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army of two 3: mexico unofficial |OT| thread


I guess I am a horrible person because I liked the first game. It wasnt great but with a friend it was a decent romp through and the *smirk* ending. Then there was the sequel that did nothing to improve the franchise and infact get worse in some ways and now this thing exists.

Its basically in Call of Juarez Cartel mode right now. Noone knows what they are doing. "OMG THE FIRST ONE SOLD MILLIONS HOW DO WE KEEP THAT GOING" it was a fluke people were bored and bought something new. That isnt happening now until the next generation.
There's an early walkthrough on Youtube. 23 parts, 15 minutes per (give or take a few vids) = under 5.75 hours.

Also, I noticed in the intro credits, Danger Close Games (I know their Warfighter used Frostbite) is credited. I wonder what they helped with.
Me and my friend digs this series because it's a pretty fun co-op straight shoot em up bros games. But I'm not sure if I'm willing to drop $60 on this.
you have to preorder to play as Big Boi FYI

Damn, these guys are playing hardball.

Well, you got me, Visceral Games



holy shit, is that logo for the game real? hahaha that's both genius and completely and utterly terrible at the same time.
I guess I am a horrible person because I liked the first game. It wasnt great but with a friend it was a decent romp through and the *smirk* ending. Then there was the sequel that did nothing to improve the franchise and infact get worse in some ways and now this thing exists.

Its basically in Call of Juarez Cartel -

Ugh. UGH

I have always found AoT series pretty boring after getting a chance to play the first. However, when I heard this would involve Mexican cartels, I was moderately interested in seeing whether they'd touch on real-world issues in a sorta reasonable/enlightening way alongside your usual dudebro shooter fare, sort of like how Spec Ops: The Line made itself worth playing by how it contextualized its straightforward gameplay.

Then I remembered thinking the same about CoJ: The Cartel. Never again. I always refer people to this episode of Extra Credits if they don't know about the crap that game pulled.


I played the demo expecting it to be bad, but the gunplay and cover was actually pretty badass. Will buy and fuck shit up with a bro.
Ive played the demo and its pretty decent, its a really short demo. for me id rather they had stayed on UDK rather than jump to frostbite as some of the controls are different and unpolished. Turning and aiming is slow as fuck but hopefully you can change it in the options in the final game. The ui for the game at times can also be a bit too much at times, so much stuff on your screen you can't tell whats what. Its not bad especially playing split screen co-op


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Whoa, biggest stealth release ever? Man, this is going to be >$30 in less than a month, easily. Who is doing the marketing for this, cause they really dropped the ball. I haven't seen one ad, period. Not on youtube, tv, comics, billboards. Nothing. Zero.


aka Mannny
Whoa, biggest stealth release ever? Man, this is going to be >$30 in less than a month, easily. Who is doing the marketing for this, cause they really dropped the ball. I haven't seen one ad, period. Not on youtube, tv, comics, billboards. Nothing. Zero.
Blame is doing the marketing apparently....


I'm probably going to get it on PC. I'm interested in what the third game in this heavily criticised series is like.
I actually really liked the first game. This doesn't look much like the first game and that makes me sad. Also games set in Mexico are generally not good. I hope that doesn't make me sound racist, Mexico is a fine country in real life, but in video games it just never works out. See: Rainbow Six Vegas (starts off in Mexico, horrible beginning of a game), Red Dead Redemption (most tedious part of the game is in Mexico.)

A big part of the appeal of the first game for me was the aggro system (gone here because apparently it made the game too different from other shooters). Another big part of the appeal was going all over the world doing missions (also gone here, probably because its harder to reuse assets if you set the game in more than one environment).


The biggest question for me is: Does Army of Two III have an online pass that is needed for online coop?

I was really surprised by the first Army of Two and liked it more than the first Gears of War. But somehow they dropped the ball with the second Army of Two. But it was still good fun if you played in coop.

Did EA ever justified their decision? They were trying to make a franchise and build a name here, for fucks sakes (at least that's what I like to think). Why would they simply discard the protagonists of both game and THROW RANDOM DUDES at you?

Goddamn, people can't think straight, it seems.

Isn't Devil's Cartel a reboot because they couldn't continue with Rio and Salem after the ending of the second game?

There's nothing here. Nothing. It doesn't even look mindlessly fun. I'm currently watching the Cinemax series "Strike Back," and every episode is like the broest of all bro co-op shooters. Having a high quality videogame version of that would be so badass. This just looks bland as all hell. And within one <10 minute gameplay section there's already the patented "Shooter Game Armored Brute" enemy and a turret section. Wow. Inventive stuff there.


Maxis Redwood
He works at the other Visceral Santa Monica. The one that makes Dead Space. The one that is in the United States instead of Canada.

The devs of Army of One Two Three is Visceral Montreal.

I think you've got your cities mixed up.

Anyway, am I the only one disappointed that they still refuse to add stuffing tampons into bullet wounds to stop bleeding?
I'm usually pretty good with keeping up on video game releases, but holy shit, this comes out on Tuesday? This game completely slipped past me.

Kydd BlaZe

The marketing for this game so far has been HILARIOUSLY bad. I'll still rent it though. I've played through the first two games with my co-op bro, so I kind of feel obligated to trudge through this shit in co-op as well.
Aggro is gone? Seriously?

So whats left? Back-to-back and co-op door opening?
Actually I just read in a preview it was still there but I could have sworn I read somewhere else it was gone. Hmm

Edit: I guess they just took away any visual notification of who was aggro'ing and who was stealthing. Which was a big part of the fun.


Games with better everything when compared to Army of Two: Electric DookieDoo




Sonic Shuffle

24: The Videogame

Based on the demo, AoT Electric DookieDoo is more lackluster than all these games, Sonic Shuffle is more engaging and entertaining than Electric DookieDoo.
Kill.switch was so awesome at the time.

Somehow the way your guy positioned himself jauntily behind cover in that game was better than the way your guy positions himself every single cover based shooter this generation. Except maybe Vanquish.


Kill.switch was so awesome at the time.

Somehow the way your guy positioned himself jauntily behind cover in that game was better than the way your guy positions himself every single cover based shooter this generation. Except maybe Vanquish.

It really does beat AoT: Mexico Brohood in almost every category, the latest AoT feels like a PS2 game and even looks like one.


My brother and I are playing through the second one and are having fun with it. We tried the first one but thought it was ass due to the controls. That, and the weapon system in this one is a ton better. Probably aren't going to get this one, I could see this style becoming stale if nothing was improved.


Isn't Devil's Cartel a reboot because they couldn't continue with Rio and Salem after the ending of the second game?
Ah, only played the first one so I didn't knew... Just watched the ending on YouTube and geez that sacked so hard I could barely watch. Really lame '' consequences '' system and th ending must have felt soooo unsatisfying for the player. Can't imagine why they would make such a stupid move and shoot themselves in the foot.
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