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Are you a liar?

"I beat Halo on Legendary!"

"VF4 Evolution, im at the top tank, whoo even got all the costume stuff"

"20/1 killing ratio! Eat it!"

"Yeah, I beat that game."

I like to think of myself as a fairly average multi-console gamer. Truth be told I dont finish most of my game, and im not near best at any of them. I pull off passable/respectable Shun Di's, Q's and Baikens. I can play some of the harder RPGs and keep up with people in FPS games to a degree thats at least not n00b like.

Seriously tho.


MrAngryFace said:
"I beat Halo on Legendary!"

"VF4 Evolution, im at the top tank, whoo even got all the costume stuff"

"20/1 killing ratio! Eat it!"

"Yeah, I beat that game."

I like to think of myself as a fairly average multi-console gamer. Truth be told I dont finish most of my game, and im not near best at any of them. I pull off passable/respectable Shun Di's, Q's and Baikens. I can play some of the harder RPGs and keep up with people in FPS games to a degree thats at least not n00b like.

Seriously tho.
yes you are.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I don't beat most of my games either. It takes me years to actually finish something. I play it, put it down for a few months, then pick it up again.

I'm not very good at anything either...


I think anyone who goes out of their way to call somebody else some dumbass word like "weaksauce" probably can't play a game worth shit but feels the need to lash out in hopes of covering their ass.
I beat around half of the titles that I purchase; some I beat immediatly, some I never really play. I don't go online nearly enough.

I'm really as anal about controllers as I say, and I really seriously considered flambéing my 9800 pro at one point.

I'm very good at fighters, though by no means legendary. I'm at least dedicated, putting in six hour, overnight practice sessions if it means I learn an entire character almost at once, or program my fingers permenantly for a combo.

And I'm really as good at Metal Slug 3 as I claim, my sole Live upload not withstanding.

Also, I did beat Halo on Legendary, if that is still impressive to some.
While I think I'm pretty skilled at most games, I have no shame in admitting that the Red Alert 2 expansion Yuri's Revenge has beaten the everloving fuck out to me to the point where I refuse to play it anymore.


Everything I say is a lie! Except that. And that, and that, and that...


Banstick Emeritus

"Did someone call?"


i remeber one time someone claimed he got some high rank in the first vf4 and me being a 10th dan challenged him. i thought i was going to loose but it turned out he was full of shit.

i find most people lie about their skills in fighting games. generally they talk about how well they know the game and how many frames each move takes and blah blah blah but when you play them, they're no better then the next guy.
deadlifter said:
I beat all of the games that i own, although i do have a backlog.

Why? Don't you have a golden rule of it it's not fun, I quit?

The reason I don't finish everything I buy is I can't stand a huge chunk of the games I buy (And I'm incredibly picky to begin with.)

LOL at Ninja Scooter. That's about the section of Viewtiful Joe that I quit on. I had no shame choosing "Kindergarden" (Or whatever it was called) and I still sucked at it. The lack of saves just made it way too frustrating for me to continually replay an entire level just to get a little further. I can be dedicated, hardcore, and significantly above average when a game catches my fancy; it just doesn't happen often.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I suck at competitive gaming.

I was never good at Goldeneye 4-player despite the insane hours logged, and I get CRUSHED at online FPS gaming. I'm merely average at best when it comes to fighters(rarely do I sink time into developing trends beyond the fundamentals), but a few exceptions exist. I can't parry worth dick in SF3, yet I am very competent at Guard Impacts in SC2.

Single player stuff however I excel decently enough. More recent accomplishments include beating Dante Must Die mode in DMC1, Unlocking everything in F-zero GX(minus most silly ending animations), earning S-rank on first attempt in Oni 3, Yue Ying's 10 level weapon solo was quite a feat, and yes I have beaten Halo on Legendary multiple times in co-op and solo.

Hell I beat Gradius 5 with the analog stick! (UNPOSSIBLE YOU SAY?!!!)


I don't lie about my videogame perfomances, there's no need to, my friends wouldn't understand anyway. I'm pretty average in fighting and strategy games, I suck at sports games because I never ever play those, but I'm pretty good at FPS, racing, action and RPG games.

I've finished almost all of the RPG's I bought and most other games too. When I'm really into a game I'll play it to death, like DMC, which I beat on DMD mode with all S-ranks. I consider this my greatest gaming accomplishment. I also had all the gols medals in GT2 which has cost me ALOT of time, I'm pretty proud of that too. And getting all the cheats in Goldeneye.

Currently gradius V is owning me very hard, even on the easiest setting, luckily I have shadow hearts 2 to play and relax.
:D @ Super-Rollins.

I DID beat Halo on Legendary. Alone. I know that friggin game in and out. It almost seems small to me now.

I DID get really good at Marvel vs Capcom 2 with a team of Akuma, Strider, and Captain Commando. My backup team was the "cheapass beam-team" of Cable, Iceman, and Blackheart. I used to whomp ass at arcades all over the area here.

I DID get really good with Kilik in Soul Calibur 2. I was traveling a lot when that hit arcades so I got to play people all over the place. I held my own in Sacramento, schooled everyone I met in Atlanta, and reigned supreme in Northern Wisconsin. That was really about the only places that I visited with a thriving SC2 scene that had tourney-caliber players.

I DID kick ass at Dreamcast Quake III Arena. I was ranked in the top 15 for a long time on the DC Ladder.

Those are probably my biggest gaming conquests though. Outside those I have probably been pretty average at everything else I've played. Its just that those are the only games I really put a LOT of time into. Well, also Splinter Cell: PT but I never got past a rank of 6 or 7 and the best players got all the way up to like 20+ or some ridiculous number. I think some of them had to be map-whores or cheaters though, but I can't prove it and don't care too much.


The only real "whoa, wtf" thing I've had was a game of Pole Position on my C64, where I kept getting extended plays and the game lasted for like two hours. Aside from that, just 100% completions on things, and that's really about it.


Most people do not believe me when I say I beat Super Mario Land with the gameboy upside down the entire time... I don't know WHY I did that either.
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