I am actually a little concerned about the debt ceiling thing. It is unsettling to know that some of the most powerful people in the world are willing to pretend like they don't realize raising the debt ceiling is necessary so that they might pander to their constituency. They'll break before the deadline though...at least I hope.
Beyond that: I'm not sure how far back perpetual economic apocalypse goes, but as a 26-year-old I've heard my entire life that the economy is about the implode. And the rapture is about to happen. Or just the end is near in unspecific terms. Ya'll be really hungry for some societal collapse. Perhaps you're hoping for escape.
We've been in terrible debt before. We got out. Ironically, the state of the debt/surplus appears to have more to do with the state of the economy, rather than vice versa. We ran a surplus in the 90s, and we'll run one again. And then we'll run a huge debt and face imminent economic collapse, and then we'll run a surplus again. Or not, anything could happen at any time, but the world's best economists can't say that with any certainty, and you guys definitely can't.
THAT SAID, I don't have a car payment, my house payments are low because I have 30% equity in my home and refinanced, and I save a lot of money. I'll be as set as anyone in the middle class.