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Archer - S4 |OT| of Babou, Therapy Cranes, Whorediots & the Danger Zone - Thurs on FX

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Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Hell of a premiere!

I wonder if that last scene with Barry will set-up the finale.

big ander

Excellent first episode.
I dont want to be a downer but can we spoiler this shit please?

Or i can ignore the thread :p
quotes are allowed to be posted in a thread as soon as they air in the US. It's how every Tv thread works. ya gotta stay out of the thread if you don't want to be spoiled.


Hey Barry, did they just now add "FX Presents" to the start of the title sequence?

Looks like they did Other Barry, looks like they did.


Hunky Nostradamus
I wish the Bob's Burgers kids had said something in that scene. I'd kill to have Tina, Gene, and/or Louise verbally spar with Archer. I wonder why they couldn't get the voice actors?

Best quote, between Ray, Cyril, and Malory:

"To reiterate, I am paralyzed!"

"Well join a support group!"

"For who? Crippled gay hillbilly spies? There's a niche."

That was a really fun premiere. Can't wait for the next episode.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
I gotta give jon Benjamin credit. While I love his characters, I always wrote him off as a same character voice actor. But I was dead wrong. The tone between archer and Bob is drastically different.

I kinda wonder what happened to Bob though

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
I wish the Bob's Burgers kids had said something in that scene. I'd kill to have Tina, Gene, and/or Louise verbally spar with Archer. I wonder why they couldn't get the voice actors?

I wish they'd have gotten Eugene and Kristen but not that other annoying fucker.




















This is the standard for crossovers now. Doubt it will ever be topped. Plus, the History of Violence references in the beginning were awesome.
Man, when that ostrich popped out of nowhere and Cheryl freaked out I lost it.

Also, the Shazam/Isis power hour reference - so left field, so great.
- Q&A with Executive Producer Matt Thompson over at Warming Glow.

Painstakingly copy-pasta'd for your easy-reading. There's a few more tidbits via the link, so please click on over if this stuff interests you.
Q. All-around delightful episode. And I want a piglet to keep in my pocket.
A. Krieger’s pig is going to make an epic comeback late in the season. He will do something GREAT.

Q. I am so happy that other people picked up on the History of Violence subtext in the opening scene. That was a great movie.
A. Neal Holman (art director) and his storyboard crew were definitely going for that. Glad you picked up on it. I really liked it.

Q. I need to institute a new policy of watching every new Archer episode twice, because I think I missed a couple of those references. Also, I’ve been persuaded to try Bob’s Burgers now. I give in, Internet! Stop hounding me!
A. I like Bob’s a lot. Except for the lead actor guy.

Q. Judy Greer can make any word, like “ostrich,” sound funny. Also, Bob’s Burgers kids on Archer was creepier than the inbred Simpsons scene.
A. Easy. I took pictures of my daughter to play Louise. I am going to show her this post and she is going to cry tonight. Hope you are happy Josh.

Q. I never caught exactly how much time has passed since the S3 finale. It’s obviously been over a couple of months. Can you divulge how long exactly?
A. 8 months.

Q. now i want a bob’s as archer crossover. can you imagine bob belcher finding himself inside ISIS? this was a perfect episode! (if only i got to hear the belcher kids in their “archer”-based forms……gene would talk about how dapper he looks.)
A. We talked about giving the kids more lines (or any). But for the story, it was best to stay with Linda and Bob/Archer. The good news is that we will have Kristen Schaal and Eugene Mirman in our two part season finale this year.
Eugene will be playing Cheryl brother and Kristen is his girlfriend. They did a great job.

Q. Who is eviler, Barry or Other Barry?
A. David Willis is the most evil of all of them. That’s right other Dave.

Q. After looking at the stills from last nights episode, I can truly appreciate all of the extra detail that goes into the animation (like the residue on the grill and the nicks in the wood paneling). Not so much a question, but I want you to know the effort is appreciated. I imagine it takes a lot of time.
A. Thanks Rhelgy. We spend A LOT of time on it. And by WE I mean our awesome background department which is run by Jon Bass.

Q. Is Ron Cadillac his birth name and he decided to dedicate his life to the cars because of his name or did he change his last name to “Cadillac” after he became the biggest Cadillac dealer in the tri-state area? Please answer quickly; I can’t sleep again until I know the answer to this mystery.
A. Good question.
Make sure you watch the fourth episode of the season, Midnight Ron, to find the answer. Bonus points will be awarded if you can find the reference in his real name.

Q. Were there any concerns about how graphic and violent the opening sequence was?
A. Nope. I loved it.

Q. I like to now think that for as long as Bob’s Burgers is on the air that the whole show takes place in the two month time frame that Archer was Bob. If that makes sense.
A. We have already written the last scene of the series. Bob Belcher shakes a snow globe with the ISIS building in it.

Q. I wasn’t enamored of the episode on first viewing but loved it on second viewing. The Bob’s Burgers parody was amaze-balls.
A. I wasn’t enamored with your post the first time I read it but on second viewing I was…. damn, I had something for that.

Q. Also, was it hard to coordinate the crossover?
A. It was pretty easy to coordinate on a show runner to show runner level. Adam and Loren Bouchard exchanged some emails, explaining our intentions. Then we shared the script with him and the initial drawings. The entire time Loren was very supportive and we were incredibly thankful for his generosity. I mean… he could have just said no. Ya know? We were fucking around in his world. It was very cool of him. And Jon Benjamin kicked off the discussion for us, which helped.

Q. Is it wrong that I was slightly disappointed that the kids didn’t speak?
A. Just to reiterate, some great stuff ahead this season with Eugene and Kristen.
We have alluded to Cheryl’s brother Cecil before and how the two share there billion dollar family fortune. Now Eugene and Kristen are going to flesh that storyline out a bit for us. On a side note: Adam and I have had several drinks with Eugene and he is just hilarious. If you are ever in NY when he has his annual comedy festival, you really need to go.

Q. Matt was the scene using a frying pan as a weapon a subtle crossover to Justified?
A. No. But we LOVE Justified. See how much next week.

Q. in the same that South Park has been used for years by Comedy Central as the lead in show for their new efforts, Archer has found itself in the same place on FX. Is this something you guys notice or take pride in?
A. It is really cool and we are happy that our audience has grown enough to support that weight. But it also diminishes your numbers a bit. But in truth, all of that ratings stuff and Q scores and trending… its all a little above my pay grade. We are just trying to make ourselves laugh. It is up to them where they put us. We are just happy to be there since we do not own our own network.

Q. Are there any future cross-overs, references or guest appearances that YOU really wanna see happen?
A. I would love it if the show opened up in one of the Bluth’s abandoned housing developments. That might be pretty complicated though, from a legal/network standpoint.

Q. Will Bionic Barry ever get off the space ship? Also Krieger looks superfine with a tactile neck and gun.
A. We will have more Barry soon. You’ll have to wait and see. But I prefer Dr. K in a lab coat. Makes him more creepy.

Q. This piglet in the pocket just killed me.
A. Make sure you catch an episode later this season called The Honeymooners.

Q. What is your alcohol of choice when making a molotov cocktail?
A. Boone Farms Apple Wine. Mr. Ford hipped me to it.

Q. By my count you’ve got Olyphant, Bourdain, Mirman, and Schaal lined up for guest spots in S4. Anyone else we should have on our radar?
A. We have someone big for the final two episodes, but I am not telling right now. Peter Serafinowicz is back with us again this season for an episode. He is a really, really funny English comic/actor for those of you not familiar with his work. We love him. Plus, later in the season Dayton Callie (Deadwood, Sons of Anarchy) and Nick Searcy (Justified) are in an episode together. We met them at an FX event a year ago and it turns out the two are good friends but have not been in something together. Our small attempt at righting that wrong. And they were both great in it.

Q. A History of violence bit had me rolling. Totally out of left field. Am I the only one who was confused and desperately searching for the wedding epsiode(s)? I thought they did a 3 parter like Heart of Archness and I somehow missed it. I love how it was in fact, just background.
A. No wedding episode coming this season. I loved how Adam buried that in there. It made the whole reason for the crossover feel real and justified to me. And Pam throwing the rice killed me.

Q. God I have missed this show. At the end, I thought the writers were trolling shows for the incessant product placement with the Caddy dealer guy. Just another awesome Archer episode.
A. To be clear — we received (and FX for that matter) ZERO dollars from Cadillac. Or for the Dodge episode in Season 3. It is just something we wanted to do. No money or anything changed hands.

Q. Peter Newman played the character Major Nikolai Jakov. His most famous role was Tygra from the classic 80's cartoon ThunderCats. Is this one of the reasons you cast him on your show? Can we expect to hear anymore notable voice actors from our childhood?
A. I have heard (and loved) his Thundercats stuff. But we cast him from an audition. He frequently does deep voice with heavy accent for us. This year he will be a foreign diplomat in an episode, as well as a priest in another. No others on the radar at this time.

Q. I love the show, like a lot. More than members of my extended family. I also love the concept that Mallory married a stable, kind man. I initially thought she’d married Burt Reynolds; was that ever a possibility?
A. It’s not over yet.

Q. Are there any plans to make an Archer video game? Because that would make an assload of money.
A. I am not sure. I can tell you that Lucky Yates enjoys playing a video game called Plague, Inc. I sat next to him on some long plane rides recently and to see Krieger trying to eradicate the world through different means was a bit frightening.

Q. Killer Mike was superb on Frisky Dingo. Are there any plans for him or any other Hip-Hop artists to guest star in the new season? Should I get started on my script where Archer battles robotic ninjas alongside the Wu-Tang Clan?
A. Yes, please start that script immediately. Archer has to learn to rap to defeat them… somehow.

Q. We’ve gotten (amazing) backstory for Cheryl, Pam, and Ray. To an extent we know about Krieger but is there any chance we get more for Krieger and an episode for Cyril like Bloody Ferlin?
A. Yeah. You are right. We need to do that. We will get there eventually.

Q. Will Ostrichs be this seasons Ocelots?
A. Those burgers really are tasty.

Q. Any chance Mr. Ford will return, or a Wendelll Stamps-analogue will make an appearance?
A. I love, love both of those characters. And to listen to both of those guys in the booth was a riot. Most of the stuff they did never made it in the show. Too long and rambly. Adam in that accent killed me every time. When he first started doing it, we wanted the voice to be higher, so we pitched him up, mechanically. But then as the episode went on, he got use to doing the accent in a higher register. But we would still accidentally pitch it up sometimes. Then I would see a show on the air and be mad at myself for not catching that Wendell sounded like he just inhaled helium.

Q. I’m really hoping for a “Cheryl” episode this season. I like her brand of depravity.
A. its coming.

Q. I’m assuming you guys got no money from Cadillac after hearing that Dodge didn’t kick in anything last season, which makes the jokes funnier to me. Any chance of a meta joke about trying to get free Apple stuff by showing it like 30 Rock or is that damaging to the fuzzy time period you guys are going for?
A. What I would REALLY like is for someone to give me a truck full of money. Wouldn’t that be the better joke… for me? But yes— no Cadillac or Dodge money was had.

Q. Can we go to Poovey Farms anytime soon? (Also, Jillian Bell from Workaholics = Live action Pam, can she be a Poovey sister?)
A. We have an internal idea around here about her prize cow getting stolen, but we could not make it work. You write it!

Q. Is Ray going to be forever bummed out or will Krieger engineer him new legs from leftover body parts?
A. 3 episode.

Q. I don’t know if this is something you’d be involved in but can we get a Poovey Farms Racing trucker hat? It is the only situation where a trucker hat would be acceptable, ever.
A. Pretty sure there is one for sale on the FX website. They took our logo exactly. It is probably my favorite thing they have up there.
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