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Are you bored of American setting in Gta games?


Yes. It should be in the Caribbean islands.

Jamaica, Cuba, Trinidad plus a bit of South America.
Part of the charm of GTA isnt just random violence, its satirizing whatever society its set in.

GTA: Brazil
GTA: South Africa
GTA: Mexico
GTA: New Orleans - Yes I know its still the US, but the vibe would be totally different.
GTA: Jamaica
GTA: Colombia

Could all fit the bill on violence alone, but I dont know what stories you could tell there that would be tongue in cheek enough for us to have a laugh without coming off as really fucked up.

Teasing Brazil, Jamaica, Haiti or Colombia about being fucked up poor places with lots of violence, might not land as well as people think it will.
If a GTA: Mexico was in the vein of San Andreas in which its riffing on all these Narco movies/series we are seeing then im sure it could work.

As for things like GTA: Japan or GTA: Germany or whatever..........doubt.
I'd be down for any of these settings. Brazil, Columbia, & South Africa are my personal picks.
Especially South Africa, which I can't recall ever being prominently depicted in video games, outside of some competitive games maybe.
South African accents are peculiar as well, so the character types could be interesting.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Especially South Africa, which I can't recall ever being prominently depicted in video games, outside of some competitive games maybe.
South African accents are peculiar as well, so the character types could be interesting.
If it takes place in Cape Town...........

Just kidding for all my Cape ninjas.......but yall know your accents are out there.


Yup. One of the things I loved about Sleeping Dogs, for example, was that it was set in Hong Kong. More variety would be great as every GTA game has been in basically New York, Miami or Los Angeles.
Sleeping Dogs was indeed amazing. Too bad we won't even see a sequel.

And yes, more varied international settings would certainly be much more interesting. I just don't think Take2 and Rockstar will do that. They are aiming to sell tens of millions of copies and even more importantly for then GTA Online.

I don't see them taking any sort of risk. And SP DLC or Expansions will never happen now with Online driving the profits.


The GTA DNA requires an American setting IMO. Its consumerist society with guns, drugs and crime works better as a believable setting.
Using the formula in other historical settings like ancient Rome with Grand Theft Chariot? Now we're talking! That's why RDR works.

If I had Rockstar's ear I would suggest a High Fantasy setting with character creator, classes and build it for multiple playthroughs (race & class quests for example) like they did with Dragon Age, or different ways to tackle objectives. With underworlds, dungeons or planes/dimensions it would be easy to support with new content and get that sweet sweet user engagement.

The Fartist

Gold Member
London and the country side with pikeys, or Mexico City, with some cartle action in the desert and some cocaine production in the jungle would work


Can't really get bored of something that only comes along literally once in a generation now, can we?

Though personally I'd love to see a Pacific Northwest GTA that goes into North Californias Humboldt Mountain to somewhere in Oregon. Lots of green with just enough medium sized cities gives it Red dead levels of opportunity when it comes to oddities, and the chance to have cars AND horses for various nonsense and drug smuggling.

Magic Carpet

Gold Member
Where ever it's set don't make the CP77 mistake of tiny skinny streets.
I don't like the driving in that game until you get out of the city and have space to have fun.


I think a GTA game taking place in Northern Ireland during the Troubles would be a cool idea, dealing with paramilitaries and stuff


No, I think America has to be the setting for the main GTA, but I'd gladly play spin-offs in other places (since I live in Italy, I'd like one in my country). But GTA spin-offs are dead generations ago, so I'll take more America for the future games.


Not nearly tired of The Americas, but absolutely welcome Rockstar to spin off GTA with a subsidiary developer..! Would love for them to make a GTA in China nowhere near sanctioned by the CCP 🇨🇳❤️😂
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In all other open world games? Yes.

In Rockstar? Nah they can make it wherever the hell they want. Just keep being the absolute kings of open worlds. That's all that matters for me
They can do a GTA set in the Pacific Northwest like a city based on Seattle. Satirize the shit out of the woke moment that has a strong history there. During the protests/riots of 2020, you would read one crazy shit after another about Seattle, Portland, and the whole Pacific Northwest. Texas would be another goldmine. I agreed with everyone here in that the USA is just the perfect place to satirize, because in reality its just batshit crazy.

Kev Kev

I'm just bored of GTA games.

I ran through GTA5 a year or so back and couldn't wait to be done with it. The movement sucks, the controls sucked, the shooting was decent at best... the driving was on point tho, I'll give the game that. But I just didn't think it was all that great, and I feel like GTA's hayday is in the past. I want GTA6 to still have the GTA identity, but it needs to feel and control much better for me to get back on board with GTA games.


Reseterror Resettler
Isn't that....kind of the point of GTA? A scathing, vulgar critique of Americana culture, obsession with gangsters and mobsters in mainstream media, news headlines about the violent evil videogame while we report on a murder suicide in the next segment - type deal?

I think it would lose it's identity and become another TPS open world game without the humor and writing that being based in America provides it.

Would I like to see another take on it from a studio that could do another region of the world and it's political/societal humor justice? Yeah.
I want to see a team like Rockstar's take on golden age of sail piracy. Assassin's fucking Creed can't be the best pirate game in existence.


Simps for Amouranth
American culture is utterly ripe for takin the piss and a lot of it filters into other countries making it universal, so it's a perfect setting but what I'd really love is for them to satirise the future, give us an America where the orange monkey has been in charge for 15yrs and all the hilarious carnage that would entail, I want a cyberpunk setting with the world building that only Rockstar can accomplish pretty much just make it like Megacity1 and I'd bet the fucking moon the Devs over in Scotland would absolutely love to work on a game world like that instead of the constant modern settings of the GTA games.

I loved GTA5 brilliant brilliant game, but I am in no way looking forward to more of the same shit in a different American city, I'll buy it but not on release


GTA France

NPCs won't mind being carjacked.

After another search I think you are right. But as you said, Sam is just there to run the business side. Makes you wonder if Dan left because of the newfound constraints on what can be said in the story.
I have no idea why Dan left, but if I were to guess, it would be annoying being a writer/creator and only having one game getting released every 5-7 years. I remember reading a while back that Rockstar games already know the locations and stories of the next several GTA games. Dan Houser probably co-wrote GTA VI years ago. It's all the other shit in game development that takes forever

Also, maybe a decade ago, one of the Houser's stated that GTA will always take place in America. I'm just hoping that Rockstar will continue to expand to the point of working on multiple projects. I doubt that will happen any time soon tho. But there's no way that GTAVI won't be amazing. Rockstar has unlimited time and money to get that game right. It will have a 10-15 year life span in which it will print money. They are going to make sure everything is right before releasing
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US cities are heavily featured in media like TV shows and music videos and is generally well known thoughout the world, which is why most games tend to be based in the US since its very familiar to a lot of players.

GTA games have been set in Europe before with the London expansion pack for the first GTA. The Getaway was a pretty good open world GTA clone that was set in London and was fairly accurate in its design, though this made it frustrating to play when you consider how cramped the roads are compared to american roads.

Are we sure that's the reason that usa is overused in games in general? I mean the same is true for other big cities like tokyo, London etc. I dont recognise most accurare stuff from us anyway.


I want a GTA set in Chicago in 1920's, during the height of Prohibition
20's or 30's Shanghai could also be a good setting. When I think about it? Surprised it haven't been done yet.
The town was a wild place in the republican era.


I am not bored of the American setting but I am bored of them re-telling the same "dark side of the American Dream" storyline over and over again. Rockstar, I get it, America bad - say something new.
Lol no.

The day you take GTA outside of fictional US cities is the day the franchise loses its identity.

If you want GTA Hong Kong, go find the ex-devs of United Front Games, reform the studio, and get them to work on a UE5 version of Sleeping Dogs 2.


Gold Member
GTA satirised USA for years and then USA became the thing GTA mocked them for. Its time for them to take on the Middle East next.


I really hope next GTA (GTA 7) for PS6/Next Xbox will be set in New York. They could do amazing thing with that hardware..



GTA games come out once every 6 years so not sure how one can be tired of anything related to them.

GTA games are American stories. They lose much of their appeal if you take that away. The team has mastered American satire. It would be like forcing an artist to paint in a style they've never employed before.

Now what you COULD argue is the setting is getting stale. Maybe doing a version of Seattle with all the forests and mountains and rainy atmosphere would be a nice change.
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I used to love exploring the U.S. in Gta3, Vice City, San Andreas and Gta 4, but they could really change the setting. Just imagine Gta in Japan or in Germany. How different the game would be alone through another country.

In the leaks you could see that Gta 6 is set in the States again and I find it boring. And I know there was Gta London, but it was over 20 years ago. I think most people are happy that there is another Gta part after such a long time, but still they could change something in the series and bring new breath into it.


GTA: Tokyo would be awesome, I would love to see a game in Japan, it would be like GTA meets Shenmue and being able to go into the different prefectures would be super fun


GTA5 is probably the last GTA game that I will ever care about unless the next one will somehow blow away my expectations. This series has been stagnating for the past decade and I'm long past caring about it. I haven't even played through the story mode of Five more than once, back when the game originally came out on the PS3.


Rockstar can keep things fresh by actually exploring America. GTA Des Moines. GTA Peoria. GTA New Orleans. Meth has spread to all four corners of America. Anywhere is ripe for GTA.


Gold Member

GTA games come out once every 6 years so not sure how one can be tired of anything related to them.

GTA games are American stories. They lose much of their appeal if you take that away. The team has mastered American satire. It would be like forcing an artist to paint in a style they've never employed before.

Now what you COULD argue is the setting is getting stale. Maybe doing a version of Seattle with all the forests and mountains and rainy atmosphere would be a nice change.
I think that's more my problem. I've played through Gta 5 about 5-6 times, if not more, and hundreds of hours online.


Not really, I'm tired of them being in huge american cities though.

I think a medium sized town with every building accessible and better NPC behaviour could work well for GTA.


Japan would be a wasted opportunity since we already have Yakuza games galore.
Id be fine with another setting, but I doubt any of them would work as well.
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