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ARMS |OT| (’-‘)-------------


It lasts until you are knocked down, unlimited punches.

Kick interrupts throws I'm pretty sure, though I'm not in front of my game to double check.

Edit: beaten like a throw spamming ninjara v. Min min

Heh, Ninjara was what stopped my Grand Prix attempt with Min Min dead in his tracks.

I did very well with Ninjara, more perfect matches than any other character and only had problem with B-Ball (as it was my first time). Can't make Min-Min happen, but if she had a regular boxing glove as an option, i think it could work (god bless anybody who can get any mileage out of those dragons).


My plan's to do GP3 with 6 characters (to knock out the 4 that i'm worst with), and then do GP4 with 3 characters (to reduce it to a manageable stable of mains). Right now i've gotten Mechanica, Twintelle, Ninjara, and Master Mummy, and failed with Min Min, Spring Man, Ribbon Girl, and Kid Cobra, so either i make it work with Helix and Byte, or i have to try one of the others again.

I had an easy time with Max Brass with everyone except Mechanica, and Twintelle's given me trouble every time i wasn't using her. Usually do bad in the first fight or two also while i'm getting a hang of things.

Actually managed to tie one of my Target Smash rounds as Ninjara.


Heh, Ninjara was what stopped my Grand Prix attempt with Min Min dead in his tracks.

I did very well with Ninjara, more perfect matches than any other character and only had problem with B-Ball (as it was my first time). Can't make Min-Min happen, but if she had a regular boxing glove as an option, i think it could work (god bless anybody who can get any mileage out of those dragons).

Dragon is a pretty good tool in stalling in b-ball minigame. Play keep-away with dragon lasers, avoid getting grabbed, build up a meter then go for a rush. If it connects, that's guaranteed 3 points. You can win by time out that way without even doing a grab.


Damn, I thought freezing the player with Chillas or Ice Dragons stopped them not only from moving but also from turning, I was wrong on that. I guess its because they try to skake the ice effect off from wiggling the stick and jumping to reduce the freeze time, that doing so keeps them locked facing forward.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Hey Hawkian are you going to flip out like this for Splatoon 2? I just want to be prepared. :p
I doubt it, I'm not sure how much Splatoon appeals to me or how much there is to it; from what I hear it's kind of a known quantity and supposed to be great. With this I didn't expect much of anything and was very impressed.

Sorry though, I'll pipe down.


I doubt it, I'm not sure how much Splatoon appeals to me or how much there is to it; from what I hear it's kind of a known quantity and supposed to be great. With this I didn't expect much of anything and was very impressed.

Sorry though, I'll pipe down.
No, please don't! I meant the opposite- if you think this is bright and refreshing, wait 'til you play Splatoon. Would be great to have your enthusiasm on board.


ARMS now #39 most sold videogame item in the year so far (Amazon US). Next to beat: Nier Automata.

(Great pre-orders for Odyssey, sitting at #29 right now!)
FINALLY made it to rank 15, now I need to destress. Eventually I'll come back and try to fill the bar to the top to see if 15 is the max or if there's a 16.

Regardless for those wondering 9 is tornado, 10 is whirlpool (or vice versa), 11 is hurricane, 12 is cyclone (though these I'm not having much memory of)

I know for a fact 13 14 and 15 are Solar Flare, Galaxy, and Supernova respectively.

Edit: Wait rank 12 is Aurora, 11 is cyclone, 10 is hurricane, 9 is tornado, and 8 is whirlpool I believe.


Neo Member
Feel like I had a major breakthrough on the gameplay last night. Switched entirely to a defensive Ribbon Girl who never throws a first punch and pretty much cake walked through GP 5. Went online Ranked afterwards and won 4 matches in a row.


The Cryptarch's Bane
No, please don't! I meant the opposite- if you think this is bright and refreshing, wait 'til you play Splatoon. Would be great to have your enthusiasm on board.
:) I'll definitely look into it- I am really kinda digging the idea of having a bunch of these fun multiplayer games on deck stored on the Switch. I really had a blast at the meetup last night and I imagine those guys will get Splatoon 2.
Any USB to ethernet adapter should work.

edit - beat
Does the switch have USB 3.0?


I went on a real winning streak in rank 8 today, from the bottom to one match away from rank 9, which I lost vs double Seekie B&B (one of thise games where Barq always hit me at the worst times). Feels nice tho, I want to fight better and better opponents!


Currently, I'm at ranked 7 (not that means anything at this point, the skill variance is all over the place). Mains: 1. Min Min, 2. Twintelle, 3. Spring Man.

I've been having a lot of fun, trying out different arms with each character is oddly satisfying. I'll probably join you guys eventually.


Can someone explain to me why I suck so bad at getting arms in the minigame? I get at least 2 sometimes 3 on the short timer but I saved up for the 200 spot and only got 12. What is ridiculous is I felt like I was clipping right along. Got every timer extension and glove that I could. Please tell the secret to getting 20 easily.
Can someone explain to me why I suck so bad at getting arms in the minigame? I get at least 2 sometimes 3 on the short timer but I saved up for the 200 spot and only got 12. What is ridiculous is I felt like I was clipping right along. Got every timer extension and glove that I could. Please tell the secret to getting 20 easily.

The higher your score the more clocks and arms. Essentially you'll want to make sure one punch hits many targets and if there are remaining targets that the following punch is delivered just as the first ends to continue the score combo.

The max I could do was like 11,440 and I think around 30-ish arms


Can someone explain to me why I suck so bad at getting arms in the minigame? I get at least 2 sometimes 3 on the short timer but I saved up for the 200 spot and only got 12. What is ridiculous is I felt like I was clipping right along. Got every timer extension and glove that I could. Please tell the secret to getting 20 easily.

Trigger both your arms to hit multiple targets at once. The higher the score, the higher the chance of gift box spawn. Something around 5k to 6k spawns at least 20 boxes.


I am pretty bad at the game I think, around rank 6 and only good with one character - but can I join a GAF lobby? I want to play with you guys for a bit. Do I need to add anyone by friend code?
Had a hell of a run today winning multiple 1vs1vs1 matches and narrowing in on what character and arms combo i feel comfortable with. Game is great when you make marginal improvements to your game.


Can Kid Cobra's slide go under standing grabs? Tried to slide under one but it hit me. Don't know if it was due to lag or not.


The Slapamander ARM can die in a fire. There was a player in the party mode lobby I was in last night, and I could not get the upper hand on them. It seemed like it didn't matter how far away I was, that damn thing could hit me. The only relief I got was when it was a 2-v-2 battle and they happened to be on my team. After losing to them in two 1-v-1's, I basically just stood still and let them wail on me whenever I ran into them again.


I gave in today and bought ARMS. Any tips for someone that really sucks at these kind of games?

Start at low difficulty in Grand Prix. Try out the different Training modes. Try the Party Mode, minigames help you practise different stuff. And then try and beat Grand Prix lvl 4 to unlock ranked.
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