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Ariel cast in live action Little Mermaid Movie

Texas Pride

Ariel isn't real.

Tupac was.

Why is it when this topic comes up, someone always brings up a real person being played by another race.

Ariel is fictional.

Real or not they replaced a white character for black. Not into the semantics game here bcs it's the same. Goalpost moving is not gonna work here.
You just witnessed some Olympic levels of logic gymnastics. No one with common sense blames you for quitting.
The only logical gymnasitcs witnessed was the argument of "Real people need to be portrayed accurately.. but real people don't need to be portrayed accurately".

I provided examples and they weren't even confronted - just evaded.
Your response is hollow rhetoric and still doesn't address a single thing.

Outrage theatrics and endorsement of those that practice prejudice and hypocrisy are the easily identifiable flags by which societal grifters operate.
Do better.
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Will they make the prince black as well? Because i can see the usual suspects being mad about a white dude banging a black mermaid.


A black man with white woman, yes. But i don't remember seeing the opposite often.

Yeah there was that Ashton Kutcher movie like twelve years ago but that was the whole premise of the movie. Haven’t really seen that dynamic since then that I can remember.

I wonder why :pie_thinking: :pie_thinking: :pie_thinking:


Perpetually Offended
See, that's another misconception.

I am latino, but I'm white. There's a whole concept of latinos being tanned or whatever, but it's not a standard look at all :)

Oh I know. When I say "native" I'm talking about the people that were already on the land the Spanish invaded. Their descendants are what I call "native Latinos".

I've brought up "white Latinos" in here before. Somehow a lot of people (even African Americans) don't know that Afro-Latinos are a thing. Or Asian-Latinos. Or White-Jamaicans or Asian-Jamaicans, for that matter.

Race is so stupid but it's the world we live in. And for NOW, it's important to many. It's going to take a long time for people to get past skin color in micro and macro ways. Or until the resurrections if you believe in the Bible the way JWs explain it (which I do).
I really don't see conversations in the context of 'win' and 'lose'.
I've raised contextually valid points that have not been addressed - just evaded instead.

Rather than look at this exchange to better appreciate how such rhetoric perpetuates double-standards and prejudice, you've chosen to duck out of any sincere engagement and still choose to assert that I must be wrong regardless.

I'm sorry to say I recognise this behaviour all to well.

Actually, nope. You've once again made assumptions. I MADE my points and you made yours. You invalidated every point I made. I challenged your points and you challenged mine. I don't debate over things that aren't that important to me. My peace is more important than scoring points on a message board.

Oh, and the part about the hair smelling... That's a thing. Because my former coworker and his friends never washed their locks... Because it would undo the locks if they did. They had to use sprays to mask it. That's not to say black folks don't have smelly locks... Some do. I've smelled them. But they CAN wash them and keep their locks. That's not racist nor prejudiced. That's my observation.

Again, assumptions.


Perpetually Offended
She's from a Danish fairy tale and has always been depicted as white with long hair. She even has a statue in Copenhagen.

You have to admit that it's a bit scummy of Disney to race-swap a classic character for no reason other than "Look how progressive we are".

Honestly, I would have rather them used Ariana Grande if they were going to cast anyone.

I'd love them to actually make some African American or African tales based on our own myths and legends. Like the Dahomey warriors or John Henry or Anansi.

Make the Dahomey warriors even more mythic or legendary than they actually were! I'd love to see these types of movies!

But Disney and other studios would have to fund those because outside of Tyler Perry, independent black film makers can't produce and film these types.
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Perpetually Offended
Yeah there was that Ashton Kutcher movie like twelve years ago but that was the whole premise of the movie. Haven’t really seen that dynamic since then that I can remember.

I wonder why :pie_thinking: :pie_thinking: :pie_thinking:

Something New with Sana'a Lathan. That was another one. A Wrinkle in Time, also.

Boss Mog

What bothers me more than the fact that's she's black is the same thing that bothered me about about Emma Watson as Belle, she's not pretty enough to be playing a Disney princess.

If they wanted "diversity" they should've used Nancy from MOMOLAND, she looks and sounds the part and can even sing the songs:

She also has died her hair bright red before:

She also has more ass than the black girl, just sayin'...


What bothers me more than the fact that's she's black is the same thing that bothered me about about Emma Watson as Belle, she's not pretty enough to be playing a Disney princess.

If they wanted "diversity" they should've used Nancy from MOMOLAND, she looks and sounds the part and can even sing the songs:

She also has died her hair bright red before:

She also has more ass than the black girl, just sayin'...

>not pretty enough
>posts some random asian girl that looks just like all the other idols white nerds obsess over
yeah she aint pretty either fam

Boss Mog

>not pretty enough
>posts some random asian girl that looks just like all the other idols white nerds obsess over
yeah she aint pretty either fam
You're free to have shit taste but I think most people would pick her over that "random" black girl.
...I don't debate over things that aren't that important to me. My peace is more important than scoring points on a message board.

You stopped debating curiously at the same time you defeated your own point about accuracy mattering/not mattering.
It really mattered to you - right up until you decided it arbitrarily didn't matter any more. :unsure:

As for assumptions?
Sure. I assume 2+2=4.

Oh, and the part about the hair smelling... That's a thing. Because my former coworker and his friends never washed their locks... Because it would undo the locks if they did. They had to use sprays to mask it. That's not to say black folks don't have smelly locks... Some do. I've smelled them. But they CAN wash them and keep their locks. That's not racist nor prejudiced. That's my observation.

Again, assumptions.
Again, anecdotal.
And again generalising on race (I'm being tactful).

I'd like to be sure you'd be just as understanding of such rhetoric when racial generalisations are made by others elsewhere.
But going on what I've witnessed here, I won't be holding my breath.
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Perpetually Offended
You stopped debating curiously at the same time you defeated your own point about accuracy mattering/not mattering.
It really mattered to you - right up until you decided it arbitrarily didn't matter any more. :unsure:

As for assumptions?
Sure. I assume 2+2=4.

Again, anecdotal.
And again generalising on race (I'm being tactful).

I'd like to be sure you'd be just as understanding of such rhetoric when racial generalisations are made by others elsewhere.
But going on what I've witnessed here, I won't be holding my breath.

Ok, last time on this.

You are being pedantic about "realism" in biopics. Of course they can't get everything 100% accurately... It would be a snorefest! They inject some fiction to make the movie (and the historical figures lives) more exciting or more dramatic. They were people who lived human lives.

That doesn't change the fact that the majority of what is in the biopic (like Schindler's List or The Tuskegee Airmen) is largely truthful.

So your assertion that because the biopic isn't 100% accurate, that that means they can have a white Dr. King or Tupac is monumentally illogical and Intellectually dishonest!

"They got this and that wrong in this biopic, therefore it's all fake and we should have a European Jesus, black Hitler and Korean Dr. King!"


And my example of my ex co-worker? Yes that was anecdotal. Where did I imply that it wasn't? It wasn't implied nor inferred. I even said that what I said was based on what I had observed. Did you see any charts or graphs?

2 Questions: do you know anyone (no matter the color) with locks? Have you observed how they took care of them?


A lot of you guys are just racist... And talking about this woman's hair, saying it looks like shit just reminds me of how racist white people talked about our cultural hairstyles as if they were below some standard. You lot are disgusting.

Yeah well I'm black and I think she looks like fucking michael jackson with shit hanging off his head, come at me bro


As a person of color(d hair). I am about to throw up. What a complete lack of disrespect.
Also I didn't want to go there but now they are asking for it...…..Its war!


*Before you call me out remember I have red hair and literally can't go outside when the sun is out.
A lot of you guys are just racist... And talking about this woman's hair, saying it looks like shit just reminds me of how racist white people talked about our cultural hairstyles as if they were below some standard. You lot are disgusting.

on a scale from 10-10 how racist am i

Concerned about realism in little mermaid?

Yeah I’m sure that’s why you don’t like seeing a black mermaid.... surreeeeeee

you can answer the question above too if youd like
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They will just keep doing this, kinda like they ruined the new star wars with feminist BS. The sooner we get to a society where race and sexual orientation are trivial, the sooner we'll stop having forced diversity and outrage threads.
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