amount of non-KGB players.

Mission details will be sent out shortly.

Night 6 Ends:


Man, archer must be the game with the most extreme turnaround ever. After two disastrous first cycles, they now hit one KGB after another with a lot of no kill nights to boot! Great job guys! I do hope that the fact that this turnaround happened at the exact same moment as my death is just coincidence, I don't want to be seen as a bad luck charm who's death brings prosperity :(


Man, archer must be the game with the most extreme turnaround ever. After two disastrous first cycles, they now hit one KGB after another with a lot of no kill nights to boot! Great job guys! I do hope that the fact that this turnaround happened at the exact same moment as my death is just coincidence, I don't want to be seen as a bad luck charm who's death brings prosperity :(

If anything you began the spark in my eye after El Topo.

Brothers in arms and all that. Foxhuntin' brothers.
Man, archer must be the game with the most extreme turnaround ever. After two disastrous first cycles, they now hit one KGB after another with a lot of no kill nights to boot! Great job guys! I do hope that the fact that this turnaround happened at the exact same moment as my death is just coincidence, I don't want to be seen as a bad luck charm who's death brings prosperity :(
This game also got even more tense than Danganronpa. Someone mentioned to me recently that the Season 3 games are much meaner than the Season 2 ones, which I think is an unfortunate development, but mafia in general is just a really stressful game to play.



An unfamiliar monochromatic stuffed bear appears on a monitor as the employees made their way into the office, Mallory Archer nowhere in sight.

&#8220;Good morning, you bastards. I heard you folks were playing some of game. Who am I? I&#8217;m just a bear that got caught up having to do someone else&#8217;s job. Isn&#8217;t that just the worst?&#8221;

&#8220;Anyway, I was told I had to tell you guys something&#8230; oh yeah.&#8221; The bear reads off a piece of paper.

&#8221;Nobody died last night.&#8221;

&#8220;Really? I thought these spies were supposed to be good at killing people. You guys suck more than high school students, honestly. Does your boss usually kill people? I think I might kill a few of you on her behalf, just because you suck so bad at doing it yourselves. Wait, what? I can&#8217;t do that? Crap. Ok. Just carry on the way you&#8217;re used to doing. Don&#8217;t mind me.&#8221;

The bear disappeared from the monitor as it powered off.

Day 7 ends in:



Okay now that I got my volunteer off, I am the lightning rod, but I only had one shot and I didn't interact with mission stuff at all. I told people in mission chat this.

Also kris admitted to not being pam.

Now since we didn't have a kill I suggest that our killer either resides in the mission team or was blocked by Yeeny. since I am convinced that QB is KGB roleblocker, I think we should lynch QB today, send myself, palmer and kris, and someone that yeeny DIDN'T block and have yeeny block someone new tonight if we fuck up the lynch.


So for further proof of my roll I know who YesNo targeted last night. Don't wanna reveal it just yet though unless she has a major issue with me sharing. But I'd quite like to use that info to prove myself.

Also Kris man, explain.
vote: QuantumBro

Am pretty sure he's the KGB blocker. I trust hobohodo's report now and QB moved during N4, indicating he's the last real power role left. Soooooo I agree with squidy, I think QB is the KGB's role blocker.


I lied about my power to try to put pressure on mazre and zeke in particular and see how they would respond. I like Zeke more at the end of things though he kind of sagged in the middle. Mazre was tough because he really didn't interact yesterday.

Anyways I will reiterate my argument from yesterday and mission chat about QB. QB is the only player who could be the person that blocked El Topo's shot. Hobohodo shows that QB and yeeny visited me which means on n4 they were the only regularly used powers in the non-mission group. If QB was a neutral roleblocker or something why would he lie and say he's roman calzado and checks people?

I find it unlikely that a KGB roleblocker would have only a limited number of blocks in them, and if they did, I doubt that they would use it on El Topo at that point in time.

Besides, if QB is telling the truth he's neutral and we learn a lot from his death

VOTE: QuantumBro


So for further proof of my roll I know who YesNo targeted last night. Don't wanna reveal it just yet though unless she has a major issue with me sharing. But I'd quite like to use that info to prove myself.

Also Kris man, explain.

I'd go ahead and spill it. I think it's likely we only have one mafia left which I think means following a solid plan guarantees town victory.
I lied about my power to try to put pressure on mazre and zeke in particular and see how they would respond. I like Zeke more at the end of things though he kind of sagged in the middle. Mazre was tough because he really didn't interact yesterday.

Anyways I will reiterate my argument from yesterday and mission chat about QB. QB is the only player who could be the person that blocked El Topo's shot. Hobohodo shows that QB and yeeny visited me which means on n4 they were the only regularly used powers in the non-mission group. If QB was a neutral roleblocker or something why would he lie and say he's roman calzado and checks people?

I find it unlikely that a KGB roleblocker would have only a limited number of blocks in them, and if they did, I doubt that they would use it on El Topo at that point in time.

Besides, if QB is telling the truth he's neutral and we learn a lot from his death

VOTE: QuantumBro

Am ahead of you, squidy!!! >:D
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