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Are there any hardcore-ish "Rescue" games?


Gold Member
Have been having a blast playing some of these snow runner type games where you need to deliver logs etc, but to me the mission structure is kinda boring.. Not the game but the simple thought of oh I need to get logs to checkpoint B.

So this got me looking around for some games that sort of fit the mold, but more urgency into the gameplay and can't seem to find anything. So I thought I would ask Gaf since some of you have played everything that exists :)

Is there a game which you play the role of an emergency team or different types of teams to save people from mountaintops, car wrecks, hospital calls etc? Something that is like you have 30 minutes to complete this objective or they die?

Something that give me a challenge (not dark souls level) but makes me think some while also being somewhat chill vibe? Id like to stream this as well

Id like to know if anyone has some suggestions. New or old would be appreciated. PC or Consoles doesn't matter.

Thanks in advance!
Is there a game which you play the role of an emergency team or different types of teams to save people from mountaintops, car wrecks, hospital calls etc? Something that is like you have 30 minutes to complete this objective or they die?
Disaster Report series.






Gold Member
Ok cool I just saw is included with my PlayStation account. going to add this one. Anyone else have some recommendations? is the PC verision better??
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Gold Member
That's going to be a challenge finding that exact type of game since it mixes survival with escort-type missions. There are some emergency-type RTS on Steam, but I don't think that would fit what you are looking for.
There was a german game called “Emergency” which fits your description. But it’s not first person, it’s more like you are the disponent in the headquarter sending units to the scene. But when you were to late, the people would die.


Gold Member
With all those career sims, I'm surprised they haven't made an Emergency Services type yet.
I know which is why Im asking. I figured it would have happened. Imagine someone breaks there leg in the snow covered mountains, and you need to rescue them. Or someone ship is sinking and you need to battle storms and rescue them. So it's like random stuff.


Gold Member
I know which is why Im asking. I figured it would have happened. Imagine someone breaks there leg in the snow covered mountains, and you need to rescue them. Or someone ship is sinking and you need to battle storms and rescue them. So it's like random stuff.
I looked on Steam and I guess they do have a mountain rescue simulator
With all those career sims, I'm surprised they haven't made an Emergency Services type yet.
I know which is why Im asking. I figured it would have happened. Imagine someone breaks there leg in the snow covered mountains, and you need to rescue them. Or someone ship is sinking and you need to battle storms and rescue them. So it's like random stuff.
It’s because everyone has PTSD from 4 entire generations of terribly designed escort missions and bad companion A.I.

With no reasonable way to design around it without causing frustration, most games simply abandoned it or made the A.I. companion invincible.

I think we will reach a new point soon with A.I. where maybe these systems can be given a second look.


Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024.

Its a small piece of MFS24's Career/Mission suite, but this will probably be the only big budget entry in this genre for a decade.


Two PS2 games. The first I actually played since it supported a flight stick: City Crysis

Air Ranger: Rescue Helicopter


There are some Arma 3 mods/mission that you play as a combat search and rescue helicopter, air ambulance etc.


Not about saving people and similar to Snow runner (deliver things to point a to point b), but nonetheless a classic that you might enjoy (if you like old games):



Two recommendations. Both will provide a variety of rescue scenarios in diverse locations. However, they're not exactly "Rescue" games.


1. Without Warning (ps2, xbox)
The game plays a bit like an episode of the tv show 24. Terrorists take over a chemical plant and you have to manage a SEAL team in different locations and situations within the plant to rescue the employees while also defeating the terrorists. You constantly switch between different team members to accomplish these goals and frequently need to have your team members cooperate to solve combat/disaster scenarios. It's a great idea that doesn't work out perfectly, mostly due to tech limitations of the day and less than ideal controls.


2. Project Eden (ps2, PC)
Somewhat similar to Without Warning, but a futuristic SciFi setting. The environments are more varied since each "level" is a different building. And there's a much greater emphasis on puzzle solving, mostly of the environmental type (shut down the lasers, remove the poison gas from the area, etc). Less combat in this game than Without Warning.
I really enjoyed this one. Although the ending is not really all that great.


Probably not exactly what you want, but this thread instantly made me think of SimCopter.

Yes, it's old and janky, but it's pretty fun. You fly around in a heli in 3D SimCity 2000 maps and respond to various emergency calls like picking up people who got in an accident and flying them to a hospital, help putting out fires by dumping water on buildings etc.
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