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Aren't you Pissed? US Election may be Postponed... Fight Back, Dammit!

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Okay, first things first here... I'm Canadian who reads the newspaper every day. That being said, I am here to present what I think is not an unreasonable rant about the situation in American Politics:

Today, Tom Ridge has said that a terror attack that occurs on Election day in November may give the Homeland Security the jurisdiction to delay the election. (src: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5411741/site/newsweek/) ... I am simply appalled at this. The US election has never been postponed, even as wars have been raged, and even as earthquakes have taken place. To even think that an election would be postponed should slap all of you living in America, and make you think about protesting your ass off to make sure that it should happen on schedule.

Democracy is at stake here, people.

What do you think of this situation? Argh, I almost feel sympathy for you guys with the lack of compassion your government gives towards its public.

Side Note: Fahrenheit 9/11 was released a couple weeks ago. I have still seen no discussion on the actual issues that have been released, just Moore's style. Don't you feel concerned that your government is cheating you?


They're not going to engineer an attack so they can change the date or whatever conspiracy you're thinking of. It's good that they have a backup plan.. because if something equivalent to September 11 happened on election day, a lot of people wouldn't vote and that would be bad. The whole process is to make sure the maximum number of people get their vote in.. I don't see how people are running around acting like this is some horrible injustice.


Looking for Pants
Motch said:
Side Note: Fahrenheit 9/11 was released a couple weeks ago. I have still seen no discussion on the actual issues that have been released, just Moore's style. Don't you feel concerned that your government is cheating you?

Don't you feel concerned that you're cheating us out of enjoying the OT!?
ChrisReid said:
They're not going to engineer an attack so they can change the date or whatever conspiracy you're thinking of. It's good that they have a backup plan.. because if something equivalent to September 11 happened on election day, a lot of people wouldn't vote and that would be bad. The whole process is to make sure the maximum number of people get their vote in.. I don't see how people are running around acting like this is some horrible injustice.

I don't understand this either. Its not like the vote is being changed if nothing happens. It's merely a measure to take just in case another september 11th happened on that day or the day before. Calm down.


There's nothing wrong with the idea, people should just watch out for the actual execution of it

ie. who's getting what power and what are the implications of that power
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