* Are wary of American arrogance and hypocrisy
Yes. I agree with this. I'm not really fond of the whole "You're either with us or against us" mentality of today.
* Trace much of today's anti-American hatred to previous US foreign policies.
Agreed. A lot of neocons confuse this as an excuse for 9/11. That's because they are short minded and stupid. It's not an excuse and I firmly believe we should hunt and kill those responsible (protip neocons, Osama isn't in Iraq) but I don't believe hatred of that magnitude just doesn't come out of the blue and it's not "because they hate our freedom". It's developed over time and due to our past and present foreign policies.
* Believe political solutions are inherently superior to military solutions
Sort of. I think in most cases this is true but I'm not against a military campaign if it's warranted. Iraq wasn't warranted.
* Believe the US is morally bound to intervene in humanitarian crises
Neocons like to appeal to Christian fundamentalist (or vise versa) and yet neocons seem to hate the idea of humanitarian intervention. I disagree completely and believe the Christian thing to do would be to help those in need.
* Oppose American imperialism
Absolutely. I like the American way of life but it should not be imposed on others.
* Support international law, alliances, and agreements
I don't think they're the perfect solution to every problem, but if there's a common understanding, I believe there'd be less disputes.
* Encourage US participation in the UN
Iraq wouldn't have been the huge burden it is now if Bush didn't go at it alone. War wasn't a last resort like he said it was and it should have been. Can the UN work if the US is constantly going around it, showing other nations that it doesn't matter? That's why the UN is considered a weak organization. We don't care so why should anyone else?
* Believe US economic policies must help lift up the world's poor
It's to our benefit. If the poor and needy can become productive, we have a new market. It also quills any resentment.