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Are there really benefits to drinking 8 cups of water a day?

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Lil' Dice

I'm trying to stay away from soda and sugary drinks, and making an effort to drink more water. I just can't stand drinking it unless it's with a meal, or during physical activities.
Those of you who do drink it regularly, did you notice an increase in energy and fatigue reduction? Or is it just more bullshit.....

Bob White

Yeah. Your pee turns into water after the third cup. Fuck that yellow shit. That crap is for the hicks and weirdos.

Believe it.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
increased amounts of bathroom trips is one thing I've noticed on a water binge I had recently...


And even i am moderately surprised
i just feel better, flushes everything out and keeps me damp! ;)

I drink about 4-5 litres a day.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
I like to drink water a lot these days. As others have said, it helps reduce the desire to eat crap between meals and such.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
One time my friend and I were wondering what it would be like to drink a lot of water, we brought up the notion of drinking a gallon a day. My friends girlfriend said we wouldn't be able to do it, and ended up betting us $5 each that we wouldn't last a week so we went for it. The first day was... interesting. But we learned to space it out more over the course of the day, and yes you feel a lot better if you drink a lot of water.
I don't think there is. I remember about one modern doctor saying it was BS, since you get a lot of the water you need from food and other beverages. I'm not even sure if drinking that much liquid would be good on your kidneys.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
you feel generally better. not as in a new lease on life, but after a few weeks doing it, then going back to drinking and eating what commercials tell you, you should notice the difference.

Bacon said:
I'm not even sure if drinking that much liquid would be good on your kidneys.

That's pretty much totally wrong.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Pellham said:
It would certainly be a lot healthier than say, drinking 8 cokes or 8 beers.

For sure, water is the best thing for you. My mom is REALLY into holistic nutrition and she drinks plenty of water and eats organic food, it seems to be good for her energy and such. She isn't tired and lazy like most women her age.

I drink Coke like CRAZY, and that just does horrible things to your kidneys. But I'm addicted. :(


All I drink is water. You need to spread your consumption up. If your body doesnt need the water, its going to come right out as if you hadnt even out it in your body. Your Kidneys need water to function properly so its not going to hurt you there. Drinking cold water actually burns calories. Being well hydrated also keeps your skin healthier.

Mr Gump

Think of it this way. Instead of having 8 or whatever cups per day, drink water whenever you are thirsty. So, instead of grabbing a coke along with a huge sugar intake, drink water.

You'll notice change due to the decreases amounts of sugar you are intaking per day, and this this show in your weight, and your skin as you will find you will get less pimples (obviously).

way more

One recent report said for each individual the correct amount to drink varied, and the best thing to do was drink when you are thirsty. The benefits include weight loss and and better skin.


Eh, to replace my sodas and starbucks I now drink flavored water and sometimes diet rootbeer. Yes, I usually drink 9-8 cups(250mL) a day, when working out I sweat like hell.


I should measure how much water I drink...i drink PLENTY of it, i pretty much always have my cup full. I drink it with most meals, in between meals, and definitely during after working out. Even when I did drink lots of sodas and juices, i'd always drink a lot of water. I'm glad i'm not one of those that hate it...the way i see it, the human body has been around a LOT longer than soda and super sugary juices, so why would I let that be my body's main source of liquid? I have a friend from high school who HATES water, and all he would drink is soda soda soda, or Arizona ice tea, etc...next thing you know, i'm spending my half-day to go with him to the doctor to see an urologist because he had urinary problems. DRINK WATER, your body will thank you.


There was a report of an HK girl who was hospitalized for drinking too much water. Her internal organ (forgot which one) couldn't take it or something.

It's a legitimate report, was on the front page of Ming Pao and everything.


GG-Duo said:
There was a report of an HK girl who was hospitalized for drinking too much water. Her internal organ (forgot which one) couldn't take it or something.

It's a legitimate report, was on the front page of Ming Pao and everything.

It's called drowning.

Lil' Dice

I've bee taking a bottle of water with me on workouts, and i've noticed a significant increase in energy. On top of that i've just gtten back on Creatine, so water+ Creatine=WHOOOOOO!

Mr Gump

That reminds me that i have to badly start working out again. Im losing so much muscle tone that i worked hard for.
It's strange how my drinking habits have gone in cycles since I started College.

I went from drinking alot of soda and caffine, to almost exclusively bottled water. In a very short time I've almost completely lost my taste for any type of soda (it tastes way too sugary).

However, I am also the type of person know as a "hard-gainer." I naturally have a very high metabolism and have much difficulty putting on wieght and building muscle mass. So lately I've tried to add some Snapple Iced Teas (Lemon and Mint flavors) to my regular drinking regimen to increase my Caloric intake.

I still drink a lot of water and as someone before mentioned its easy to drink the recommended amount just by replacing "bad drinks" with a glass or bottle of water.


Junior Member
Grizzlyjin said:
I drink Coke like CRAZY, and that just does horrible things to your kidneys. But I'm addicted. :(

That's also wrong. It does nothing to your kidneys but can wreck havoc on your diet and total caloric intake.

Drinking too much water can wreck havoc on your metabolites, specifically sodium. But we are talking multiple gallons. But drinking 8 glasses won't get you into trouble, unless you have problems with your kidneys.


That article talks about a guy drinking 6 gallons during a triathalon. Meaning he was losing a ton of sweat (which has a lot of sodium, that's why it tastes salty) and replacing it with just regular water. That'll dilute the sodium in your blood, make you a lil cooky and in extreme cases, cause you to have seizures. The point being, don't drink 6 gallons in a day, there's no need.
I've got less that a quarter of a litre bottle of Doctor Pepper left and then that's it, I'm off the sodas entirely, for at least a couple of months. It'll be water for me (with only the occasional milk).

And seriously for water to harm your body you have to drink loads and loads of it everyday. Replacing your normal drinks with water isn't going to do anything bad.
Ever since I started drinking over 4 litres of water a day, my skin has cleared up completely, and it only took a few weeks. Drinking a lot of water really does help your skin. Plus I just feel better.

And yes, drinking that much water turns your piss into pure water after a while. Water cleans out your body very nicely.

Seth C

Matt said:
The fact is, drinking 8 oz of decaffeinated soda is the same as drinking 8 oz of water.

No it isn't. Your body has to filter that stuff through your system. That just means more water.


Seth C said:
No it isn't. Your body has to filter that stuff through your system. That just means more water.
Eh, I’m just going off a NY Times article I read a few months ago.


Setec Astronomer
Your body should get 8 cups of water a day, but you don't have to get it solely from the faucet. As said before, there's water in food that counts too.

aoi tsuki

Matt said:
The fact is, drinking 8 oz of decaffeinated soda is the same as drinking 8 oz of water.
Sodas contain phosphates which leech calcium and can lead to osteoporosis, not to mention gobs of sugar and chemical flavoring/coloring.

i drink at least a gallon a day. Water is the first and last thing i drink. i keep a couple of drink bottles filled with Brita-filtered water in the fridge and freezer, and pop them out when i need to drink something. i'm hardly ever thirsty. Truth is, by time you're thirsty, your body is already dehydrated; the feeling of thirst is the indicator. i do go to the bathroom more often than i used to, but it makes sense considering my fluid consumption is up on average four times what it was last year, and the urge to go has cooled off since i first started.

Hitokage said:
Your body should get 8 cups of water a day, but you don't have to get it solely from the faucet. As said before, there's water in food that counts too.
i think most Americans would be better sticking with the faucet over relying on their diets to contain a significant amount of water. Assuming raw fruits and vegetables contain the most water per volume, they're the least consumed by most people. Most food is cooked, which removes a lot of the water as well.
Yes, replacing pop with water is a great idea (although that should be obvious). I've cut down my pop intake greatly over the past year or so. I usually only have it when going out to eat or when watching movies and other such activities. I've also cut down the sugar in my tea (which I drink a lot of) from 2 spoons to half a spoon.

That story about being hospitalized for drinking too much water isn't anything out of the ordinary. Obviously, the same goes for any other liquid. You hear about people who do E drinking too much when overcompensating for the hyperthermia and dying from hyponatremia (water poisoning). It's best to just drink, in all cases, whenever you're thirsty. Don't go by any limit, because as mentioned above, you get water from a lot of other sources.

[edit] A bit off topic, but does anyone else find that water sometimes doesn't quench their thirst very well? Is it because one can be used to the sugar or to something else inside of flavoured beverages and need it to have the same thirst quenching effect?

aoi tsuki

There was also a case a few years back about a mom who made her kid(s) drink gallons of water a day. i think the kid(s) died as a result.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Hmmm....just ate a ton of Papa Johns, and it took me at LEAST 6 cups to quench my thirst. This seems to happen every time I eat a lot of pizza.
Yeah, there is such a thing as drinking too much water. If you drink obscene amounts of water, you'll end up flushing out a lot of electrolytes in your urine and the concentration of ions in your body falls to dangerous levels.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
That's true.

But not after eating Papa Johns. I drink water like crazy, and don't have to take a leak for hours. It's like the dough is sucking it all up. Perfect time for a multivitamin.


0G M3mbeR
Drinking 8 cups a day of water clears acne. It is proven fact. It worked for me when I was a teen.
Sp3eD said:
Drinking 8 cups a day of water clears acne. It is proven fact. It worked for me when I was a teen.

Yep, very good for the skin. And it does also help in muscle regeneration like somebody else said.
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